The Ladies

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Well I'm not ashamed to admit the first thread I went to was here- I've been away a few days and you popped into my head a few times so thanks for that 😂 wanted to check you were still alive.

No expectations, she pays her way, is smart and shes attractive. Wish I'd met her first lol
Stop thinking, start enjoying. If the world falls apart tomorrow you have someone who can fire her own gun.
So we went out for a few drinks, then dinner, then back to the compound. She came out with a wrapped box and was pretty excited to give it to me. There was sappy stuff and lots of affection, then she had me open it. It was a 3rd gen Colt Single Action Army in .45lc. The SAA means a lot to her as it was her grandfathers preferred pistol and one he received as a gift from her grandmother. She also she has a SAA tattooed on her back by the way. So I would say the significance of this gift was more than just a metal bullet launcher. She of course also has a Colt SAA, only hers is a little more flamboyant and flashy as one would expect from South America. At that point we ****** and ****** and of course ****** **** ******** ******. After which I stretched out, she poured herself a glass of wine and we set outside on the patio until it was time for bed. As in sleep. Of course she fell asleep in 3.1 seconds while I laid there for an hour contemplating the potential underlying meaning of this gift.
OH now I see, you have an expensive to feed pet that just happen to eat the same as hers....
It's a compromise disguised as a gift..

Woman = Compromise:

Moving in. Hooked'em, inside score

Pledge of FI Wedding Vow, commit

Special family gun. Wedding Gift to you

Ring on Finger. He's all mine, MINE!

$$$$ buy her way in, harder to catch n release her or hit n. run.
She'd likely give you the world, but will likely never be on Equal ground , so she compromised.
In return you get alot of the loot..but loose what emotional and independent freedom you have gained.
If it's worth it..great..
If it's worth it.
That said,
She will probably murder /suicide you if you leave her n we will be wondering, where did he go?
Stuff horror romance movies are made ..
She will probably murder /suicide you if you leave her n we will be wondering, where did he go?
Stuff horror romance movies are made ..

I have said this many times. She has a temper, a gun and a passport. But I am okay with it, better to have a grave maker that said "killed by a scorned lover" than to end up dying in a nursing home after a long battle of some disease.
So yesterday I went to see pops and of course that lady wanted to come along. It was supposed to be a short visit but when we got there we discovered that his Walmart grocery order got cancelled for some reason and was never delivered. So we went to the store and collected everything he needed/wanted for the next 3 weeks or so. We stopped at customer support and asked why it was cancelled, but of course no one could come up with an excuse. That's when the lady let her Brazilian fire demon out and started speaking in tongues. We walked out with a $50 gift card, a free year of Walmart+ home delivery and several apologies.
So yesterday I went to see pops and of course that lady wanted to come along. It was supposed to be a short visit but when we got there we discovered that his Walmart grocery order got cancelled for some reason and was never delivered. So we went to the store and collected everything he needed/wanted for the next 3 weeks or so. We stopped at customer support and asked why it was cancelled, but of course no one could come up with an excuse. That's when the lady let her Brazilian fire demon out and started speaking in tongues. We walked out with a $50 gift card, a free year of Walmart+ home delivery and several apologies
Nothing like a fiery woman to help with customer service.
No worries there are plenty of breeders all over. I see women with multiple kids in tow every day. The people next door have somewhere between 5 and 50. Not sure as I have never seen them in formation. The population numbers are safe.

There are a lot of people who just simply choose not to have children. That does not make them inferior or immoral. I hear people all the time clammer about how the world is complete crap and getting worse, then they think "hey I should drag more innocent humans into it". That seems questionable to me.
did you ever see the movie Idiocracy?
did you ever see the movie Idiocracy?
the one in theaters or the live action version pretty much any left leaning city prolly anywhere in the world
Several times. The exact reason I want my family line to end with me. I am confident my great great grandson would rise to become the inventor of Brawndo. It's got electrolytes.
I always figured I did my part in producing at least some offspring with above average intelligence
and now I have a 1.5 year old grandkid that can count already till 5 , I think she will be smart too
Several times. The exact reason I want my family line to end with me. I am confident my great great grandson would rise to become the inventor of Brawndo. It's got electrolytes.
it won't be long but the names will be different like Carbon down or Low Car Bon, and you will go down in history as not the inventors progenitor , OH no this version of the time loop may be worse
I have a good friend who made the decision to never have offspring. I think now that he is in his late 60s and sees the families around him, mine and his one sister's children and the grandchildren and seeing the happiness of his own father when he's around the great-grandchild, I think he wishes he would have chosen differently as he said as much; there's nothing like it.
But to each his own.
I have a good friend who made the decision to never have offspring. I think now that he is in his late 60s and sees the families around him, mine and his one sister's children and the grandchildren and seeing the happiness of his own father when he's around the great-grandchild, I think he wishes he would have chosen differently as he said as much; there's nothing like it.
But to each his own.

I come from a long line of horrible/miserable people. My pops did his best but even then he was a D+ parent. The egg donor just took off and never came back. Plus I am too selfish and free to be tied down by offspring. I won't even own a pet because I refuse to have that level of responsibility over another life. More importantly, I live a life free of regrets. Regrets are not in my nature. I make the best choices I can for me in the moment and then life with it forever.
So yesterday I went to see pops and of course that lady wanted to come along. It was supposed to be a short visit but when we got there we discovered that his Walmart grocery order got cancelled for some reason and was never delivered. So we went to the store and collected everything he needed/wanted for the next 3 weeks or so. We stopped at customer support and asked why it was cancelled, but of course no one could come up with an excuse. That's when the lady let her Brazilian fire demon out and started speaking in tongues. We walked out with a $50 gift card, a free year of Walmart+ home delivery and several apologies.
Yep, She's a "KEEPER"...!!!
So as to be clear, I am leaving later today. If someone posts under this account in the next week or so, it is probably the lady collecting intelligence or my laptop has been hacked by the FBI/ATF. More likely the lady. She is going to have several days to sit wait and ponder before she gets the call that I am back on US soil, so who knows what will happen inside her mind during that time. I am just hoping I don't come home to artsy pictures on the freshly painted walls, new furniture everywhere, area rugs and house plants. Okay, deep breaths. I am freaking myself out. I am sure she will just call her mama/sister every day and finally eat the 4 pints of ice cream that have been sitting in the freezer for months. Also, if in the unlikely event I never post again after today, it was nice knowing you and don't let me vote for Biden.
Remember, She Is :

So as to be clear, I am leaving later today. If someone posts under this account in the next week or so, it is probably the lady collecting intelligence or my laptop has been hacked by the FBI/ATF. More likely the lady. She is going to have several days to sit wait and ponder before she gets the call that I am back on US soil, so who knows what will happen inside her mind during that time. I am just hoping I don't come home to artsy pictures on the freshly painted walls, new furniture everywhere, area rugs and house plants. Okay, deep breaths. I am freaking myself out. I am sure she will just call her mama/sister every day and finally eat the 4 pints of ice cream that have been sitting in the freezer for months. Also, if in the unlikely event I never post again after today, it was nice knowing you and don't let me vote for Biden.
Not to add to you anxiety, but DOOMED. No worries, you vote for Biden I will try to hunt you down, beware the old fat guy that sounds like a tank moving through the brush :p. (espescially at higher altitudes)
So as to be clear, I am leaving later today. If someone posts under this account in the next week or so, it is probably the lady collecting intelligence or my laptop has been hacked by the FBI/ATF. More likely the lady. She is going to have several days to sit wait and ponder before she gets the call that I am back on US soil, so who knows what will happen inside her mind during that time. I am just hoping I don't come home to artsy pictures on the freshly painted walls, new furniture everywhere, area rugs and house plants. Okay, deep breaths. I am freaking myself out. I am sure she will just call her mama/sister every day and finally eat the 4 pints of ice cream that have been sitting in the freezer for months. Also, if in the unlikely event I never post again after today, it was nice knowing you and don't let me vote for Biden.

Alec Baldwin's Involuntary Manslaughter Trial Begins With Jury Selection​

Alec Baldwin's trial in the fatal shooting of a cinematographer is about to begin.

"The judge has said that the special circumstances of a celebrity trial shouldn't keep jury selection from moving quickly, and that opening statements should begin Wednesday.
“I’m not worried about being able to pick a jury in one day,” Marlowe Summer said. “I think we’re going to pick a jury by the afternoon.”"

Kinda makes One Wonder... ;)
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Just a "Bump" to Keep this in our Minds...!!! :lightbulb: