TEOTWAWKI 3- You Form a Survival Group of 25 Please Rank Needed Members By Function i.e. Doctor,Etc

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I like and respect the whole thing here of exploring ideas about getting a group together. I would get over the defensiveness though as getting along on a forum is a lot easier than doing it in a real shtf situation. Dealing with all types of personalities is a sign of a good leader. As far as the workers, or outdoorsmen, those skills will be among the most needed. My advice is learn to relate to the people that are the ones that can feed and protect you.

Hehehe, with an attitude like his the liklihood of him getting any of this.........

There will be a fair share of attractive women because people need heterosexual sex.

Is remote to zero, just sayin':D
A high ranking Officer? I spent a good part of my 12yrs in the Service in some pretty remote shxt holes, the one thing one learns real quick 'fxxk the officer fear the First Sergeant' An NCO will make or break an Officer I shxt you not! In my final years my rank was SSG, when the Lt. gave out an order the lower rank always looked at me, in the field a NCO was always part of the planning given that the NCO was better experienced in ground operations. bottom line, I will take a NCO over a General anytime. Butter-Bars didn't last long if they didn't consult with the NCO first, if the enemy didn't kill them so-called friendly fire did!!!
One thing to consider here is twenty five is a large number of people to sustain. I would rather have a handful of cross trained people than a bunch of specialists. Less to feed and more adaptable. I hope you learned a little more here than just a need for outdoorsmen. Being able to relate to, and motivate and encourage others is as important as other skills.

This is where many of you are losing the script. The purpose of planning and putting a group together before TEOTWAWKI occurs is to put together compatible people. I'm only what you call "thin skinned" when people can't answer a simple direct question/request. The easiest way for me to avoid that scenario in forming a "Survival Group" is by having people with the same goals, focus and compatibility. Obviously for whatever reason, people here don't want to respond directly to what's asked. That might be fine for them but it's not fine with me. In real life it's easy for me to deal with this by simply not having anything to do with those people as I consider them timewasters and conflict is avoided. I've lived fairly successfully my whole life with that philosophy and I'm sure many of you have done the same with how you live. Really its not worth this aggravation just to ask a simple question.
1. Nurse/Medic
3. Second Carpenter
4. Mechanic
5. Mechanic
6. Electrician
7. Botanist
8. Herbologist (Herbal medicine when medicine is no longer available)
9. Dentist
10. Second Electrician
11. Dental Assistant
12. Second Dentist
13. Doctor
14-15. Security/Maintenance/Fire Dept Staff
16. Second Doctor
17. Head of Security (Retired High Ranked Military Man)
18. Assistant Head of Security (Retired High Ranked Military Man)
19. Chef/Dietcian/Nutrionist
20-21. Bakers
22. Psychiatrist
23. 2nd Psychiatrist
24. Psychologist
25. 2nd Psychologist
A high ranking Officer? I spent a good part of my 12yrs in the Service in some pretty remote shxt holes, the one thing one learns real quick 'fxxk the officer fear the First Sergeant' An NCO will make or break an Officer I shxt you not! In my final years my rank was SSG, when the Lt. gave out an order the lower rank always looked at me, in the field a NCO was always part of the planning given that the NCO was better experienced in ground operations. bottom line, I will take a NCO over a General anytime. Butter-Bars didn't last long if they didn't consult with the NCO first, if the enemy didn't kill them so-called friendly fire did!!!

I remember some years ago when Hollywood released a few Vietnam Era type movies where Fragging the Officer was brought to the eye of the public at large and it seriously rattled many of the UK officer cadre some suggesting the movies should be banned in the UK in case British troops started fragging their idiot officers. Rather glad we didnt adopt that policy as we found a use for our officers. Get the RO and the OIC together and every opfor sniper used to focus on them leaving us alone.
This isn't a board room meeting! what you are asking isn't as easy as you may think. Survival is serious business and the majority here may view your list as a non-starter put politely. Many of us have dealt with survival in some of the most adverse conditions, if you never been to a third world country and see the world as it really are you are in for an rude awakening. You are creating a bureaucracy in a TEOTWAWKI and that is a joke.

City folks that make survival a game has absolutely no clue what the real world has in store for them in TEOTWAWKI, you think we are hard, wait till you deal the city gangs that isn't ruled bureaucratically that is the reality of it, you treat it like a game we will play it like a game. Survival starts with knowledge of the experienced not on paper and board meeting nor in a bureaucratic way my friend!
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1 Farmer / Animal husbandry expert
2 Builder / Plumber / General Contractor
3 Medic / Nurse Practitioner / Paramedic
4 Engineer / Machinist
5 Private Security Operator / MP / Senior army NCO
6 Petrol / Gas/ diesel Mechanic ( Time Served)
7 Smiths (black, wood, leather, iron, tin, rope, boat etc ), Seamstresses, Weavers, Yarners etc
8 Semi skilled experienced Labourers
9 Telecoms / Electronics / Communications experts
10 Electrician (emphasis on off grid power systems)
11 Baker / Cook
12 Arable farmer / Small holder/ Allotmenteer
13 Teacher
14 Midwife
15 Boatsman/ Sailor/ Coxswain
16 Steam engineer
17 Geologist ( for finding coal, water, salt deposits etc)
18 Survivalist ( To plan for and coordinate for the group)
19 Chemist ( to make Meds, Potions, Lotions, Bio diesel etc)
20 Horse expert ( transport, haulage, patroling, ploughing etc)
21 Veterinarian,
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City folks that make survival a game has absolutely no clue what the real world has in store for them in TEOTWAWKI, you think we are hard, wait till you deal the city gangs that isn't ruled bureaucratically that is the reality of it, you treat it like a game we will play it like a game. Survival starts with knowledge of the experienced not on paper and board meeting nor in a bureaucratic way my friend!

City folks who become enlightened and wise to the wisdom and common sense of preparedness dont live in the cities for long after reality bites. And I might add most SERIOUSLY committed preppers will find a way to move away from the conurbations even at great personal cost.
This is where many of you are losing the script. The purpose of planning and putting a group together before TEOTWAWKI occurs is to put together compatible people. .

Already exists in huge numbers Mon Ami, they are called Villages, Hamlets etc usually modestly remote and poorly served by public services.
1 Farmer / Animal husbandry expert
2 Builder / Plumber / General Contractor
3 Medic / Nurse Practitioner / Paramedic
4 Engineer / Machinist
5 Private Security Operator / MP / Senior army NCO
6 Petrol / Gas/ diesel Mechanic ( Time Served)
7 Smiths (black, wood, leather, iron, tin, rope, boat etc ), Seamstresses, Weavers, Yarners etc
8 Semi skilled experienced Labourers
9 Telecoms / Electronics / Communications experts
10 Electrician
11 Baker / Cook
12 Arable farmer / Small holder/ Allotmenteer
13 Teacher
14 Midwife
15 Boatsman/ Sailor/ Coxswain
16 Steam engineer
17 Geologist ( for finding coal, water, salt deposits etc)
18 Survivalist
19 Chemist ( to make Meds, Potions, Lotions, Bio diesel etc)
20 Horse expert ( riding, ploughing etc)

like the list,been thinking about adding some non-fiction books to my preps,the only thing is they have a serious weight issue ;)
like the list,been thinking about adding some non-fiction books to my preps,the only thing is they have a serious weight issue ;)

Factual and reference
Archery Steps to Success. Hayward / Lewis
Build the perfect survival kit 0-87349-967-0
The Survivalists Patrick Rivers 0-413-31650-5
Earth Shock Basil Booth & Frank Fitch 0-7221-1778 7
The Nuclear Survival Handbook Barry Popkess
Tappan on Survival Mel Tappan 0-916172-04-x
Survival guns Mel Tappan
The Survival Retreat Ragnar Benson 0-87364-275-9
The Modern Survival Retreat Ragnar Benson 0-87364-980-x
The Survival Nurse Ragnar Benson 1-58160-075-5
Apocalypse Tomorrow Duncan Long 0-87947-089-5
When Technology Fails Mathew Stein 1-57416-047-8
The Coming Global Superstorm Bell and Strieber 0-7434-0888-8
How to live Off –Grid Nick Rosen 978-0-385-61127-5
Life after doomsday Bruce D Clayton 0-87364-175-2
Surviving Doomsday C Bruce Sibley 07219-0780-6
Outdoor Survival guide Hugh Mc Manners 0-7513-0644-4
Travel Vans John Speed 99920-1-158-0 (The book for building BOVs)
SAS Survival guide ( pocket size) John lofty Wiseman 0-00-470167-4
Beneath the City Streets, Peter Laurie: 0586050558
When All Hell Breaks Loose Cody Lundin (VERY VERY American)
TRAVEL VANS John Speed (Building SUVS/ Campers)
by Michael Bryce
My 25 Survivor Members in Order of Rank (1 being the most important)

1. Head of Security (Retired High Ranked Military Man)
2. Doctor
3. Dentist
4. Electrician
6. Assistant Head of Security (Retired High Ranked Military Man)
7. Botanist
8. Psychiatrist
9. Second Doctor
10. Second Dentist
11. Nurse/Medic
12. Herbologist (Herbal medicine when medicine is no longer available)
13. Second Electrician
14, Second Carpenter
15. Dental Assistant
16. Chef/Dietcian/Nutrionist
17. Mechanic
18. Mechanic
19. 2nd Psychiatrist
20. Psychologist
21. 2nd Psychologist
22-23. Security/Maintenance/Fire Dept Staff
24-25. Bakers

You forgot plumber. Though this is likely the same guy/s as electricians and carpenters.

Shrinks? Really? Post SHTF, it's suck it up Buttercup time.

Forgot farmers (meaning can grow crops, and care for livestock).

General Handyman is more of a role I'd see, the kind of guys who can fix most things.

Communications Expert (hand radios, HAM, etc.)

Raiders (combination of combat skill , tactics, and stealth) to get supplies from abandoned sites, but may encounter others.

Cook in general (including baking), but also in food preservation, rationing, etc.

Seamstress is another good skillset. While clothes can be scavenged, nice to be able to mend and make new ones.

Blacksmith would be a must.

Most of my family/group fulfill multiple roles, and it's good to have overlap and backups. I don't have all covered, but pretty nicely.
don't think your better half will go for that mate!!!

"There will be a fair share of attractive women because people need heterosexual sex. by EG.."
like women are in the group to provide services??
This is where many of you are losing the script. The purpose of planning and putting a group together before TEOTWAWKI occurs is to put together compatible people. I'm only what you call "thin skinned" when people can't answer a simple direct question/request. The easiest way for me to avoid that scenario in forming a "Survival Group" is by having people with the same goals, focus and compatibility. Obviously for whatever reason, people here don't want to respond directly to what's asked. That might be fine for them but it's not fine with me. In real life it's easy for me to deal with this by simply not having anything to do with those people as I consider them timewasters and conflict is avoided. I've lived fairly successfully my whole life with that philosophy and I'm sure many of you have done the same with how you live. Really its not worth this aggravation just to ask a simple question.

missing the script,,,hmmm,,I don't think we are missing it at all,,,I think like someone else said
YOU ARE WRITING BOOK AND TRYING TO USE US FOR INFORMATION,,,,,,,,,,you should not have used the word script,,,I think you are some pimple sitting behind a type writer.....

if the SHTF does hit the fan you will be wishing that you were close to any of us,,,,,we will still be here when you are bug food,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,good luck with the book
just keep your trouser buttoned up,mate ;)

but to be a little more serious here,okay sex drive can be strong in a shtf situation,but we cannot/shouldn't take it for granted that women are there for just pleasure,it sounds more and more like re-enventing the feudal system again to me.
so who's gonna decide who sleeps with who?
the leader of the gang??
just keep your trouser buttoned up,mate ;)

but to be a little more serious here,okay sex drive can be strong in a shtf situation,but we cannot/shouldn't take it for granted that women are there for just pleasure,it sounds more and more like re-enventing the feudal system again to me.
so who's gonna decide who sleeps with who?
the leader of the gang??

Mate when you have been married for 40 years YOU KNOW THAT as a fact :) But dont stop me from dreaming :0
My issue for a group of 25, though practical and manageable will not work for me. On my mother's side of the family I have over 50 first cousins and close to 30 on my father's side. Add in spouses, children, parents, grandparents, the sick and feeble, the logistics does not work. There is no way to feed us, take care of our medical needs, take care of our waste, transport us, the list is massive of why it will not work. But the only factor that might work is the love we have for one another. It would either be our saving grace or our downfall, either way I'm all in with them. Though we would instantly have an army of hundreds, and there is a large percentage who are or were in the military. Watching my uncle cook at the family reunion every year shows his experience cooking in the military.

As for the original list, I'd like to see a few more grunts, you need the "gofers", the ones who will go for this or go for that. From my time in a university atmosphere, the educated ones are great in there fields but useless out of them, with a few exceptions of course. as you stated at the begging, "First off I confess I'm not anywhere close to doing this but I would like to have a rough plan in the future for getting a group together." A plan is a great place to start though.
My issue for a group of 25, though practical and manageable will not work for me. On my mother's side of the family I have over 50 first cousins and close to 30 on my father's side. Add in spouses, children, parents, grandparents, the sick and feeble, the logistics does not work. There is no way to feed us, take care of our medical needs, take care of our waste, transport us, the list is massive of why it will not work. But the only factor that might work is the love we have for one another. It would either be our saving grace or our downfall, either way I'm all in with them. Though we would instantly have an army of hundreds, and there is a large percentage who are or were in the military. Watching my uncle cook at the family reunion every year shows his experience cooking in the military.

As for the original list, I'd like to see a few more grunts, you need the "gofers", the ones who will go for this or go for that. From my time in a university atmosphere, the educated ones are great in there fields but useless out of them, with a few exceptions of course. as you stated at the begging, "First off I confess I'm not anywhere close to doing this but I would like to have a rough plan in the future for getting a group together." A plan is a great place to start though.

Quite possibly and as hard as it could be I think the peoples of NS could probably survive for a very long time on their own. The whole WORLD saw the ingenuity, tenacity, creativity, doggedness and skills of the New Scots during 911 when thousands of stranded air passengers were dumped at Gander Airport and the locals had to unite to care for them all. I seriously doubt few other communities could achieve what you people did on those dark days.
Thank you, the people around here stepped up and did what needed to be done. We treated those who needed help the way we would want to be treated.

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