at least you have a sense of humor,,,,,,,just tell me how did you come up with this list,,,,,I mean it sounds like you are trekking off to another planet and starting a colonynow I know the need for shrinks.....
greyghost668,the list isn't mine,I belong to those who "can not focus" and therefore failed miserably
oops,,,,,,,,,,,,sorry,,,wrong membergreyghost668,the list isn't mine,I belong to those who "can not focus" and therefore failed miserably
well think about it,it sounds more like a group that is heading off to start a new colony not the surviver's of nuclear war,,,,,the surviver's of war will be a rag tag group at bestso would I,it's way too academic to ever work.
if you think that some one such as me would follow you ,you are mistaken it will be dog eat dog and the weak will not survive,I wish you luck because if it does go to hell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU ARE GOING TO NEED ALL THE LUCK YOU CAN GET
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW my feelings are hurt,,,boo hoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,What makes you think I want you? Any way to repeat for the millionth time, that was not what the thread was about, I think 2 people so far responded to the thread as was written,
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW my feelings are hurt,,,boo hoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
this opinion is mine,and mine alone,I'd rather take an experienced NCO than an officer,they tend to be more hands on,less theory,but this is mine only.
this is based on my experience alone,as it's mandatory for service here,had an NCO,hard as steel,knew the job,took care of us,thought us but could be a nightmare if we screwed things up,it was someone you could follow as he did himself what he wanted us to do.
Ok Firstly I'm starting to doubt Edwards intentions, his list makes no real sense in skills selected and in order of priority. its nearly nonsensical, BUT if its what Edward wants good luck. Two Prepping is all a case of mind over matter Preppers really dont MIND others having different plans, but if you do not like suitable skills you simply will not MATTER.
first of all,your number 1,high ranking mil,he's used to give orders,not taking them,very soon he will be tired of playing the second fiddle and kick your butt from your throne.
in a shtf situation you don't do anything like your dietician,you eat what you have,you eat what you get.
8,19,20,21,you don't need them 'cause your way too busy to survive,you don't have time to think how miserable my life is,it just is.
dental ass,not needed, the dentist can do whatever needs to be done,if you have electricity for his tools,othervise you need something from the museum for him/her to work with.
bakers,not needed,that's something everyone must/should do.
nurse,medic,combat medic is a must!
now that list is just too full of academics,paper pushers,survivability very low,it needs people who can do and those are far and few between on your list,as a whole that list is doomed.
One thing to consider here is twenty five is a large number of people to sustain. I would rather have a handful of cross trained people than a bunch of specialists. Less to feed and more adaptable. I hope you learned a little more here than just a need for outdoorsmen. Being able to relate to, and motivate and encourage others is as important as other skills.
Better start off with a FEMA warehouse of supplies.25 plus spouses , offspring etc.