The Ladies

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I notice that Hashbrown hasn’t chimed in.
Perhaps wise ..but I'd bet he has a interesting perspective on this. He and his gal are married and both are a treasure to one another..we'll matched couple but I'm sure it has had its ups n downs alone the way.
Their end goals were aligned tho unlike this least it seems..

what do YOU look like? Looks are only relevant if there is a large difference
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i think its more than sex and looks to be honest.....theres more to it..yall drawn to each other..and both are happy with it..mostly...
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Yes... Like the old saying. ...It takes 2 to Tango... And like doing the tango, if you don't work at practicing.. It likely won't go well... Maybe that has been my problem ? I never learned to dance..
And she looks like this!

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The Mr Marsh you be quite the story teller. But if true the life insurance policy be of some concern considering you have not known for so long. Generally couples with young siblings do think upon such things being a future security for their family should any fatal accident befall them when it comes to life insurance. You not have any young family between you both. Be careful you not end up a smiling stiff : ) 🙋🏻‍♀️
Do you have children? Do you have a will that specifically lists the items that go to each? Do you expect your last will and testament to be followed?
I did not notice but is there an age difference between you two?
If you answer yes to the first three you might as well figger that in the event of your passing your wishes are not going to happen. All your property is now hers and any relatives of yours are now out.
I have seen and witnessed this many times with friends and co-workers.
Iffuns you have no children then what is the problem? by just revealing this here shows that you realize the potential for future complications and thangs jest ain't right. Listen to that internal voice saying" warning, warning Will Robinson! "
Face up and admit to what your fears are because the easiest person to fool is yourself then make your decision.
Looks are definitely what attracts someone at first but that doesn't hold anyone for long.

I had a very nice looking sp ops ... "friend" for awhile. He is gorgeous, hot, fit..dangerously had fun..but after I got to know him better..he started to show his darker side alot.
I saw his true lack of empathy for critters and others especially when he was drinking.

I sent him down the road..he was a lesson.

I dated another retired sp op guy when I first moved out here. Were still friends to this day..he is smoking hot too.

When I visit my brother's place, I like looking at all his pics from his military time. His last few years he was assigned to a sp ops unit in the navy. He used to teach a specific skillset and all the guys were so nice to look at...had I'd been in San deigo during that time..I'd probably gotten myself in loads of trouble when I was
But anyways..everything that glitters is not gold..Keith whitley wrote a song bout that.
Takes more than looks to hold someone's heart n feed their soul..

but, I would not have married a ugly guy LOL, I would have had ugly children maybe....

I think looks matter , I could not be with a guy I am not attracted to no matter how nice he was . However he doesn't have to be a total hottie that all the other women try to pick up on either , that;s annoying too
Like Hooch, I see a lot of red flags, too. I can’t pinpoint why but I would be leary about this relationship. She knows she can hook you with her looks and sex. Be careful you don’t get burned. ♥️
I think I am more worried about the lady....
If she stays long enough, and ends up getting older and her looks fade, he might just trade her in for a younger model since he doesn't care about her
And then she is too old to find a new guy
I remember the time before I got married after 7 years of dating.

edited TMI

My wife snagged me with being 5'2 36c-19-35, being like Bardot with a lot better platinum blond hair, and putting up with me for 7 years of me NOT going every time I ran into two on the move.

So you need to stop worrying about what will happen and just let it go on.

As for financial bs I was supportive but I did not connect the two till the ceremony made it into one in any way..

but, I would not have married a ugly guy LOL, I would have had ugly children maybe....

I think looks matter , I could not be with a guy I am not attracted to no matter how nice he was . However he doesn't have to be a total hottie that all the other women try to pick up on either , that;s annoying too
I agree somewhat..looks definitely are what first attracts, it's human nature. But what folks find attractive is in the eye of the beholder.
That said, I guess if a person was wanting kids, and not wanting to pass on ugly traits, that would be a consideration when finding a mate.
I never really wanted kids or had any so ...I never had that to consider that aspect.

I guess it's different for everyone. But just in my opinion, looks definitely are not everything in the long run but there does have to be some attraction.
I get bored real fast if I can't have a intelligent conversation with a man or feel that good mojo compatibility chemistry...and for my personality type and temperament..that is a rare find.
I like being alone, I need alone time n I'd rather be alone than settle for less than what I like.
So I empathize with them both, if he had a moment and he kinda let her have her way into his space n now he is having a realization that this isn't aligned with his needs and wants anymore ..that can be a difficult position to navigate. It seems like she overstepped a boundry, perhaps for true feelings and a hopeful future but it might be backfiring on her. A woman looses her beauty faster than a man I think..alot of guys age really well with that gritty salty filled out's sexy. Codependent on her age, she is wasting time on a man who isn't that into her future.
Unless the story is all bull..but he doesn't seem like one who would do that on here just for drama..but's been a interesting thread of ideas n opinions..
what do YOU look like? Looks are only relevant if there is a large difference
yall, @Hooch and @sonya123 he had posted a pic of himself at one time, in the past week or so. Probably took it down, don't know. Yeah, he's okay on the hot side.

He's okay on the hot side? HE is smoking hot and is adored by women throughout this and a few other nations. I would say more but I am also very modest. :cool:

Hash and Alexandra have THE REAL THING going on!! Nothing like this WHINE event! Please don't compare the two!! Hashbrown KNOWS what life is about!!

Whoa, slow you're roll. No one is whining and this isn't CNN, real people are living real lives here. Just because Hashbrown is happy with being attached to the weighted ball doesn't mean that's right for everyone.
Do you have children? Do you have a will that specifically lists the items that go to each? Do you expect your last will and testament to be followed?
I did not notice but is there an age difference between you two?
If you answer yes to the first three you might as well figger that in the event of your passing your wishes are not going to happen. All your property is now hers and any relatives of yours are now out.
I have seen and witnessed this many times with friends and co-workers.
Iffuns you have no children then what is the problem? by just revealing this here shows that you realize the potential for future complications and thangs jest ain't right. Listen to that internal voice saying" warning, warning Will Robinson! "
Face up and admit to what your fears are because the easiest person to fool is yourself then make your decision.

No children, no ability to have children, I do have a will and a pops, she is younger than I am but not by that much.
So I went to the lawyer today and the will has been amended. Now pops is the primary beneficiary and the lady is the backup. But again I guarantee you pops will just hand it all over to her the second she flashes those big brown eyes at him. I will also be logging in to the company site and updating my life insurance beneficiary, but she will be the primary on that. Pops could never spend the money I already have and she might as well use to take care of her mama and sister, not that they are poor or destitute. I just don't want to tell her and probably won't. She will just take it as another sign that she's winning the war.

Someone suggested that being apart for a while will be a good time to do some thinking. So we will see how things look/feel when I get back. She seems to be fretting my upcoming absence a lot. A whole lot. She has been very clingy and overly affectionate the last few days.
So You 2 haven't been apart since 2022...?!?

That depends on what you mean. I have worked a few jobs where I was gone for 7-14 days or so at a time and she has made a few trips out of the country to see family, but we have been essentially cohabitating since late 2022. Although the first several months she had her own place still and would go home from time to time. After that she would go away when I did because I did not want her to be alone at the compound, but eventually I decided she could rob me blind any time she wanted so I just let her be.
He's okay on the hot side? HE is smoking hot and is adored by women throughout this and a few other nations. I would say more but I am also very modest. :cool:
So, you are not too bad but I like the guy in snowman's photo better :p

but you do look older than her, maybe that's why life insurance?

how long are you going to be gone for?
I worry about that with my daughter and her husband, he is currently deployed for 9 months and often can't even call or email
They almost got divorced the first year they were married because she got sent to school in Pensacola and him in Chicago...but they are still married for now, so there is hope for your relationship too I would imagine ( if you want it to be)
So, you are not too bad but I like the guy in snowman's photo better :p

but you do look older than her, maybe that's why life insurance?

how long are you going to be gone for?
I worry about that with my daughter and her husband, he is currently deployed for 9 months and often can't even call or email
They almost got divorced the first year they were married because she got sent to school in Pensacola and him in Chicago...but they are still married for now, so there is hope for your relationship too I would imagine ( if you want it to be)

I have this horrible whitish hair that makes everyone think I am older than I am. I refuse to dye it or anything like that. I am who I am, like it or not. She of course doesn't seem to age which makes everyone think is younger than she is.

I am going to be gone for no less than 7 days but it could drag out. Yeah, once I board the airplane I will be incommunicado until I land back at the very same airport. That's not as long as a deployment but I can see where it would be taxing on the person left behind. I will be busy and by busy I mean focused on the task at hand. I cannot afford to be distracted.
Maybe I am different than most females

My life is so great living by myself

I would not like having anybody in my way

To tell me what to do or what they want me to do

I have Nobody to p***me off

I have real friends and that is more than anough

I like better to live with animals than people
To 🐝 Honest, I can't see how You can afford to show a pic of Yourself if You can't 🐝 Distracted on Your Task...?!?

I was referring to my mind not being on my assignment. Lack of focus gets you killed. Or worse yet the asset or assets killed.

I am not in the espionage game and the companies I work for are not in the espionage game. They are "security contractors" who ensure that the people, governments or corporations who can afford it are well protected against real or perceived threats. There are rules I have to follow and I can assure you I am being monitored off and on to ensure compliance. A whole lot of people will see my face on my way to my assignment, while I am at my assignment and on my way back from my assignment. If I was deep into the secret world of espionage, data collection, assassinations, infiltration, etc. I wouldn't even be on this forum and I would never have a bedroom buddy to post about.
Maybe I am different than most females

My life is so great living by myself

I would not like having anybody in my way

To tell me what to do or what they want me to do

I have Nobody to p***me off

I have real friends and that is more than anough

I like better to live with animals than people
We are each different. I also require a ton of alone time. I cruised, alone, for two year, my longest crossing was 24 days without seeing land. I lived in the only cabin on an island. Today, I visit friends for one hour per week, most weeks. My dog gives me all the socialization I require. I think there are an above average number of people like that here. I doubt that most people could tolerate the solitude. I’d do well as a lighthouse watchman.

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