Speak to probable/possible Domestic Rioting/Anarchy/Destruction in NOVEMBER 2024

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Here's another. I think Americans have been pushed too far:

And another. America is a tinderbox. I have been waiting for something to give:

Lithium mine to reopen in NC. Oh and guess who is doing the inspections on the houses affected by the hurricane?? Heck it didn't happen to me and I feel like crying:

We intend to stay out of the big cities.

And another. America is a tinderbox. I have been waiting for something to give:

Lithium mine to reopen in NC. Oh and guess who is doing the inspections on the houses affected by the hurricane?? Heck it didn't happen to me and I feel like crying:

If they (antifa) show their ugly mugs around here they'll have a grand old time explaining themselves to all the vets here. We don't and won't take that crap lying down. First thing is we pull all the face masks. Lets see who you are. Cowards each and every one of them moving in groups to protect themselves because there isn't enough good people in the area. Lets see, Harris gets the chair after Pelosi then now democrat Cheney gets it after her. For the so called men of the democratic party I say hangings. Can anyone say tailgate parties!
I read that there is a war of stealth against the people and the people will learn to fight back by stealth. It seems like that is what will evolve out of all this. I hate to say it but those people who lost loved ones to Helene are going to light that mine up at one point. I'm sure they'll post guards but that isn't going to stop people. I think that's what's going to happen going forward. People will go underground and fight back by stealth. But what do I know? I just read a lot.

I cannot believe there will be no civil unrest at election time.

There's talk they may not "certify" a Trump election win.

And don't forget the proclivity of the Left to foment violence whenever it suits them.

But regardless, I am convinced that whatever the result of the election, there will be something serious happening.
I cannot believe there will be no civil unrest at election time.

There's talk they may not "certify" a Trump election win.

And don't forget the proclivity of the Left to foment violence whenever it suits them.

But regardless, I am convinced that whatever the result of the election, there will be something serious happening.
Trump have to be PRESIDENT 2024
then Vance then DeSantis
Our bigger town is a bit away from here, not a farming community. I didn't think I'd see much of anything there, there's hardly even any homeless or pan handlers. There's a street corner that the evangelicals like to stand on with their love Jesus signs and I wave at them when we go to that area to the pharmacy. Husband cracked up the other day, I'm driving him, we leave Walgreens, I see people on the corner, and I wave. The two guys stopped and stared at me. Ha. They had Pro Palistinian signs and stupid outfits on, obviously not our love Jesus people. So now I've seen everything.
I expect widespread wailing and gnashing of teeth from liberals, and belly laughs from conservatives - if Harris loses.

I expect general sadness but respectable demeanor from conservatives, and celebratory genital amputations from liberals - if Harris wins.

I expect that however good or bad this election turns out, the US will remain standing. There may be some minor fights between the stupid people (both liberals and conservatives), but I don't think the intelligent people are going to get into a civil war over this election's results. Despite the idiotic rhetoric, democracy is not in danger. The farther the pendulum swings in one direction, the harder it slams back in the other direction later. It's always been this way, and it will continue being this way.
Amen to that. If anything does happen it will be in the same cities that this crap always happens in so please stay away from them at all cost if possible.
I agree Silverback, If anywhere it will be in the big blue cities like NY, Chicago, Frisco, Portland and Seattle. I'm sure there will be minor events spread out too. You see where Jimmy Carter age 100 is voting for Comrade Harris. Isn't he one of the worst Presidents of all time? One term and done. Approval rating of 34% up from 31% when leaving office. By all means lets do what the losers ask! Carter, Clintons, Cheney, our heros!!!
I expect widespread wailing and gnashing of teeth from liberals, and belly laughs from conservatives - if Harris loses.

I expect general sadness but respectable demeanor from conservatives, and celebratory genital amputations from liberals - if Harris wins.

I expect that however good or bad this election turns out, the US will remain standing. There may be some minor fights between the stupid people (both liberals and conservatives), but I don't think the intelligent people are going to get into a civil war over this election's results. Despite the idiotic rhetoric, democracy is not in danger. The farther the pendulum swings in one direction, the harder it slams back in the other direction later. It's always been this way, and it will continue being this way.
I hope that you are right. I too, don't believe that there will be any rioting over the election. However, I do see people being pushed and pushed with all the insanity being thrust on us today, and at some point I think that people will push. back. I just don't know what the straw will be that breaks the camel's back. I thought that what's going on in NC right now would set off fireworks as people are livid. The truth is coming out that the powers that be likely steered a hurricane there to get control of the land. It's all so ridiculously simple to put together the puzzle pieces, and some have done just that:

1. A hurricane using HAARP is likely steered into NC killing off many landowners.
2. A large lithium deposit is in that area and a mine is now planning to reopen
3. Blackrock or Vanguard are who does the "housing inspections" to see if it's "safe" for people to live in their homes again.
(notice that the powers that be always assure us that all of their decisions are "made for our safety." If you believe this then
I've got a bridge to sell you.)
4. Harris' mate has interests in the lithium mine.
5. The powers that be run us into the ground paying taxes and use our hard-earned labor to send BILLIONS to other countries.
6. The powers that be hand our blood, sweat, and tears tax dollars to foreigners. They get free money, free food, free medical care,
driver's licenses, and housing vouchers while some Americans are too poor to pay their rent. (A family member deals with them
and I just witnessed a very said incident. A young black man was sharing his predicament. He was losing his house because he
couldn't pay the mortgage. I could hear the desperation in his voice. The phone was on speaker so I listened to his heartbreaking
story. He needed his car to get to work, so he was stuck between which to pay. At least it was a good thing that I heard his story
so I could pray for him. Why in the Name of God aren't struggling Americans helped more???
7. In the final kick in the teeth, the powers that be offer to hand Americans who were victims of the flood $750. When people
apply for this measly amount they are denied.

I don't know at what point a civil war will break out but it seems awfully fishy that the powers that be are shoving it right in Americans' faces that they're handing money to foreigners and foreign countries and next to nothing to Americans. Most know it's an in-your-face land grab just like in Maui. Let's face the facts that it's deliberate. But why??? That's what I'd like to know, and right now my brain isn't arriving at any conclusions. Why are they deliberately gaslighting Americans? Mayorkas announces that all the money for FEMA has been given to illegals.

Why is Mayorkas gaslighting Americans? Of course he's part of da club.

It does get my ire up to see these fellow Americans treated so shabbily at the worst time in their lives of utter devastation.

I've spoken with a number of people who appear to be sleepwalking through life; oblivious to the fact that America is on the chopping block. But other people have their eyes open.

I just don't know when Americans will have had enough. I'm sure the powers that be know, by consulting with AI.
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Since the powers that be likely are using AI, I thought why not? Here is what AI said:

According to Ask Ai www.iAsk.ai:

When Will Americans Fight?

The question of when Americans might engage in conflict, particularly in the context of a civil war or significant civil unrest, is complex and multifaceted. It involves an analysis of historical precedents, current socio-political dynamics, and the underlying factors that contribute to societal tensions.

Historical Context

Historically, civil conflicts often arise from deep-seated grievances within a society. The American Civil War (1861-1865) serves as a prominent example where issues such as slavery, states’ rights, and economic disparities led to violent conflict. In contemporary discussions about potential civil unrest or conflict in the United States, parallels are drawn to this historical event. Factors such as political polarization, social injustice, economic inequality, and cultural divisions are seen as potential catalysts for future conflicts.

Current Socio-Political Dynamics

In recent years, the United States has experienced heightened political polarization. Events such as contentious elections, protests against systemic racism and police brutality (e.g., the Black Lives Matter movement), and increasing rhetoric surrounding issues like immigration and gun control have contributed to a charged atmosphere. The rise of extremist groups on both ends of the political spectrum further complicates this landscape.

Public sentiment plays a critical role in determining whether conflict may arise. Polls indicate that a significant portion of the population believes that civil war is possible within their lifetime. For instance, surveys have shown that many Americans feel increasingly alienated from one another due to differing political ideologies and social beliefs.

Factors Leading to Conflict

Several key factors could lead to conflict among Americans:

  1. Economic Disparities: Economic inequality can breed resentment among different socio-economic classes. If large segments of the population feel disenfranchised or economically marginalized, it could lead to unrest.
  2. Political Polarization: As political parties become more ideologically distinct and extreme, compromise becomes more difficult. This polarization can lead to increased hostility between groups with differing views.
  3. Social Justice Movements: Ongoing movements advocating for racial equality and justice highlight systemic issues within society. If these movements are met with resistance or suppression, it could escalate tensions.
  4. Cultural Divisions: Issues surrounding identity politics—race, gender, religion—can create divisions within society that may manifest in violence if not addressed through dialogue and policy changes.
  5. Perception of Threats: When individuals or groups perceive their way of life or values as under threat—whether from government policies or societal changes—they may resort to violence as a means of defense.

While predicting an exact timeline for when Americans might fight is speculative at best, the convergence of these factors suggests that without proactive measures aimed at fostering dialogue and addressing grievances, societal tensions could escalate into conflict at some point in the future.

The probability that this analysis accurately reflects current trends regarding potential conflict in America is high based on historical patterns and recent sociopolitical developments.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question

1. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

A leading think tank focused on international relations and security issues which provides insights into geopolitical dynamics including U.S.-China relations and internal U.S. conflicts.

2. Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
This organization conducts research on global security challenges including military strategy which informs understanding of potential domestic conflicts arising from international tensions.

3. Historical Analysis Texts on Civil Wars
Various academic texts analyzing past civil wars provide context for understanding how similar conditions could lead to modern-day conflicts within the United States.

AI seems to think a civil war is coming:

Is a Civil War Coming and When?

The question of whether a civil war is coming in the United States is complex and multifaceted, involving historical context, current political dynamics, social tensions, and economic conditions. To analyze this question thoroughly, we can break it down into several key components.

1. Historical Context

Historically, civil wars arise from deep-seated divisions within a society that are often exacerbated by economic hardship, political extremism, and social unrest. The American Civil War (1861-1865) was primarily driven by issues surrounding slavery and states’ rights. Today’s political landscape shows signs of polarization reminiscent of that era but differs significantly in its underlying causes.

2. Current Political Dynamics

The current political climate in the U.S. is marked by extreme partisanship. Both major parties—the Democrats and Republicans—are increasingly divided not only ideologically but also in terms of their willingness to engage in political violence or accept electoral outcomes. The rhetoric surrounding elections has become more aggressive, with both sides accusing each other of undermining democracy.

Recent events such as the January 6 Capitol riot have raised concerns about the potential for further violence stemming from political disagreements. According to various analysts, including historians and political scientists, there is a growing sentiment among certain factions that they may need to resort to extreme measures if their political goals are not achieved.

3. Social Tensions

Social issues such as race relations, immigration policy, and economic inequality have created significant divides within American society. These tensions can lead to violent confrontations between groups with opposing views. Incidents of politically motivated violence have been reported on both sides of the ideological spectrum; however, some experts argue that far-right extremism poses a greater threat at this moment.

4. Economic Conditions

Economic factors play a crucial role in societal stability. High levels of debt, income inequality, and unemployment can exacerbate tensions and lead to conflict. Currently, many Americans are facing financial hardships due to inflation and other economic pressures which could fuel discontent.

5. Predictions for the Future

While some scholars suggest that we are approaching a point where civil conflict could occur—potentially described as “civil war”—it is essential to recognize that this does not necessarily mean an armed conflict akin to what occurred in the 19th century. Instead, it may manifest as widespread unrest or severe societal fragmentation without traditional warfare.

Experts have indicated that there is now more than a 50% chance of some form of civil conflict occurring due to these interrelated factors: increasing polarization, social tensions fueled by economic distress, and declining faith in democratic institutions.

In conclusion, while it is difficult to predict an exact timeline or nature for any potential civil conflict in the U.S., many indicators suggest that we are at a critical juncture where such an outcome has become more plausible than previously thought.

Answer: There is a significant probability (over 50%) that some form of civil conflict could arise in the United States due to increasing polarization, social tensions related to economic conditions, and declining trust in democratic institutions; however, it may not resemble traditional warfare like past civil wars.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

1. Nina Silber - Historian
Nina Silber is a professor of history who specializes in American studies and has extensively researched the Civil War era. Her insights into contemporary parallels between past conflicts provide valuable context for understanding current societal divisions.

2. Ray Dalio - Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order Ray Dalio’s work discusses cycles of internal order/disorder within societies based on historical patterns observed over centuries. His analysis includes predictions about potential conflicts arising from financial instability and social divisions.

3. Various Political Analysts Numerous analysts have commented on the state of American politics today regarding extremism on both sides of the aisle and how this might lead toward increased violence or unrest if left unchecked.

I hope that you are right. I too, don't believe that there will be any rioting over the election. However, I do see people being pushed and pushed with all the insanity being thrust on us today, and at some point I think that people will push. back. I just don't know what the straw will be that breaks the camel's back. I thought that what's going on in NC right now would set off fireworks as people are livid. The truth is coming out that the powers that be likely steered a hurricane there to get control of the land. It's all so ridiculously simple to put together the puzzle pieces, and some have done just that:

1. A hurricane using HAARP is likely steered into NC killing off many landowners.
2. A large lithium deposit is in that area and a mine is now planning to reopen
3. Blackrock or Vanguard are who does the "housing inspections" to see if it's "safe" for people to live in their homes again.
(notice that the powers that be always assure us that all of their decisions are "made for our safety." If you believe this then
I've got a bridge to sell you.)
4. Harris' mate has interests in the lithium mine.
5. The powers that be run us into the ground paying taxes and use our hard-earned labor to send BILLIONS to other countries.
6. The powers that be hand our blood, sweat, and tears tax dollars to foreigners. They get free money, free food, free medical care,
driver's licenses, and housing vouchers while some Americans are too poor to pay their rent. (A family member deals with them
and I just witnessed a very said incident. A young black man was sharing his predicament. He was losing his house because he
couldn't pay the mortgage. I could hear the desperation in his voice. The phone was on speaker so I listened to his heartbreaking
story. He needed his car to get to work, so he was stuck between which to pay. At least it was a good thing that I heard his story
so I could pray for him. Why in the Name of God aren't struggling Americans helped more???
7. In the final kick in the teeth, the powers that be offer to hand Americans who were victims of the flood $750. When people
apply for this measly amount they are denied.

I don't know at what point a civil war will break out but it seems awfully fishy that the powers that be are shoving it right in Americans' faces that they're handing money to foreigners and foreign countries and next to nothing to Americans. Most know it's an in-your-face land grab just like in Maui. Let's face the facts that it's deliberate. But why??? That's what I'd like to know, and right now my brain isn't arriving at any conclusions. Why are they deliberately gaslighting Americans? Mayorkas announces that all the money for FEMA has been given to illegals.

Why is Mayorkas gaslighting Americans? Of course he's part of da club.

It does get my ire up to see these fellow Americans treated so shabbily at the worst time in their lives of utter devastation.

I've spoken with a number of people who appear to be sleepwalking through life; oblivious to the fact that America is on the chopping block. But other people have their eyes open.

I just don't know when Americans will have had enough. I'm sure the powers that be know, by consulting with AI.
I'm with you on this Shanrose. I don't believe for one second the Democrats and a lot of Republicans have our best interests at heart. I've said before the Treasury belongs to the people not the Government. They took Social Security and the Postal Department from it's own separate funding accounts and put them in the general funds to access the surplus funds. Pulling so much from them they claim insolvency. They pass money out like it's Pez candy. Why are we funding pensions in Ukraine? Why are we sending aid to countries that hate us? Anyone can get some except Americans. I firmly believe their herding us, one way or another, into a one world order. That might be a positive thing but their doing it wrong. Instead of bringing us down they should be bringing the other countries up.
WI'm with you on this Shanrose. I don't believe for one second the Democrats and a lot of Republicans have our best interests at heart. I've said before the Treasury belongs to the people not the Government. They took Social Security and the Postal Department from it's own separate funding accounts and put them in the general funds to access the surplus funds. Pulling so much from them they claim insolvency. They pass money out like it's Pez candy. Why are we funding pensions in Ukraine? Why are we sending aid to countries that hate us? Anyone can get some except Americans. I firmly believe their herding us, one way or another, into a one world order. That might be a positive thing but their doing it wrong. Instead of bringing us down they should be bringing the other countries up.
Nope - no one has our best interests at heart, but they're willing to bleed us to death in taxes. We've got to find some way to stop letting them bleed us and hand our money out to others. For God's sake if we continue allowing them to do this then it's not going to be long before it's done to us.

I've begun seeing comments where people are saying to stop paying taxes. I don't know how that's done but people need to find some way to address it. It's like they're smashing our collective faces in it and laughing because we can't do anything about it because they're in control. I'm angry over what they did to the people in NC but like everyone else, don't know what to do about it. However, I don't believe we're meant to just keep taking it and taking it. If we don't help those folks then it will be our turn sooner or later.

I have a strong sense of right and wrong yet it seems that God is sitting there watching us having this stuff rubbed in our faces. I assume He wants us to take action. But what?

I agree with some things such as recycling and eating vegan - although I don't feel right pushing that on others. I just love animals and don't believe we have the right to abuse and kill them. I don't like the whole food-chain thing but that's how God made it. I don't have to participate though. I think that we can improve on many things.

Winter is setting in and those people have no clothes, no blankets, no heat - nothing. I know there are many donations, which is great. But how long before the powers that be want YOUR land? I just hope that we can come up with some solutions because I feel like we're walking in a nightmare.
AI sucks and I wouldn't ask it anything. It'll answer what the programmers told it to answer. And the articles promoting civil war from so called professors and specialists in this and that are just opinion pieces, like most everything is anymore.
I suspect we will have rioting in the places we had rioting before, and maybe more places. But if "someone" comes in to make you do this or that or take your land or your stuff or "get on the bus" or any of that....you're just going to have to say no and keep saying it. If this starts a civil war, then it does. Hopefully you live in a state and have a community that'll back you up.
Like ANTIFA...?!?

Antifa (/ æ n ˈ t iː f ə, ˈ æ n t i (ˌ) f ə /) is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It consists of a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups that use nonviolent direct action, incivility, or violence to achieve their aims.
THOSE infidels I think everyone would like to eliminate. But as long as D H S keeps giving "A n t i f a-type groups" grant money as part of the P a t r i o t Act, and gift cards and money to their phones keeps getting doled out by S o r o s, ActBlue & Pelosi - - they're not going away anytime soon. It's not really an ideology. The stupid teacher's unions pushed "Marxism is okay" after the Berlin wall came down. In re-writing history, they are pushing traditional p a t r i o t i s m off the map. The Demoncrat weaponized D O J refuses to follow the money, which is just enough to survive in Mom's basement between gaming. These little sh*ts aren't doing this for free. At a minimum they get a $50/day per diem.
AI sucks and I wouldn't ask it anything. It'll answer what the programmers told it to answer. And the articles promoting civil war from so called professors and specialists in this and that are just opinion pieces, like most everything is anymore.
I suspect we will have rioting in the places we had rioting before, and maybe more places. But if "someone" comes in to make you do this or that or take your land or your stuff or "get on the bus" or any of that....you're just going to have to say no and keep saying it. If this starts a civil war, then it does. Hopefully you live in a state and have a community that'll back you up.
I'm sure you're correct re the programming. I was thinking along the lines that they probably entered into their computers how people act in varied situations so they'll know just how much they can inflict suffering on people before they'll act. I have no proof of this it's just a guess. A friend on another forum warned me to get out of the city before the collapse as he read some book on how people acted in times past under extreme duress and he said they'll probably act in a similar manner.

--> What's so sad is that the 'churches' and 'pastors' are sometimes in league with the powers that be and are not always trustworthy and that goes for some of the ones accepting donations for NC. There are a number of wolves in sheep's clothing. I always refer back to the most evil individual that I have ever known is a big deal in her church.
If they (antifa) show their ugly mugs around here they'll have a grand old time explaining themselves to all the vets here. We don't and won't take that crap lying down. First thing is we pull all the face masks. Lets see who you are. Cowards each and every one of them moving in groups to protect themselves because there isn't enough good people in the area. Lets see, Harris gets the chair after Pelosi then now democrat Cheney gets it after her. For the so called men of the democratic party I say hangings. Can anyone say tailgate parties!
Gitmo would be a good fit.
And another. America is a tinderbox. I have been waiting for something to give:

Lithium mine to reopen in NC. Oh and guess who is doing the inspections on the houses affected by the hurricane?? Heck it didn't happen to me and I feel like crying:

Re: Tinderbox - - look what Komrade Kamala & Joe Bribem cooked up in the D O D last month for Americans...
Sept. 2024 DOD Military authorized itself to add L E T H A L force against Americans domestically for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY.
This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about.

Re: Tinderbox - - look what Komrade Kamala & Joe Bribem cooked up in the D O D last month for Americans...
Sept. 2024 DOD Military authorized itself to add L E T H A L force against Americans domestically for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY.
This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about.

View attachment 165135
I saw that. Dear God it feels like we're in some alter-reality. I never thought I'd live to see all this. We're really in trouble folks.
The powers that be are saying it's 19 days until a civil war. I don't know if this is a credible channel - I'm just forced to sit here and watch videos when my arthritis acts up and I don't know who anyone is. But it is interesting:

The powers that be are saying it's 19 days until a civil war. I don't know if this is a credible channel - I'm just forced to sit here and watch videos when my arthritis acts up and I don't know who anyone is. But it is interesting:

Trump is still an outsider. They only brought him there to take another pot shot at him. It failed. (This commentator is kind of screwy.)
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Shanrose...these videos are amazing and I would like to share...but I can't unless they are a link. If you find a way, please let me know.
Sorry I just let videos play on Bitchute while I rest my knee and Christmas shop! You can go to Bitchute and type in whatever topic you're interested in. I think I typed in "North Carolina" and clicked on them and they just started playing.
Sorry I just let videos play on Bitchute while I rest my knee and Christmas shop! You can go to Bitchute and type in whatever topic you're interested in. I think I typed in "North Carolina" and clicked on them and they just started playing.
I figured it out. While you're watching it...Bitchute has a "seed" link at the top that can be cut & paste. Together we make a whole person !!!
Ciao !!

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