The Coming Civil War

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Nope. One side supports America with American beliefs. Your side are communists working their hardest to destroy America. Also known as "Traitors".

Sure, have any opinion you want. The issue arises when your opinion is working to override my Rights. To destroy our nation. Why would I have empathy for someone who is trying their best to destroy me, my family, and my nation? Let me turn this around. I would have the same respect for those who do battle with democrat commies as I do for our soldiers who fought in WW2. It's the same battle, just domestic vs foreign. So get off your high horse.
Did Obama destroy our nation, no. Did trump destroy it, no. Luckily the president dosent have total power to do that by himself. He can do damage, but there are checks and balances luckily. Anyone that supports Biden isn’t destroying our country, just your single minded vision of what it should be.
Did Obama destroy our nation, no. Did trump destroy it, no. Luckily the president dosent have total power to do that by himself. He can do damage, but there are checks and balances luckily. Anyone that supports Biden isn’t destroying our country, just your single minded vision of what it should be.

I sure hope when the shooting starts, you don't go shouting your communist appeasments. Its not just about Trump or any other President. Its about a deep state of communist democrats that has setup a fraudulent voting system and taken control of the media to destroy our repersentative Constitutional Republic. Now do you get it?
It is disgusting how there is so much hatred for ‘the other side’ here and across the country. Aren’t we all americans? Isn’t living in a free country supposed to be free to have opinions other than yours? The talk of joyfully shooting the ‘others’ is truly repulsive and shows a serious lack of empathy and intelligence.

Yes there is a lot of hatred but I do not think people really wants to be killing other Americans. I do think the anger is warranted. I think what started it was Obama. During the Obama administration homosexuality and Muslims were pushed down our necks. Personally I do not hate homosexuals. What you do in your house is your business but do not push it upon me. Same with Muslims. He pushed the Muslims upon us and I think he was violating national security doing it.

Now like Rellgar stated above, now its communists. Our government is infiltrated by them. No one on the right has any trust in the 3 letter agencies. Hell they have been proven that they spy on us. The local thugs ANTIFA and Black Lies Matter are both communist. They are getting braver and braver. The schools have teachers that have been indocrinated and in turn they are indocrinating our children and this goes all the way from elementary to college.

How much do you take before you fight back? Before long it will be like the Salem witch trials and neighbors will be pointing fingers at another neighbor. Before long nation shaking events could happen. I think that all it will take is a societal collapse and the government imploding. Then the UN or Chinese could come in, in the name of disaster relief. Thats my theory.

The second paragraph is why I started this militia unit. It is also why we train in guerrilla warfare.
it sounds to me like a lot of you want a civil war,
Not at all. We want our Nation, and recognize that much spilled blood may be the only path to get there. And that some of that blood is our own and that of those we love.

But, if we are going to have this battle, I think a critical mindset is for everyone to have read and understood the book "The Starfish and the Spider". I think Doc originally mentioned it? Best book I've read (after of course the Bible) in at least 5-10 years, in terms of how significant it is to the times.
War has Started, It Is the Time to Enter the Battle!
America has been in a war. It is a war waged by foreign governments and the Deep State inside the United States to overthrow the legitimate government and enslave the American people. It is a war that the American people cannot afford to lose. It is about preserving the dignity of the Constitution and defending the sacred rights of the American people.

This unprecedented election fraud has revealed that the United States’ legislative, judicial, and executive branches are corrupt and unable to grant the American people their constitutional rights properly. Government officials, judges, and congressional members from the federal to the local level are complicit in this crime. Few dare to stand up for the people they are supposed to represent. The entire Republican Party establishment is too weak to stand firmly by the President. The foundations of the United States are in jeopardy.

It Is the Time of War

American people cannot believe that the most absurd and corrupt election fraud in the world is taking place in the United States.
According to a November survey conducted by Politico magazine, 79% of pro-Trump voters believe that fraudulent ballots stole the election. Many people do not believe that the current judicial system can do justice to the American people.
More and more people have realized that this isn’t just about the election; it’s a war against the United States of America. According to attorney Lin Wood, this is a color revolution to subvert U.S. sovereignty, a joint effort between the Communist Party of China and the U.S. swamp forces. The process began with an attack by the Chinese Communist military’s unrestricted biological weapon, Covid-19. Violent riots took place in major cities under the cover of the virus. Then Biden and the swamp forces blatantly cheated in the presidential election.

In his tweet, Dr. Guan, a guest speaker of Lude Media News, stated that there is no turning back for America; this is a critical moment for the human race. Wars are about gaining control of power, wealth, and territory. A hot war is just one means to achieve the purpose. What the Nazis and the Soviets failed to achieve, the Chinese Communist Party is just one step away from achieving it. “If this is not war, nothing else is,” he claimed.

We the People

American people no longer believe that there will be a smooth transition that they may rebuild America and return to God’s righteous path. They are ready to take a stand.

In his November 29th bombshell tweet, attorney Lin Wood reminded Americans to revisit President Lincoln’s Wartime Act of 1861. According to the U.S. Constitution, the activation of the “War Powers” allows the President to take action to save the nation in any way: to declare martial law, to disobey the Chief Justice, and to try civilians in military tribunals! It’s time for President Trump to activate his War Powers.

It is Time for Actions

President Trump delivered what might be “the most important speech” of his life on Wednesday, December 2, in the White House. “As the president, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege, and it began months before the presidential election.”

At the Georgia rally on Wednesday, Attorney Lin Wood said, “We have a message for the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing: We are not going to let you take our country over! Never going to happen on our watch! This is America; you picked the fight with the wrong people!”

We believe that President Trump is ready, so are we. It’s time, Mr. President, to start! We stand firmly with you, yes, with “our lives, our property, and our sacred honor!”

This article is by a Chinese person who knows the CCP well.
Original article: 丟掉幻想,進入戰鬥! - GNEWS
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Ex-Government insider turned whistle blower targeted by the deep state outing fake news!

Jeffrey Prather

·Dec 4

While I was live Thursday #DNI briefed senate & house intel & did interview that #China wages #covert war on #USA via #psyop & bribery! Sound familiar? “

(DNI - Director of National Intelligence)
If you're a fan of Mike Adams (or not), this may be the most enlightening broadcast I have ever heard him do in over 2 years of following him. He sheds MUCH light on the Chinese connection in the 2020 election that goes back to a 2015 breech of Federal employee databases (even farther back to 2013 actually). He has connected the dots beautifully on what is perhaps planned for America and exactly how this capability came about, complete with a little event history for making what he says all make sense. He sheds much light on what we know about the COVID vaccines thus far. It's an hour long, but well worth the listen to the end: The Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 5th - The CCP gambit: Mass vaccinations of U.S. military to weaken national security
If you're a fan of Mike Adams (or not), this may be the most enlightening broadcast I have ever heard him do in over 2 years of following him. He sheds MUCH light on the Chinese connection in the 2020 election that goes back to a 2015 breech of Federal employee databases (even farther back to 2013 actually). He has connected the dots beautifully on what is perhaps planned for America and exactly how this capability came about, complete with a little event history for making what he says all make sense. He sheds much light on what we know about the COVID vaccines thus far. It's an hour long, but well worth the listen to the end: The Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 5th - The CCP gambit: Mass vaccinations of U.S. military to weaken national security

Actually I just discovered the Health Ranger. He is interesting and has given me insight into the corruption going on that I would not have known.

I’ve noticed there are more than a few high level retired military speaking out. obama might have thrown them out, but they still hold tons of valuable knowledge and take their OATH seriously!
I have always been very impressed with Mike's analysis of historical and current events as a rule. He's a bright man with a PhD in chemistry. Runs his own lab (in the Austin area) doing independent research on various health product and food claims that his the public arena. He's one Texan I feel I can trust for good info on many issues. I've never bought any of his products, but I do trust his facts & his very straightforward delivery of them.

I do hope Trump is availing himself of all the military expertise Obama got rid of over his tenure. Getting Flynn back on-board was the best thing he could have done.
Chinese Media: Biden Will Stop U.S. Allies from Confronting Beijing

“A Joe Biden White House will be happy to intercede on Bejing’s behalf and silence criticism of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by U.S. allies, an official China state media outlet claimed Monday.

Pointing to the lack of reaction from the Biden camp to China’s continued excoriation of long-term U.S. allies like Australia, an op-ed in the CCP mouthpiece Global Times assertedthe silence is indicative of Biden compliance because “there is no legitimate reason for Biden to back up Australia’s condemnation against China.”

If given the chance, biden will allow China to do what it want to us and the world.
Chinese Media: Biden Will Stop U.S. Allies from Confronting Beijing

“A Joe Biden White House will be happy to intercede on Bejing’s behalf and silence criticism of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by U.S. allies, an official China state media outlet claimed Monday.

Pointing to the lack of reaction from the Biden camp to China’s continued excoriation of long-term U.S. allies like Australia, an op-ed in the CCP mouthpiece Global Times assertedthe silence is indicative of Biden compliance because “there is no legitimate reason for Biden to back up Australia’s condemnation against China.”

If given the chance, biden will allow China to do what it want to us and the world.

Unlikely. Biden is more likely to confront China over things like Taiwan and will be more in favour of military actions as opposed to economic sanctions. He will be a puppet of the US military. While he won't go to war with China plenty of other countries will be in his sights.
Unlikely. Biden is more likely to confront China over things like Taiwan and will be more in favour of military actions as opposed to economic sanctions. He will be a puppet of the US military. While he won't go to war with China plenty of other countries will be in his sights.

Doubtful. He and his son are bought off by China. Clearly you haven’t listened to what he has said about China. But you aren’t American so I don’t blame you for not understanding what is happening here.
The Chinese understand what his happening. My wife ran across a Chinese language video (she is Chinese) that I am trying to get translated. It shocked her. Part of it is talking about how the CCP is openly bragging about having Biden in their pocket. There are a lot of Chinese pulling for Trump because they know what a Biden presidency would mean.
The Chinese understand what his happening. My wife ran across a Chinese language video (she is Chinese) that I am trying to get translated. It shocked her. Part of it is talking about how the CCP is openly bragging about having Biden in their pocket. There are a lot of Chinese pulling for Trump because they know what a Biden presidency would mean.

That is what I’ve been reading from Chinese translated sites and blogs!!

“Yet, here we are at the end of 2020, and the year’s facts put fiction to shame: A viral contagion exported from mainland China that amounts to an act of aggression. Draconian state shutdowns that have violated our rights and devastated businesses and jobs. The destruction and ransacking of blue cities, at the provocation of leftist groups and with the tacit blessings of Democrats. The propaganda machine known as the mainstream media in hyperdrive to support a visibly declining Joe Biden -- Biden, whose resumé is a testament to low character and corruption. Censorship -- coordinated speech suppression – across social media, in order to impose a narrative to aid Biden’s and Democrats’ election prospects. The machinations of the Deep State to depose a duly elected president and, possibly, thwart his reelection. And the capstone event: historic elections fraud that’s near stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump. The latter, particularly, is a stunning subversion of Americans’ constitutional right to select their leader.

It’s the last event that should finally blow the lid off the national pressure cooker. As the evidence is assembled from battleground states, and that evidence is ordered and rendered in clearer perspective, the magnitude of the evil – the utter betrayal of our Constitution – will be grasped by more Americans, more profoundly. Not all, mind you, but a growing number. If this attack on free and fair elections stands, it’s the stuff of war, whatever the form. Or, at minimum, it’s fodder for open-ended civil strife.

The American people cannot allow fraudulent election results or even the appearance of such to stand. It undermines the Constitution and demoralizes the citizenry. When people lose confidence in the integrity of elections, their respect for government is eroded and their willingness to comply with the laws it legislates is undermined.

A Trump victory may eventually have a happy ending. But in righting this most grievous wrong, the road ahead will be rough.

Targeting Trump for persecution targets all honest, patriotic Americans. Democrats weaponized the law years ago. They’d have no trouble using it as a terror weapon once the White House is secured.

The Civil War ended with the Union holding and slavery abolished. But the price paid getting there was stiff, and it took a century to dissipate hard feelings and end Democrat-sanctioned apartheid in the South. We really are two peoples living in one nation. The divisions are stark. These disputed elections will drive us further apart.

But what, then, do patriots do if Trump is so attacked? What of the injuries to our lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness that would surely emerge from a Biden administration? Where, in the days ahead, is the breaking point, the point of no return in this unfolding conflict? When will a critical mass of Americans reach their pain thresholds? When will patriots say enough is enough?

Complete article here...