Supply shortages

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Awesome Friend
Dec 9, 2017
I don't know if there was already a thread for this.
I was returning some wire that I didn't need on our generator project $200 worth. It was an electrical supply store. I mentioned that maybe I should have just kept it. The guy working at the counter said yeah especially since we may be running out. I said running out of wire, really. I never heard of anything like that and I am pretty old. He said they were having trouble importing the raw materials.
Lots of things, not just metals. There was talk yesterday at the repair shop about soaring prices on implements because of metal prices.
Wood shortages- around here, fencing is not an option. My brother needed a new roof in November. He wants a specific color, and will have to wait.
So far, we can get what we need, even if the price has jumped. I’ve heard of places around the country where new construction quit because of lack of supplies. Too many factors going on to think that it will get better this year.
On a related note, the prices of scrap metal right now are good for recyclers...... I saw .47/lb for clean aluminum cans last night. Copper? Wow. Keep an eye on your stuff.
Good point Tootsie. We took some scrap metal back last month. Prices are pretty good right now and hubs wanted to clean out the barn. I sat in the truck and witnessed how that place operated. It was quite impressive. I was amazed though at some of the stuff people just sell for scrap that still has life left in it. Why don't people sell on Craigslist or put stuff out front of their house? They'd get much better prices.

I see shortages pretty much everywhere. That's why I leave with a full cart every time I shop. Anything I think I might need in the future, I'm buying now. I'm afraid of inflation, the potential for a vaccine passport (which I will never get), and product shortages. My shopping days could very well be numbered given all of those factors. I typically only stock up when I find good bargains, but I'm not stuck in sale mode at this point. If I find something, and it's reasonably priced, I buy it.

We've been looking at buying a new 4 wheeled toy and have just started looking at price and availability. IF you can find one, they are very pricy and just went up in price almost 3% this month alone. IF you want something custom made, you can order it now with no expectation of when it will arrive. One place said we couldn't even place the order until this summer for a late fall delivery. We are still contemplating what to do on that. We think there will be some good deals coming along soon when all the 'free money' dries up and people have buyers regret. I'm just not sure I want to wait that long.

As far as construction costs, we know someone that wants to build a barn this year. The guy he got a quote from urged him to wait at least a year to build his barn. The builder thinks materials are in a big bubble right now and said if he can just wait a year or so, he'd likely save at least $7,000. We know the builder and he is a good guy. I respect him for trying to save people money at the cost of his livlihood. He said he'll make the same labor amount either way, but he just hates to buy materials at the inflated prices right now. Although, even with the inflated prices, folks are still building if they can. To me, this amounts to the fact that people are scared and think this might be their last opportunity to get things done.
I agree with you 100 per cent Angie. I have not been buying as much as I like since the groceries are stocked so well, but I think I might walk around the store a bit and do some thinking. Camp stove fuel, batteries, lamp oil....... it wouldn’t hurt to set aside today what we might wish we could buy or afford to buy in the future. A quad is definitely a good tool, especially if mobility is an issue.
And I agree too about ‘stuff’ becoming available when free money fades. That might be the time to get more precious metals, coins, jewelry and such.
I was shopping for a new recliner, the salesman said 9 months wait at least.
My nephew wanted a new Polaris UTV. They wouldn't even take his money.
He finally got to buy one 4 months later and he had to wait for 3 months to get it. $25,000 and they would even sell one.
Home Depot and Lowe's have a lot of almost empty shelves and if they are out of something they don't know if or when it might be in stock.
The is an average of 30 new cargo ships anchored off the coast of California every day.
If you need something or think you might need something you better get it now. Hard times are coming.
i agree with tootsie, i think its a good idea to get whatever you thinbk you might need down the road. im not seeing any signs things will be getting better any time soon. i even got a couple extra thibgs like a good walking cane and even a walker. you just never know what you will need as you get older. every month im alwasy looking for--what am i gonna need and what am i gonna miss....

ive been wanting a small wind generator to supplement my solar, i better get on the stick and see what i can find and use my uncle joe biden bucks wisely.
You "ain't" seen nothing yet. "WAR" is coming soon. Actually several Wars.
Working in the parts business with connections to other suppliers I can tell you for a fact there are issues and it is not getting better. Where most issues seem to be are at the level of raw materials. Plastic pellets for injection molding, in many cases, are non-existent. Essentially anything plastic related, glues, filter media, and a multitude of other petroleum based items are in short supply. Most OSB in this area is around $50.00 per sheet. 12/2 wire has gone from $50.00 to over $100.00 per roll. There is a lot more going on but those are the most upfront and in your face.
The idiots in charge that the idiots voted into office will tank our economy within 18 months and likely less. I suspect 9 - 12 months at most. Yep, its all good right... :waiting:
Things I have noticed in short supply besides lumber products/building products.
Chain saws
Chain saw chains
Electronics...anything like TV's, Game consoles, computers, cell phones, etc.
2 cycle mixing oil in 1 or 2 gallon gallon for 50:1 (the small bottles)
Trailer hitch plugs 7 to 4 connector
bailing twine
Sodas except coke/pepsi brand (guess buying power wins)
Food items especially canned goods
meat aisles are looking skimpy
fresh vegetables look terrible and limited selection of terrible looking veggies

What isn't getting hard to find prices are soaring for everything you can find, i fear it will get worse before it gets better..if it does get better! Wait until we have $5's coming I fear!
Chain saws
Chain saw chains
Electronics...anything like TV's, Game consoles, computers, cell phones, etc.
2 cycle mixing oil in 1 or 2 gallon gallon for 50:1 (the small bottles)
Trailer hitch plugs 7 to 4 connector
bailing twine
Sodas except coke/pepsi brand (guess buying power wins)
Food items especially canned goods
meat aisles are looking skimpy
fresh vegetables look terrible and limited selection of terrible looking veggies

Saw chains are good. Can't speak to actual saws so far.

Electronics seem fine at this point but then most of that I get online anyway.

2 cycle is fine here.

Hitch plugs are good as well so far but are existing stock.

Twine, I have heard it will be an issues but I have no need for it. Some local farms have made this comment.

I don't buy or drink pop / soda so good there. I did refill our machine this afternoon without issue.

Canned food has been fine overall.

Meat is fully stocked here but if it wasn't a ride within 5 miles would get me what I need if not closer. Rural area.

Veggies are decent but obviously most are imported. Spring is here so the season of fresh is coming.

All that I know at this point.
Luckily for us we raise our own meat but I still cruise the aisle in the grocery store for curiosity!

I was able to find chain saw chains online only, none at rural king, local CO-OP, HD or Lowes for a 20" Stihl MS291 or my Husky 16" 435 so I had to order online.

On a side note I am on a job site (I travel for work as a consultant) I called back to our office about shipping (expedited) parts to the site I am at and the response I got was this! "Currently we may not be able to guarantee a delivery date, some trucking companies we deal with are able to make a guaranteed delivery date only an estimated delivery date and we are expecting it to get worse before it gets better". I have never heard this in my life, I am not that old but still! This was from our director of sales.
Was picking up supplies, and saw they had the lumber that I needed to re-do my raised beds. I only got enough to do 1 as the cost was almost twice what I paid for 2X12s in 2018, but I had to go with 2X10s at that (the 2X12s were $30 each, the 2X10s were $15)

I have been trying to stay ahead of the curve and so far we are fine. Things like canning lids and meats are just crazy here. My wife wanted to do a leg of lamb for Easter dinner (we are doing it this weekend so we can enjoy it with our son), the leg of lamb was $50!!! If it were up to me we would be eating chicken.... But the wife doesn't ask for much and it will feed us for several days..... :)
We can not figure out the reason for strawberry plants shortage.
We been calling every place within 40 miles , several times , nothing , nada, .

They don't even know if they're going to get any.

Thanks to a HCL friend we have some , freshly dug and mailed to us. Btw they're all thriving and look good.

Wife wants some June hearing , but will take ever eating.

But none to be found.

Just another shortage I suppose.

They must be sending everything to Canada.

I have 75 bare root strawberries to get planted and I don't yet have a garden in this new place. Try ordering bare root plants online. You may have to order from 50-200 plants but they will only cost around .25 C - $1 depending on how how many you order. Donate or sell the extras or plant them out in the bush for funsies. I found a polish seed company back in January that sent 1 lb bags of seeds for about $2.50 each. It won't be until next year that I can determine if they have issues, but at that price and quantity, it was worth a shot. I was surprised they even showed up and I didn't get taxed into the poor house.
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Saw chains are good. Can't speak to actual saws so far.

Electronics seem fine at this point but then most of that I get online anyway.

2 cycle is fine here.

Hitch plugs are good as well so far but are existing stock.

Twine, I have heard it will be an issues but I have no need for it. Some local farms have made this comment.

I don't buy or drink pop / soda so good there. I did refill our machine this afternoon without issue.

Canned food has been fine overall.

Meat is fully stocked here but if it wasn't a ride within 5 miles would get me what I need if not closer. Rural area.

Veggies are decent but obviously most are imported. Spring is here so the season of fresh is coming.

All that I know at this point.

The season is coming but if we consider most of our fresh vegetables don't come from here but the south,it is kinda wierd. We do still have some local farmers though.