The Ladies

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Early 40's. I committed to a childless existence right out the gate. It was a wise investment.
I guess if we all done the same there would be 0 population. Though you are not entirely to blame. Western civilisation has made it extremely difficult for bringing children into the world along with all the education they must receive. It’s like having to pay off a 2nd home with the expenses of bringing up children in the past 50 yrs. You could say a wise investment in that regard. Nether the less most woman are attracted to a live fertile 6 shooter and not an infertile cap gun.
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I guess if we all done the same there would be 0 population. Though you are not entirely to blame western civilisation has made it extremely difficult for bringing children into the world along with all the education they must receive. It’s like having to pay off a 2nd home with the expenses of bringing up children in the past 50 yrs. You could say a wise investment in that regard. Nether the less most woman are attracted to a live fertile 6 shooter and not an infertile cap gun.

I would like my line to end with me. It's time for this branch of the great tree to whither and die off.

You may be surprised at the number of woman I have encountered that were interested in living a life of adult fun and career success without bearing the "burden" of off-spring. I would not call them a majority but they are certainly not hard to find. Just go out on a Saturday night and look for ladies in the 28-40+ range at the clubs or parties. They are everywhere.
That lady wants to take me out for dinner tomorrow, then she wants to come back here so we can have a "serious discussion". I am not in the least bit concerned about my work assignment on foreign soil, but I am having some serious anxiety about this discussion. I tried to get her to just talk now, but she won't.
T minus xyz and counting...all those posting in thread are waiting for tonight...hell i bet some old geezers will even set up late on east coast just to hear what the talk was about...roflmao
Early 40's. I committed to a childless existence right out the gate. It was a wise investment.
I guess if we all done the same there would be 0 population.
I would like my line to end with me. It's time for this branch of the great tree to whither and die off.

You may be surprised at the number of woman I have encountered that were interested in living a life of adult fun and career success without bearing the "burden" of off-spring. I would not call them a majority but they are certainly not hard to find. Just go out on a Saturday night and look for ladies in the 28-40+ range at the clubs or parties. They are everywhere.
you would like your linage to end with you. Your past choice has already brought that to pass. You prefer a lifestyle of adult fun and career success. There be many that follow you in your footsteps . Some would say in pursuit of unbridled pleasure and happiness. It be the way of libertine thought. Ok fully understand
^^^ Sodom and Gomorrah...!!!
I guess if we all done the same there would be 0 population.

you would like your linage to end with you. Your past choice has already brought that to pass. You prefer a lifestyle of adult fun and career success. There be many that follow you in your footsteps . Some would say in pursuit of unbridled pleasure and happiness. It be the way of libertine thought. Ok fully understand

No worries there are plenty of breeders all over. I see women with multiple kids in tow every day. The people next door have somewhere between 5 and 50. Not sure as I have never seen them in formation. The population numbers are safe.

There are a lot of people who just simply choose not to have children. That does not make them inferior or immoral. I hear people all the time clammer about how the world is complete crap and getting worse, then they think "hey I should drag more innocent humans into it". That seems questionable to me.
T minus xyz and counting...all those posting in thread are waiting for tonight...hell i bet some old geezers will even set up late on east coast just to hear what the talk was about...roflmao

Well good news, she is pushing up the timeline. We are going for a hike here in a minute and she wants to pack a light brunch to take with and have our "talk" then. She's still taking me out for dinner though and I am not a cheap date.
Well good news, she is pushing up the timeline. We are going for a hike here in a minute and she wants to pack a light brunch to take with and have our "talk" then. She's still taking me out for dinner though and I am not a cheap date.
oh my god yall....something just came to mind...the lady cant lift the body...errr she is hiking him to undisclosed and remote location.....marsh if you aint left yet and read this...dont drink the wine and make sure theres no tent spikes around and if your belly gets full and you feel sleepy.....lordy i am worried....nawwwww...just poking fun at you @d_marsh

whats going to happen is just what i said in previous posts and both are having fun and living life and going to wind up together for a very long time....happy and satisfied as us humans can be with each other.
oh my god yall....something just came to mind...the lady cant lift the body...errr she is hiking him to undisclosed and remote location.....marsh if you aint left yet and read this...dont drink the wine and make sure theres no tent spikes around and if your belly gets full and you feel sleepy.....lordy i am worried....nawwwww...just poking fun at you @d_marsh

whats going to happen is just what i said in previous posts and both are having fun and living life and going to wind up together for a very long time....happy and satisfied as us humans can be with each other.

Where were you before I left!?
So we hiked for a while, stopped and ate some strawberries and fresh bread and butter, hiked a little more, then found a nice place to sit and chat. She told me a story about a friend in a long term relationship who came home to find her boyfriend in bed with another woman. She told me that since the first time we were together she has not touched another person and explained that she believes we have something special. Something worth respecting and preserving. She then offered me a pledge of fidelity. She acknowledged that I am not interested in marriage, and is fine with that, but asked me to consider offering her a pledge of fidelity in return.

I told her that not being interested in marriage did not mean I was a piece of **** and that every man understood right from wrong, even if some choose to do wrong anyway. I told her that I had also not been with another since she jumped my border and had no intentions of doing so as long as our situation remained the same. Then she asked me if at some point in the future, not now but down the road, if I would be okay if she places a ring she already owns on her left ring finger. Not as a sign of marriage between us, but as a "leave me the **** alone" signal to the rest of the world. I told her I didn't really care what jewelry she wore or on which finger she wore it. She then said "Okay, thank you. I will wait a bit though. I don't want to overwhelm you." The whole conversation was very deliberate and seemingly rehearsed. Pretty sure she was afraid of scaring me off.

After that the rest was all about being safe, coming "home" to her, her wanting to help with expenses and her offering to hire me if that's what it takes to keep me from choosing higher risk job opportunities. She has apparently been saving most of her income since taking up residency at my place and added that to her already pretty sizeable nest egg.
Imagine the Possibilities...?!?

Damned if You Do and even if You Don't...!!
Nah nah nah..gah..fantasy island n can't by me love come to mind..

Oh my love is definitely for sale. I was originally hoping to shack up with an ultra-wealthy 65 year old widow with a stark family history of heart disease and no direct heirs. That was my only real chance of getting married and my only chance of buying my way into Cheyenne Mountain.
There's Still HOPE, There's Always HOPE...!!!
So we hiked for a while, stopped and ate some strawberries and fresh bread and butter, hiked a little more, then found a nice place to sit and chat. She told me a story about a friend in a long term relationship who came home to find her boyfriend in bed with another woman. She told me that since the first time we were together she has not touched another person and explained that she believes we have something special. Something worth respecting and preserving. She then offered me a pledge of fidelity. She acknowledged that I am not interested in marriage, and is fine with that, but asked me to consider offering her a pledge of fidelity in return.

I told her that not being interested in marriage did not mean I was a piece of **** and that every man understood right from wrong, even if some choose to do wrong anyway. I told her that I had also not been with another since she jumped my border and had no intentions of doing so as long as our situation remained the same. Then she asked me if at some point in the future, not now but down the road, if I would be okay if she places a ring she already owns on her left ring finger. Not as a sign of marriage between us, but as a "leave me the **** alone" signal to the rest of the world. I told her I didn't really care what jewelry she wore or on which finger she wore it. She then said "Okay, thank you. I will wait a bit though. I don't want to overwhelm you." The whole conversation was very deliberate and seemingly rehearsed. Pretty sure she was afraid of scaring me off.

After that the rest was all about being safe, coming "home" to her, her wanting to help with expenses and her offering to hire me if that's what it takes to keep me from choosing higher risk job opportunities. She has apparently been saving most of her income since taking up residency at my place and added that to her already pretty sizeable nest egg.
told yall so...this lady is solid....former street cop and now dispatcher...saving money...spending some as well for a portion of daily living stuff....yall got makings of something solid for you both...for as long as it can be....enjoy it and make it best you can...before you know it decades will have passed by.
Oh my love is definitely for sale. I was originally hoping to shack up with an ultra-wealthy 65 year old widow with a stark family history of heart disease and no direct heirs. That was my only real chance of getting married and my only chance of buying my way into Cheyenne Mountain.
Oh I doubt that...
oh yea....shes done put the hokie pokie shazam moves on him...rocked his worldly ways right out the hole on side of his noggin !!

No worries there are plenty of breeders all over. I see women with multiple kids in tow every day. The people next door have somewhere between 5 and 50. Not sure as I have never seen them in formation. The population numbers are safe.

There are a lot of people who just simply choose not to have children. That does not make them inferior or immoral. I hear people all the time clammer about how the world is complete crap and getting worse, then they think "hey I should drag more innocent humans into it". That seems questionable to me.
Mr Marsh you be right humanity does breed extremely well when left unhindered to the natural laws of nature. I’m sure as you said others will make up for your no child policy with extra children . But as to evaluating and determining the grunts and groans of others on how they view the world and why should they give birth and bring forth in dragging future generations into this world is only conjecture and not be for you or me to determine nor decide. The questionability be within yourself that be your given choice. Now you did mention morality and whether it be immoral not to have any children. I would say to that there was a time when 5-10 children per family was quite normal midway into the 20th century. What changed it may not be a moral question but more a financial question. That being the cost of living in raising a family along with both partners now having to work to make ends meet.
Well, THE LADY has herself a man with a good sense of humor. That's not nothin'. :thumbs:

I'm thinking she got a little scared about you leaving for your trip and perhaps stumbling into another lady. Perhaps she's sittin' on the fense......trying not to scare you off while also trying to keep you to herself. She knows she's walking a fine line but also doesn't want to share her man. She likely loves and admires your free spirit, but doesn't want it to be too free.....if you know what I mean. Yup, things just got serious.;)
So we went out for a few drinks, then dinner, then back to the compound. She came out with a wrapped box and was pretty excited to give it to me. There was sappy stuff and lots of affection, then she had me open it. It was a 3rd gen Colt Single Action Army in .45lc. The SAA means a lot to her as it was her grandfathers preferred pistol and one he received as a gift from her grandmother. She also she has a SAA tattooed on her back by the way. So I would say the significance of this gift was more than just a metal bullet launcher. She of course also has a Colt SAA, only hers is a little more flamboyant and flashy as one would expect from South America. At that point we ****** and ****** and of course ****** **** ******** ******. After which I stretched out, she poured herself a glass of wine and we set outside on the patio until it was time for bed. As in sleep. Of course she fell asleep in 3.1 seconds while I laid there for an hour contemplating the potential underlying meaning of this gift.

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