The Ladies

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That coulda been a grand opportunity to tell her having her own place again is a great idea, .
When she finally figures out all her sex n cooking whatever else she is giving freely still won't change your mind..she will blow a gasket.
Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free ...she hasent figured that out yet..
The 10 minutes of joy when I got back turned to her talking about how stressful last week was and how she wants me to stop taking job assignments. I told her I have no plans to quit working and that I needed to work if I want to reach my financial goals. Flash forward 45 minutes later and she was pretty pissed off. She made several comments about moving back home. I don't know if she thought I would fall to my knees and beg her to stay but that's not what happened.
That coulda been a grand opportunity to tell her having her own place again is a great idea, .
When she finally figures out all her sex n cooking whatever else she is giving freely still won't change your mind..she will blow a gasket.
Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free ...she hasent figured that out yet..

Is that the same as saying, don't let the door hit ya on the ass on the way out? Cause I already made that suggestion and it didn't go over well. No one has ever accused me of being a delicate and sensitive flower but I have been told I was blunt as a bat a few times. I got a short text a bit ago saying she would not be dining with me tonight. I think she's at a friends place.

I just don't know how we went from 'happy you're home' to 'why did you make me worry' faster than Joe Biden can fall down a flight of stairs. Pops told me I need to find me an average looking woman, maybe even a chunky gal, and stop chasing these beauty queens. In his words "They are 2x more stable, 3x more loyal and just as much fun in the sack". I don't however just chase beauty queens, I am an equal opportunity lover.
It's about expectations...
You describe a woman who very your descriptions expecting not getting the more ..even after.. in her mind ... all she has done for you and in her mind "us".
It sounds like she is getting frustrated...
She is a beauty queen, you could move on to a average gal..but if the expectation are not clear and understood..she will eventually get frustrated too.
I understand you have said a million times you told her your not interested in a committed relationship...but you are giving her enough  Hope through actions. Like sex, moving in, steady companionship, letting her cook n feed you.. to make her believe she can eventually change your mind. You are essentially allowing her to role play being the wife.
For a man who is emotionally available ..she would be a awesome catch and more than likely, if he really likes her and her efforts..he will secure her and reward her with marriage.
Because a emotionally available mans heart is open to that outcome.
Maybe bcuz she is so beautiful, smart and giving of herself, she really believes you will eventually relent. It doesn't sound like she really doesn't understand you are emotionally different.
If you are truly not interested in a committed loving relationship..she will realize she has wasted her time and efforts and will become very very unhappy about the situation.
No amount of you or her role playing can stand in for genuine feelings of love . You see that like when she gets that gittityness feelings you see her emote when you give her a tiny bit of hope. That is her hope and a small win spilling over in her head..and your like..what did I do? Lol..
This is just my take..I feel for ya both..relationships of any kind can be difficult to navigate even for those who are open to them.
Maybe her moving out will really allow you to really search your feelings. Being on a assignment under work stress isn't a great time to dig deep.
Maybe it's the out you n her need to realize the party is over and it is time to move on.
Just my opinion..

Dont be her little puppy and dont let her run your life

I personally never let anyone run my life and tell me what to do
I would never allow that, either. I think SHE is being HIS little puppy, in my opinion.
Yeah she knew, but when I went away she always went home or took a vacation, this time she stuck around and worried. This whole emotional roller coaster is just one more reason that being single is the way to go. I don't know that she is leaving, but she was pretty worked up. And still is. Not sure why she was expecting me to suddenly be all sunshine and lollipops. She should have figured out by now that's not in my nature. There was never going to a picket fence.
But she is getting mixed messages from you. She does not understand she is being used for what she’s willing to give.
I tell you she would be out my house forever in --- 3-2-1 OUT FOREVER

Then only ones I endure in my house is My dog and MY cats
My husband loves me as I am. He is not upset by my independence and the choices I make. We allow each other to be free to make our own devisions.
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Yeah, you know b|tches be crazy, lol!!

The single most accurate post in this entire thread. :cool:

But she is getting mixed messages from you. She does not understand she is being used for what she’s willing to give.

I don't know. I have never swayed from the constant "I will never get married", "I will never have kids", "I don't want to be in a long term relationship". The only ground I have conceded is agreeing not having sex with other women or male flight attendants while we are sleeping together.

ou are Hurting Her and Maybe even Ruining and chance She has to Find Real True Love with the Situation the way it is...!!! Let Her go man if You don't want to Commit, Tell Her for Her Sake that it is Over and She should move on...!!

I don't have her passport. I don't have her handcuffed to the bed. I don't have her mama in a cell in Gitmo. I don't have a sex tape of her. I don't have a hit man ready to kill her off. I don't have any dirt on her that would send her to prison. She's a grown ass woman and if she hasn't figured out I am not marriage material at this point then she is being willfully ignorant, which again is not my fault. I have told her she should move on about 10,000 times in every way, shape and form. She is either delusional or she is sticking around for the sex. Or maybe for my supply of dehydrated foods which is growing by the week.
It's about expectations...
You describe a woman who very your descriptions expecting not getting the more ..even after.. in her mind ... all she has done for you and in her mind "us".
It sounds like she is getting frustrated...
She is a beauty queen, you could move on to a average gal..but if the expectation are not clear and understood..she will eventually get frustrated too.
I understand you have said a million times you told her your not interested in a committed relationship...but you are giving her enough  Hope through actions. Like sex, moving in, steady companionship, letting her cook n feed you.. to make her believe she can eventually change your mind. You are essentially allowing her to role play being the wife.
For a man who is emotionally available ..she would be a awesome catch and more than likely, if he really likes her and her efforts..he will secure her and reward her with marriage.
Because a emotionally available mans heart is open to that outcome.
Maybe bcuz she is so beautiful, smart and giving of herself, she really believes you will eventually relent. It doesn't sound like she really doesn't understand you are emotionally different.
If you are truly not interested in a committed loving relationship..she will realize she has wasted her time and efforts and will become very very unhappy about the situation.
No amount of you or her role playing can stand in for genuine feelings of love . You see that like when she gets that gittityness feelings you see her emote when you give her a tiny bit of hope. That is her hope and a small win spilling over in her head..and your like..what did I do? Lol..
This is just my take..I feel for ya both..relationships of any kind can be difficult to navigate even for those who are open to them.
Maybe her moving out will really allow you to really search your feelings. Being on a assignment under work stress isn't a great time to dig deep.
Maybe it's the out you n her need to realize the party is over and it is time to move on.
Just my opinion..

You seem to understand her a hell of a lot more than I do. Can you give her a call and tell her there is no hope and to get out? Just tell her you're my relationship coach and your professional opinion is that she needs to go! Also please try and sound less attractive than her. Don't want her getting any ideas and killing me in my sleep. Better yet I will sleep in the gun room on the floor.
today has been a week....the lady has probably repainted entire house by now to her favorite colors...shot up half of his practice drapes in bedroom and chewed her fingernails to the quick.....he thought job was dangerous he was doing...he probably need that kevlar vest when he returns home...she will sound like ricky recardo on the old i love lucy shows upon his return !
called it...ricky recardo moment going be over as soon as she gets it out of of her red hot blooded system.
I have a good idea!
If you REALLY wish her to go ........

Give her a Teddy bear - a box of Kleenex and her Suitcase


Tell her you wish her to go forever away from you far far far away


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Got a text saying she was staying with a friend from work because she has some thinking to do. I just replied "come pick up your dogs and have them think with you". I got a text back of a middle finger emoji. Not sure if that means she is coming to get these animals or not. Feels like it is going in the direction where I should grab some totes and start packing her stuff up. Surprisingly she doesn't have a ton of stuff other than bathroom items, clothes, shoes and some furniture. Much of her stuff is in a storage garage.
Got a text saying she was staying with a friend from work because she has some thinking to do. I just replied "come pick up your dogs and have them think with you". I got a text back of a middle finger emoji. Not sure if that means she is coming to get these animals or not. Feels like it is going in the direction where I should grab some totes and start packing her stuff up. Surprisingly she doesn't have a ton of stuff other than bathroom items, clothes, shoes and some furniture. Much of her stuff is in a storage garage.
Poor dogs to have someone like her *irresponsable*
She dont deserve to have dogs :mad:
The single most accurate post in this entire thread. :cool:

I don't know. I have never swayed from the constant "I will never get married", "I will never have kids", "I don't want to be in a long term relationship". The only ground I have conceded is agreeing not having sex with other women or male flight attendants while we are sleeping together.

I don't have her passport. I don't have her handcuffed to the bed. I don't have her mama in a cell in Gitmo. I don't have a sex tape of her. I don't have a hit man ready to kill her off. I don't have any dirt on her that would send her to prison. She's a grown ass woman and if she hasn't figured out I am not marriage material at this point then she is being willfully ignorant, which again is not my fault. I have told her she should move on about 10,000 times in every way, shape and form. She is either delusional or she is sticking around for the sex. Or maybe for my supply of dehydrated foods which is growing by the week.
But she is getting mixed messages from you. You keep her around and tolerate her in your home. I think men and women view sex differently. Woman often make an emotional connection in a sexual relationship. I, personal, have never nor could I ever have casual sex.

It’s kind of telephone solicitors. As long as they have you on the phone, there is a chance they can sell you their product. You have to hang up on them to make final that ‘no’ is ‘NO’.
this thread is more interesting than my Turkish soap opera....

It would be really interesting to hear HER side of all this , D-marsh, does she read this forum? Does she know you are posting about her on here?

She knows I post about her and she has read over my shoulder but I doubt she could find this forum on her own. Of course now that I wrote that she will and suddenly the domestic disturbance thread will have to be merged together.
But she is getting mixed messages from you. You keep her around and tolerate her in your home. I think men and women view sex differently. Woman often make an emotional connection in a sexual relationship. I, personal, have never nor could I ever have casual sex.

It’s kind of telephone solicitors. As long as they have you on the phone, there is a chance they can sell you their product. You have to hang up on them to make final that ‘no’ is ‘NO’.

Then I have given mixed messages to a whole lot of woman across this great nation. Yet only this one followed me home and decided to stay. She wasn't invited to stay, she just did. In the future I will have to read from a card and make them initial it before engaging in sexual activities.

I hear by consent to the bumping of uglies, mashing of parts and exchange of fluids. This physical exchange is not implied consent to enter or remain in a relationship and does not constitute familiarity beyond the physical act in which the two parties will engage. No telephonic number, digital mail addresses or physical street addresses will be exchanged. No emotional tethers or manufactured feelings of togetherness, lust or love will be reciprocated. In the event of an STD, please seek medical assistance and fire a flare gun into the air on the 1st night of the new month, 12:00am, at coordinates to be provided after consummating the sexual event. If you find yourself with child, discuss with your prior or post event partner. Initial here _______. Date ________. We know you have options when it comes to sexual partners and we would like to thank you for sleeping with D. Hooch Pearlman. We hope you experienced a pleasurable event. And again, no relationship is expressed or implied.
Well..if you really want her out and to be is your chance.

Be gentle..but firm.

While she is an adult who has made choices , remember it took both of you to reach this point.

It's OK to test waters & explore new experiences ..a kiss isn't a contract.

If it isn't over..well..I guess we will hear about a grand make up reunion n many of us will have to buy more popcorn.

I believe..the people that come into our lives cross our paths for a reason.
Good and bad..

I already have one crazy after me you'all...I don't need the lady's hood rollin me up too..
no bad idea...hooch get a visit from south american mafia by midnight if she does....i can see into her mind...that OTHER LADY wants him for herself...marsh be hung in closet and hooches house be blown up.
Then again..I am fully insured and would get brand new tin can to live in.
Lol..nah..bad idea..
Since Mr. Hooch Pearlman just had a trip tho..she'd probably think he went to actually visit his other exotic lady lover..and has decided the ball n chain is getting to real..
I hope she has reasonable friends tho who can well advise her to not let her crazy out.

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