Speak to probable/possible Domestic Rioting/Anarchy/Destruction in NOVEMBER 2024

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
NOTE: This is "NOT" political. YES, I agree the rioting/anarchy/destruction/civil unrest "MIGHT" I repeat "MIGHT" be triggered by some political event, the outcome of said event "MIGHT" piss some off. But think of this thread not as the "trigger event". But rumors you hear or read, or spray painted on walls, etc.

For example: Recently FBI arrested some guy plotting a terroristic event in early November. He claimed it was to be on behalf of ISIS. It is the "Rumors" the reports, the gossip about possible rioting/anarchy/civil unrest/general destruction, etc. in the next 30 to50 days that I am wanting to be on-top of, aware of. It could event include domestic terroristic sleeping cells awakening.

NOT Political........Just pending violence/anarchy.
So You are Expecting "domestic terroristic sleeping cells awakening." and they will have No Political Aspirations...?!?
I'm not expecting anything in my area. Nothing happens here anyway. We like it that way. I do not see either side doing anything except venting mean posts on Twitter. I see none of the normal indicators of pending revolution or coups. The population will submit to whoever ends up on top. That doesn't mean things can't change or that long standing animosities will go away. Just the lid won't blow off. Probably.

That doesn't mean we will be unprepared. We will be making our bi-annual errand run to Vegas next week. That will top our freezers and wine cellar before the election. I intend to keep our pantry at 100% or above into spring, adjusting as needed. We plan to avoid vacationing in DC. ;) :D
A natural domestic riot, I seriously doubt it , a ginned up one to cause unrest probably, but who knows
If Trump wins I expect anarchist rioting in the usual liberal enclaves - Portland, Seattle, etc.
If Harris wins I expect Islamic uprisings in places like Milwaukee and Dearborn.
I don't "expect" anything.

I do wonder about the thousands of military aged single men we let into the country crossing the Rio Grande over the past few years...and if they get firearms in the US, I fear a US version of the October 7 attacks...house to house in suburbia. It is the next obvious thing for ISIS-types to pull over here in the US.

I intend to stay away from large crowds, but such an attack would not involve large crowds.
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Well, I strongly suggest no one take a peaceful guided tour of any government building. A few months later someone may declare you a terrorist and throw you in prison. Of course anyone who involves themselves in actual domestic rioting will be set free and coddled as victims.
I was scrolling through videos and I came across this tough cookie from NY who is enraged over the mistreatment of the folks in North Carolina. I've been reading comments beneath videos and articles and Americans are livid. I think that we're getting pretty close to the tipping point. I've felt something coming, but I just don't know what.

Warning: Don't watch this if cursing bothers you. But people are angry, and it's obvious why:

If Trump wins I expect anarchist rioting in the usual liberal enclaves - Portland, Seattle, etc.
If Harris wins I expect Islamic uprisings in places like Milwaukee and Dearborn.
I agree with that.
Either way November goes, there will be bloodshed. :(
Too many people, fired up too much, on both sides.
I expect widespread wailing and gnashing of teeth from liberals, and belly laughs from conservatives - if Harris loses.

I expect general sadness but respectable demeanor from conservatives, and celebratory genital amputations from liberals - if Harris wins.

I expect that however good or bad this election turns out, the US will remain standing. There may be some minor fights between the stupid people (both liberals and conservatives), but I don't think the intelligent people are going to get into a civil war over this election's results. Despite the idiotic rhetoric, democracy is not in danger. The farther the pendulum swings in one direction, the harder it slams back in the other direction later. It's always been this way, and it will continue being this way.
To my knowledge there has never been rioting in Alaska.

There is a shocking amount of murder in Anchorage, Alaska. In fact, there is a high murder rate in Alaska........Period.
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If Trump is allowed to win, I expect riots and anarchy from the leftists to be a real issue. Avoid crowds.
When Trump wins, I expect to see the normal whiney "celebrities" threatening to leave the US, but they never do. The dems may bus in some of their thugs to burn and loot some of the usual blue cities, some ghetto dwellers may use it as an opportunity to steal flat screen TVs and tennis shoes. But that's about it.
nothing going to happen where we live. 99% of election signs I see here are for Trump. If he wins by some miracle, fine. If she wins, people are not going to do anything around here, what could they do? Burn the neighbors farm down that also has a Trump sign in it? Not likely
More worried about daughter and granddaughter in Norfolk, but worst case she can just stay on base I suppose that is her plan if something goes wrong.

Our biggest concern is what happens after. What inflation will do , WW3 going hot for real , more restrictive and horrible EPA rules . Do you guys realize if she wins, your electric bills will probably triple because of the new energy law Bidem is trying to pass now, that will basically shut down all coal power plants? This is real and huge thing. Trump tax cuts will expire next year, if she wins, you will without a doubt pay more taxes. So if she wins everyone's standard of living will go down even further. Pretty soon the illegals are not even going to want to come here!
Las Vegas has been pretty quiet. Some protesting but with Metro, County, State and the Federal Marshals I really don't see a big event but who knows? If Trump wins I'm sure Antifa and other hate groups will get going and cause stuff except in Texas. Texas has shown Antifa and others how they deal with poopy heads. I agree these groups will do their thing in blue areas where they can get away with it along with the Palestine chicken chokers. If it were me I'd round up anyone wearing or displaying a Palestine flag or marker, like the wrap or headwear, and send them, Americans as well, to an Islamic, Muslim country. You want to align yourself to a Foreign terrorist nation and decry how bad the U.S. is then bye bye. I think if Comrade Harris wins we're in for more of the same and probly worse as the Dems tighten the noose. I recently saw 10 million pounds of meat recalled. Fruit and vegetables being recalled. I have never seen this amount of recalls as I have the last three years. If the Dems get their way it's crickets and grasshoppers for dinner.

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