Thanks Marv. The scary part is that I am not sure if he is serious or not!
In case he is serious, I will elaborate why I said it is a must read. A weapon is nothing without strategy and tactics. The wise man knows the opportunity to stand and fight and when to run. He also knows himself and his capabilities. He knows when to be enough of a "thorn in the side" of his enemy to be left alone, without being a pain enough to hit with overwhelming force.
Remember, a firearm is a tool only. It is no different than a hammer or a wrench. As with any tool, you need to know not only HOW to use it, but when to use it. The teachings of Sun Tsu are perfect for the small group, or lone survivor. It is valuable knowledge to have not only in "battle" but in life. There is a saying "it is sometimes better to be a live dog than a dead lion". Sun Tsu teaches that it is sometimes better to be a "live dog and a quiet lion" ready to "let the lion out" only when the opportunity favors you.