“Yet, here we are at the end of 2020, and the year’s facts put fiction to shame: A viral contagion exported from mainland China that amounts to an act of aggression. Draconian state shutdowns that have violated our rights and devastated
businesses and jobs. The destruction and ransacking of blue cities, at the provocation of leftist groups and with the tacit blessings of Democrats. The propaganda machine known as the mainstream media in hyperdrive to support a visibly declining Joe Biden -- Biden, whose resumé is a testament to low character and corruption. Censorship -- coordinated speech suppression – across social media, in order to impose a narrative to aid Biden’s and Democrats’ election prospects. The
machinations of the Deep State to depose a duly elected president and, possibly, thwart his reelection. And the capstone event: historic elections fraud that’s near stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump. The latter, particularly, is a stunning subversion of Americans’ constitutional right to select their leader.
It’s the last event that should finally blow the lid off the national pressure cooker. As the evidence is assembled from battleground states, and that evidence is ordered and rendered in clearer perspective, the magnitude of the evil – the utter betrayal of our Constitution – will be grasped by more Americans, more profoundly. Not all, mind you, but a growing number. If this attack on free and fair elections stands, it’s the stuff of war, whatever the form. Or, at minimum, it’s fodder for open-ended civil strife.
The American people cannot allow fraudulent election results or even the appearance of such to stand. It undermines the Constitution and demoralizes the citizenry. When people lose confidence in the integrity of elections, their respect for government is eroded and their willingness to comply with the laws it legislates is undermined.
A Trump victory may eventually have a happy ending. But in righting this most grievous wrong, the road ahead will be rough.
Targeting Trump for persecution
targets all honest, patriotic Americans. Democrats
weaponized the law years ago. They’d have no trouble using it as a terror weapon once the White House is secured.
The Civil War ended with the Union holding and slavery abolished. But the price paid getting there was stiff, and it took a century to dissipate hard feelings and end Democrat-sanctioned apartheid in the South.
We really are two peoples living in one nation. The divisions are stark. These disputed elections will drive us further apart.
But what, then, do patriots do if Trump is so attacked?
What of the injuries to our lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness that would surely emerge from a Biden administration? Where, in the days ahead, is the breaking point, the point of no return in this unfolding conflict?
When will a critical mass of Americans reach their pain thresholds? When will patriots say enough is enough?
Complete article here...https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/12/bring_on_2021.html