Honestly, I think the reason conservative, America loving cops and soldiers are leaving, is so it will be easier to know the enemy. If CW broke out, many like me would be very hesitant to fight the very people we have supported our entire lives, but knowing they are ALL jackboots would make it VERY easy. How are these people going to go after someone in their home, when the neighbors on the other side of the street are shooting at them too? Where do they take cover?
They are putting woke leadership in everywhere. The good guys are leaving.
35 officers, staff out at Fargo Police, many citing toxic work environment, low morale (msn.com)
FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) - In less than two years, dozens of Fargo Police officers and civilian staff have walked away from the job and many of them say the toxic, ‘dictatorship-like’ work environment is to blame.
Exit interviews obtained by Valley News Live show since FPD Chief David Zibolski took office in Oct. 2020, 35 members of the department have resigned, with many of them citing issues with Zibolski and his leadership. One person wrote, ‘The Fargo Police Department is in crisis, and Chief Zibolski will not admit it.’
Several sources close to the department say at least three more staff members placed their resignations into Fargo Police on Friday, Jan. 14.
Seven more employees retired in that timeframe, which many within the department say ‘would have never happened’ had the work environment and leadership not changed ‘for the worst.’
“Chief Zibolski believed that the FPD were a bunch of bumpkins and that he was here to ‘fix’ us,” one former officer wrote.
Many officers likened Zibolski’s type of leadership to that of previous Fargo Police Chief Keith Ternes which could “be summed up as a ‘Do as I say, not as I do,’ mentality.”
“I do not hate the Fargo Police Department. But I do hate the toxic environment that exists within it,” a former officer wrote.