The Death Of The Boy Scouts

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If I had kids, I definitely would not allow them to join the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts.

Amazing how the left always tells us normal people that we are bigots, while hiding the absolute fact that THEY are the bigots for forcing their agendas on us, including our kids!

When a girl scout asks me if I want to buy some of their cookies, I politely say, "I already bought some, but thanks for asking." (Yeah, I bought them 10 years ago.)
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I worry more about the Girl Scouts.
That's where my beloved 'girl scout cookies' come from.

I know that there are way more boys that want to pretend to be girls, than the reverse.
I don't want to have to buy 'They Scout cookies' instead :mad:.
I quit buying their cookies when they quit going door to door. Same with boy scout popcorn.

OMG, it's too dangerous!!!! Tell that to my Papa Bear and Mama bear that used to walk with us. of course, you have to leave the AC and actually WALK.
Unfortunately, that's old news. We experienced that with our grandson and boy scouts in New Mexico about 5 years ago. Never saw that with our son (who is in his 30's) when he was in scouts, and became an Eagle Scout.
$125 to join then uniforms patches extra. My grandson has been guest visiting before he joins. I get it not wanting to spend the money if its not a good fit for him. Daughter said a few boys in this group are misbehaving every meeting. Leader does nothing to control them. Other parents had to step to stop 2 boys flipping tables last nights meeting.
IF they drop the name, it will become public domain again since the original organization will be gone. It is time to go back to the beginning, look up the original English Charter for the Boy Scouts and restart the organization as it was formed originally, change the tenets to read that any person who joins will be required to meet these standards, NO EXCEPTIONS, and any differences will be handled within the council.

All members and staff will have to sign a legally binding LLC document that prevents any type of lawsuit from being filed against the organization for any reason.

Make it a private club. Close the doors to any trouble makers and miscreants.

Or just forget it and have a nationwide support organization for the same type of Local organization.
We tried skipping out on the cookie sales because of the quarter a box thing when our girls were in it...were going to do car washes and yard sales. BUT were told by our council that we had to sell cookies, a big amount, before we were able to do any other fundraising. And then it had to be approved. Those cookie sales were a pain. Pick up a truckload (yourself) from the warehouse, do your own box count...distribute to girls, collect money, even fill out the deposit slips to the council and bring that and the checks to their bank. And fill out an ending report, drive across town to the main coordinator to turn it in. Girls would get little prizes for their sales. It was a major hassle. GSA makes a ton of money. Uniform costs were outrageous, too, for what they were.
It is crazy. Now I wonder what the top people make? We bought used uniforms at thrift stores.
$125 to join then uniforms patches extra. My grandson has been guest visiting before he joins. I get it not wanting to spend the money if its not a good fit for him. Daughter said a few boys in this group are misbehaving every meeting. Leader does nothing to control them. Other parents had to step to stop 2 boys flipping tables last nights meeting.
Uncle had two sons who were Eagle Scouts. Uncle was involved in scouting for decades. One time his troop went camping. They went on a hike and two of the young men weren't feeling good, or something, and wanted to return to camp. Uncle said he would go with them. Well, they didn't want him to go with them, but someone had to because of the liability, so uncle did. They just didn't want to hike or maybe wanted to do something they knew was unacceptable at camp. Uncle had many stories about young men who must have lacked good training and supervision and the things they had to be taught and then the corrections the leaders had to give.
Uncle had two sons who were Eagle Scouts. Uncle was involved in scouting for decades. One time his troop went camping. They went on a hike and two of the young men weren't feeling good, or something, and wanted to return to camp. Uncle said he would go with them. Well, they didn't want him to go with them, but someone had to because of the liability, so uncle did. They just didn't want to hike or maybe wanted to do something they knew was unacceptable at camp. Uncle had many stories about young men who must have lacked good training and supervision and the things they had to be taught and then the corrections the leaders had to give.
You mentioned Eagle scouts. My daughter now 30 had more male friends then female. She didn't like the drama of high school girls. Anyway back to the Eagle scouts her friends, those boys work really hard on very community minded projects to earn the eagle. Now 13 years later those boys now men still carry all the skills and behavior the scouts instilled.
I wonder if the barnyard sodomites will wreck the 4-H now?
Or is it already 4kd?
I was in 4-H for 9 years. I loved learning all the things that I could. Girls could participate as much as boys could, and that was good for me when so many other things were either male or female, and not as much was available for females, except commitment and work. 4-H has changed with the things that people learn. New subjects, new information and I think it has held up. It is not an organization that is all about money, like Girl Scouts is.
We were a scouting family, both my sons were Eagles, one's Eagle project was making supplies for a Children's Hospital and the other refurbished a local park. Each had to coordinate with the Organization they were supporting (the hospital and the City), the boys had to find resources (supplies, paint, mulch...) my reaching out to businesses in the community. Finally, they had to organize the man power (It was actually people from the community, each project had about 200 people show up) to actually do the project. Lots of work and they learned a lot. The old scouting program taught a lot of useful skills, from first-aid to book keeping. That's the good I saw...

The bad was that like every organization run by people, there were a lot of politics to deal with. Then as with any organization there had to be bad actors, I never saw anything but I assume that it happens. Once the lawyers could smell money in the organization they tried to dig up and advertise as much dirt as possible to sue with and then burry the organization, while taking most of the money for legal services. And finally, the LGBQ group realized that it was a prime hunting ground and went after the organization under the guise of ED&I morality. That was the day the organization died in our hearts.
About 1995 a psychologist wanted to open a clinic in the gay district of Houston, Texas. They would not let him open a clinic for people who needed help.

The point being is they are allowed to exclude anyone they want to but FORCE themselves into and change anything they want to. That is among other things, VICIOUS, NARROW-MINDED, HATE-MONGERING, RACIST AND SEXIST.

When it comes to liberals, ALWAYS suspect the accuser and you will ALWAYS be right......ALWAYS!
I thought they went bankrupt and shutdown a few years back? It doesn't surprise me though, this world ain't nothing like it used to be. I was in the Boy Scouts in the late 90s/ Early 2000s and there weren't any girls in our group.
It was called Royal Rangers.
Yeah, I kinda quit mentioning I was an eagle scout sometime around 1990, when the local council told me I had to retake training I had instructed if I wanted to continue to serve as an assistant Scoutmaster..

For organizations, there are/were a couple of others, the most recent one I became aware of is :
Protest? Probably not. Avoid? Absolutely. They have decided to help attack our culture. I wouldn’t want a young family member of mine being lead by a gay or transvestite, or especially a pedophile. The same goes for members. The Scouts has always been about teaching values and honor, not perversion.
Why do right wingers always equate those. Being gay/trans and is not being a pedophile. That's disgusting. Especially with how people who oppose liberal things for that reason then send their kids to church and Sunday schools. Pedophile in liberal society? Get shunned and ****** up. Christian organization? Get shunted around and the people involved are shushed.

Not to mention that we don't claim to speak for god if we did ever do such things. As Christopher Hitchens put it "It's the crime that calls out for punishment. We would sooner die than admit to that, and if guilty of it, would kill ourselves."

I prefer the New Mexico approach. Look, we live in an age where gender doesn't mean as much as it used to, technology, globalization, schools have created a safe space for all people to learn and do and be what they want.

The first time in history a woman ran for president and she won the popular vote. (Even if she didn't win the big game board that determines who wins the game and goes on to be the president.)

The skills needed for jobs differ more on people's passions than on their innate strength nowadays. What's killing the Boy scouts isn't liberals, the change of the name, or allowing girls and vice versa. THOSE are the steps taken to save it from THIS menace below VVV

Our grandson joined the Boy Scouts about a year ago. I had my misgivings mainly because of the conservative backlash when they began accepting girls.

Quit frankly a lot of the conservative backlash is ill informed. The girls and boys have separate troops and do not take part in activities together. They are completely separate... period.

I believe the change to include girls should have been made many years before it happened. I had a daughter in girl scouts and was a Boy Scout troop leader myself for a couple of years.

My daughter would have loved to ditch the Girl Scouts and do the fun stuff that the boys did. The GS was boring.

I thought that the national leadership of the GS was using those girls for their own benefit. If the BS had a yard sale or other fundraiser all of the money went to the troop. The only income the national organization got was part of the profit from popcorn sales.

If the GS troop had a private fundraiser (bake/garage sale, car wash, etc.) the national organization kept a major share of the profit. It was especially bad for GS cookies. The girls kept very little of the proceeds from those.

Yes, the BS have changed who they will accept at all levels. I personally have no problem with gay leaders or scouts. I have never personally known a gay person who molested children but I've known several straight people who have.

As long as they are not molesting, recruiting or grooming kids they have my vote. I do have problems with alphabet groups. I do not class them in the same category as homosexuals.

The Scouts (boys and girls, men and women) have training for every scout on what to do if anyone is inappropriate.

Scott loves his troop and they've been good to and for him. Multiple adult men accompany them on every event. The merit badges are as good for learning as they've ever been. I use some of the merit badge books for homeschooling Scott.

I would like to see the organization recover and fulfill their mission. God knows we need more boys growing into men and more girls growing into women carrying the high ideals in the Scout pledge, motto and laws. There are not enough organizations left that lead kids that direction.

I fully understand why many churches left the Boy Scouts organization when they did. Some groups have founded their own, similar organizations. I hope they're successful.

The Scouts are a secular organization and they can reach kids the churches probably can't. I was quick to raise my voice against the Boy Scouts years ago. I was wrong. I have misgivings on the trans issue. I will be watching closely but I'll give them a chance to see what they'll do.
Why do right wingers always equate those. Being gay/trans and is not being a pedophile. That's disgusting. Especially with how people who oppose liberal things for that reason then send their kids to church and Sunday schools. Pedophile in liberal society? Get shunned and ****** up. Christian organization? Get shunted around and the people involved are shushed.

Not to mention that we don't claim to speak for god if we did ever do such things. As Christopher Hitchens put it "It's the crime that calls out for punishment. We would sooner die than admit to that, and if guilty of it, would kill ourselves."

I prefer the New Mexico approach. Look, we live in an age where gender doesn't mean as much as it used to, technology, globalization, schools have created a safe space for all people to learn and do and be what they want.

The first time in history a woman ran for president and she won the popular vote. (Even if she didn't win the big game board that determines who wins the game and goes on to be the president.)

The skills needed for jobs differ more on people's passions than on their innate strength nowadays. What's killing the Boy scouts isn't liberals, the change of the name, or allowing girls and vice versa. THOSE are the steps taken to save it from THIS menace below VVV

Why do right wingers always equate those. Being gay/trans and is not being a pedophile. That's disgusting. Especially with how people who oppose liberal things for that reason then send their kids to church and Sunday schools. Pedophile in liberal society? Get shunned and ****** up. Christian organization? Get shunted around and the people involved are shushed.

Not to mention that we don't claim to speak for god if we did ever do such things. As Christopher Hitchens put it "It's the crime that calls out for punishment. We would sooner die than admit to that, and if guilty of it, would kill ourselves."

I prefer the New Mexico approach. Look, we live in an age where gender doesn't mean as much as it used to, technology, globalization, schools have created a safe space for all people to learn and do and be what they want.

The first time in history a woman ran for president and she won the popular vote. (Even if she didn't win the big game board that determines who wins the game and goes on to be the president.)

The skills needed for jobs differ more on people's passions than on their innate strength nowadays. What's killing the Boy scouts isn't liberals, the change of the name, or allowing girls and vice versa. THOSE are the steps taken to save it from THIS menace below VVV

Too much political power playing and denial of science and common sense on the trans stuff. Men in women's sports should not happen. That's why women have their own events. They can't compete equally with men. Even if the men are pretending to be female.

The propaganda related to the trans, etc. stuff would put the Third Reich to shame.
I would support a XX vs XY genetic code sort for sports. But no-one is men pretending to be woman, it's woman in mens bodies and men in womans bodies, who have to take hormones to mimic the opposite sex for at least a year before they can play by law, and if you take estrogen for a year to get into something as "easy" as the opposite sex's sport for an entire year, that's a creepy level of determination.
Creepy level of determination isn't that unusual. A lot of people suffering from mental illness go to obscene measures to act or react to those delusions. Self mutilation is not uncommon.

The level of determination exhibited is a poor standard for legitimacy.

Separate by chromosomes would be the most fair way to do things along with a separate league for trans people. My belief is that trans people would not want because they gain no physical advantage that way. It would sure be interesting to find out though.

And no, it is not a man trapped in a woman's body or a woman trapped in a man's body. There are a lot of people who did the transitions at a young age who deeply regret that decision later in life

Allowing juveniles to mutilate themselves or allowing adults to mutilate juveniles is criminal.
Our grandson joined the Boy Scouts about a year ago. I had my misgivings mainly because of the conservative backlash when they began accepting girls.

Quit frankly a lot of the conservative backlash is ill informed. The girls and boys have separate troops and do not take part in activities together. They are completely separate... period.

I believe the change to include girls should have been made many years before it happened. I had a daughter in girl scouts and was a Boy Scout troop leader myself for a couple of years.

My daughter would have loved to ditch the Girl Scouts and do the fun stuff that the boys did. The GS was boring.

I thought that the national leadership of the GS was using those girls for their own benefit. If the BS had a yard sale or other fundraiser all of the money went to the troop. The only income the national organization got was part of the profit from popcorn sales.

If the GS troop had a private fundraiser (bake/garage sale, car wash, etc.) the national organization kept a major share of the profit. It was especially bad for GS cookies. The girls kept very little of the proceeds from those.

Yes, the BS have changed who they will accept at all levels. I personally have no problem with gay leaders or scouts. I have never personally known a gay person who molested children but I've known several straight people who have.

As long as they are not molesting, recruiting or grooming kids they have my vote. I do have problems with alphabet groups. I do not class them in the same category as homosexuals.

The Scouts (boys and girls, men and women) have training for every scout on what to do if anyone is inappropriate.

Scott loves his troop and they've been good to and for him. Multiple adult men accompany them on every event. The merit badges are as good for learning as they've ever been. I use some of the merit badge books for homeschooling Scott.

I would like to see the organization recover and fulfill their mission. God knows we need more boys growing into men and more girls growing into women carrying the high ideals in the Scout pledge, motto and laws. There are not enough organizations left that lead kids that direction.

I fully understand why many churches left the Boy Scouts organization when they did. Some groups have founded their own, similar organizations. I hope they're successful.

The Scouts are a secular organization and they can reach kids the churches probably can't. I was quick to raise my voice against the Boy Scouts years ago. I was wrong. I have misgivings on the trans issue. I will be watching closely but I'll give them a chance to see what they'll do.
I think i wouldve LOVED girls in scouts when i was one, the overnight camping and hiking trips sure wouldve been more fun!
I was in scouts for a few years, it was a good experiences overall. Learned more from my dad and uncle than I did in a blue or tan shirt, but still had fun. From what I hear modern day gender-neutral scouttes is more of a joke than the ATF. Seems like everything child related now has just become one more method of indoctrination.
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