The FBI is a criminal organization

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If you ever wanted to know how the F_I targets individuals for harrassment (or worse), this video is for you. They just need the label 'terrorist' (which Biden's admin banties about daily) or a 'suspected terrorist' name on the 'watch list' to make one's life a living hell. Video dates to early-2020? under Trump. Sorry the video is long, but indeed worth a watch when you have some free time. I was stunned at some of what was revealed; not so stunned by some of it The inteviewer was a judge on the British Columbia war crimes tribunals and confirmed much of what she was saying is also corroborated by testimony he was privy to in those proceedings. He speaks incredibly slow (may have a medical issue), and the film has a lot of signal 'break up' issues, but I watched to the end and glad I did. Mind blowing for me, at least.

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We the People, who they are abusing more than half of us are going to have to unite and put an end to this takeover of our country!
I have read that George Washington said only 25% of the colonists supported the American Revolution (I haven't been able to find the quote though). Other estimates range from 20%-33%
I used to respect the FBI. When I worked at the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, I was one of two officers who handled liaison with the FBI on its investigation of the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am 103. My supervisor and I sent out the cables to our Embassies requesting permission for FBI Agents to go to those countries to collect evidence and pursue leads. Ambassador Morris Busby, who headed up the Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism (it is now known as the Bureau for Counter Terrorism) in 1990 put me in charge of advertising the Terrorism Rewards Program and I developed the public service ads, with the help of Diplomatic Security, that launched “Are You the Next Hero?”

In the process of developing these ads I coordinated closely with the FBI, including the Deputy Director of the FBI. The advertising campaign, which launched in August 1990, played an important role in leading to the capture of the terrorist who planned and executed the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 (Diplomatic Security officers Brad Smith and Mike Parks provided critical assistance in implementing this program).

I participated in the training of the Foreign Emergency Support Team (aka FEST), which put me in regular contact with the FBI members of that team. The men and women I worked with were apolitical patriots. That was then.

Today’s FBI is a nightmare. They have turned the FBI into a political force akin to the East German Stasi and the Nazi’s Gestapo. Instead of protecting American citizens they are spying on patriots and launching groundless cases, such as the ******** charges brought against DEA Agent Mark Ibrahim:

Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Mark Ibrahim became the first member of federal law enforcement to be charged in connection with the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Ibrahim, of Orange County, California, is facing felony charges of entering a restricted building and area with a weapon, carrying a firearm on the grounds of the Capitol and lying to investigators from the Office of the Inspector General.

Not only did Ibrahim not enter the Capitol, he was there with his brother, who is an FBI Agent. But he also was there with a “friend” who, it turns out, was an FBI informant. That FBI informant was encouraging Ibrahim to go inside. Ibrahim did not. But the fact that he did not incite violence or engage in any act of violence is ignored by the ironically named U.S. Department of Justice. They want to make an example of him.

Tucker Carlson interviewed Ibrahim and his attorney on tonight’s show (July 22). The video is not yet posted but it is worth your time.

Ibrahim is not alone, as most readers of The Gateway Pundit know. There are hundreds of Americans that have been unjustly arrested and jailed for the act of walking into the Capitol. They attacked no officers. They destroyed no property. They carried no weapons. But they were infiltrated by FBI informants who were inciting people who were angry, legitimately so, over a stolen election and the failure of our pathetic justice system to hold Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists to account.

Most thoughtful Americans recognize the appalling double standard that is being applied. If we look back through history, however, this is not the first time that the FBI has tried to subvert a patriot. Just look back at what they tried to do to Martin Luther King. They tried to paint him as an agent of the Soviets. But Martin Luther King was not trying to destroy America. Notwithstanding his shortcomings as a man, he was fundamentally committed to peacefully challenging a system of racial oppression put in place by Democrat politicians. His profound insights still resonate to this day–he wanted a country that would judge people according to the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

I will make this very simple. Do not trust the FBI. Do not help the FBI. Do not cooperate with the FBI. If you must talk with someone from the FBI only do so with an attorney present.

There are still some good men and women in the FBI who are patriots. But the leadership is corrupt.
If you are involved in organizing to peacefully resist this oppression be cautious of any member of your group who is encouraging you to act unlawfully.

What happened in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan’s lame Governor is not an aberration. The majority involved in that scheme were FBI assets who took an active role in encouraging and planning the kidnapping.

FBI Agent Richard Trask is the new poster boy for FBI miscreants:

An FBI agent at the center of the investigation into the plot to kidnap and kill Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is accused of smashing his wife’s head against a nightstand and choking her after a dispute stemming from their attendance at a swingers’ party, according to court records.

Special Agent Richard Trask, 39, of Kalamazoo, was charged Monday with assault with intent to do great bodily harm, less than murder following the alleged incident Sunday.

An affidavit filed by the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office in Kalamazoo County District Court said Trask’s wife had bloody lacerations to the right side of her head and “blood all over chest, clothing arms and hand,” as well as “severe” bruising to her neck and throat.

Think about this–an FBI Agent beat his wife up because she didn’t want to have sex with other men. To my friends who are retired from the FBI I know you are heartsick about what happened to an organization you once loved and respected. It is up to you to reach out to your friends and sons and daughters who have followed in your footsteps. Whistleblowers need to step forward. The only way to destroy this darkness is with the power of light.
Wow. Thanks for all this info
OH MY - Back to Whitmer fednapping

Defense breaking down cash payments made to "Big Dan" the main informant.

FBI paid him for 17 weeks of "lost wages" for working full time as informant. (He was truck driver for USPS)

He was only paid in cash by FBI.

FBI paid Big Dan...
$7k related to an fednapping event in 8/20.

$10k for fednapping trip to "recon" Whitmer's cottage and meet new FBI undercover agent in 9/20

$6k in cash on 10/20 a week after arrests in case.

AND $23,540 IN CASH IN DECEMBER 2020 for job well done (my words)

All paid by FBI.
Recall that "Big Dan" is playacting that he's an officer in a fake militia created by FBI. He talked to Adam Fox daily, sometimes several times a day.

On several occasions, Big Dan offered credit cards with $5k to Fox and others to buy weapons, ammo, hotel rooms, etc.

was destitute, unemployed (as were others due to pandemic) and trying to please Big Dan.

Big Dan's FBI handlers urged him to keep pushing the cards, provided by another FBI informant the alleged head of Wisconsin fake militia.

Fox and others never took them.
Big Dan's testimony is devastating for government. Not only is he unconvincing that Adam Fox, who lived in cellar of vaccum shop without running water, gave the orders but it's clear Big Dan, taking orders from FBI handlers for Detroit FBI field office, initiated most convos.

At 7/20 mtg in vac shack, Big Dan, with FBI handlers listening, suggested fire rounds into governor mansions in multiple states, firing 3 rounds into Whitmer's cottage that could look like a hunting accident and other "extreme subject matter," defense says.

At 8/20 mtg
Big Dan, with handlers listening, suggests blowing up Whitmer's cottage or ambushing her on her way to remote cottage.

Big Dan prompts group to conduct surveillance of cottage, how to blow up bridge with access to Whitmer cottage.

BIg Dan confirms Fox gets high at every event.
Big Dan admitted he planned the "ruse" to get defendants to site of arrest on October 7, 2020.

The "ruse" was to buy military gear from another FBI undercover agent, Red.

Defense: "No one tried to give Red money for a bomb."

Dan: "No."

Big Dan and his FBI handler also...
attempted to entrap Frank, another man in Virginia (man in his 70s, disabled vet) to do same to Gov. Northam.

Big Dan and his FBI handler discuss giving Frank a recipe to make bombs.

"Mission is to kill the governor specifically."

Defense lawyer for Barry Croft is dressing down Big Dan about getting $ from FBI.

Big Dan claims he never did it for money but was paid as much for 7 months work as he made in an entire year as mail hauler for USPS.

Big Dan claims he bought a laptop to start college but then...
submitted receipt to FBI which reimbursed Big Dan for $4k computer.

Big Dan attended 4/30/20 rally at Lansing Capitol. He testified yesterday that FBI instructed Mich State Police to stand down and allow protesters into the building.

Another rally at Lansing Capitol on June 18.

LOL defense showing photo of one of the properties raided by FBI--apparently the door was kicked in.

DOJ objects: "He's just trying to make the FBI look bad."

Croft defense atty going thru all chats, events Croft wasn't part of.
Big Dan again admits by August 2020 there wasn't a plan to kidnap Whitmer.

Defense: There was no plan to kidnap the governor?

Big Dan: No.

Claim the FBI infiltrated militia group to thwart kidnapping plan is a lie. This operation began in March 2020--no plan 5 months later.
Honestly waiting for Big Dan to crack. He sounds totally defeated and Josh Blanchard, Croft's attorney, is absolutely decimating the guy.

Big Dan is basically confessing Barry Croft had little involvement in the group.

What's amazing is jury only hearing a sliver of evidence
Defense gets Dan to admit he purchased laptop 3 days before he set up the arrest ruse in Oct 2020 which ended the mission.

Dan brought targets to arrest site where FBI Hostage Rescue Team, snipers were at the ready. Dan told men to go to back of his truck where he gave them...
the lower receiver of a rifle to hold as FBI descended. Agents also used flashbangs.

Dan told the targets they'd be buying military gear from Red, the undercover FBI agent.

Sounds like FBI also used MRAP a military tactical vehicle. courtesy of Project Veritas

Project Veritas on Tuesday released a leaked DHS bulletin on ‘domestic violent extremists’ in wake of the FBI’s raid of Trump’s Florida residence.

The DHS told its agents that Americans who discuss topics such as “government overreach” and “election fraud” are a threat.

“The threats we have observed, to date, underscore that DVEs [Domestic Violent Extremists] may view the 2022 midterm election as an additional flashpoint around which to escalate threats against perceived ideological opponents, including federal law enforcement personnel.” – according to the document obtained by Project Veritas.

The DHS also warned the agents that the public should not be aware of the information in the new bulletin.

Oops. Too late.

“Information contained in this intelligence bulletin is for official use only. No portion of this bulletin should be released to the media, the general public, or over nonsecure Internet servers. Release of this material could adversely affect or jeopardize investigative activities.”

Click here to read the leaked bulletin.

Via Project Veritas:

Project Veritas released a leaked document today from within the Department of Homeland Security which shows how federal agencies are reacting to the recent raid of President Trump’s Florida home.
In the document, the DHS warns of a heightened security risk for federal agents, specifically FBI agents, because of the Mar-a-Lago raid.
In addition to listing potential warning signs for Domestic Violent Extremists [DVEs], the DHS predicts that violent threats may continue to escalate this year.
“The threats we have observed, to date, underscore that DVEs [Domestic Violent Extremists] may view the 2022 midterm election as an additional flashpoint around which to escalate threats against perceived ideological opponents, including federal law enforcement personnel,” the document reads.
The document also appears to state that DVE ideology tends to be aligned with the ideas that “government overreach” and “election fraud” are a threat to the country.
“In recent years, DVEs adhering to different violent extremist ideologies have coalesced around perceptions of government overreach and election fraud to threaten and conduct violence. As a result of recent activities, we assess that potential targets of DVE violence moving forward could include law enforcement, judicial officials, individuals implicated in conspiracy theories, and perceived ideological opponents who challenge their worldview.”

He is not the only one guilty. These orders come from the highest level of the FBLie, unofficially of course. We are at war! From those in power within our government and nothing will stop these treasonous criminals except force! We must demand justice! Extreme non compliance is necessary until these criminals are brought to justice. All the criminals, every single one. Not just the scapegoats.
The FBI put every Patriotic or Christian American on a Terrorist List, but say nothing about this!!! I had not even heard of “Street Takeovers”. They have been going on for some time now.

“Los Angeles street takeover by cars helped clear way for huge group to ransack store​

"Flash mobs have turned from fun spontaneous events to opportunistic criminal occurrences,” Los Angeles police say after 7-Eleven is looted.


How long before they start taking over neighborhoods to steal food??
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How long before they start taking over neighborhoods to steal food??

isn't that what they are doing? They are doing it for fun now, tomorrow for survival. People like you can see forward enough to know this is a problem that is only going to get worse. The fools on the left call this "reparations"; celebrate, and condone it. The left must be squashed. THEY are the real domestic terrorists and are trying to end "democracy"; while claiming it is the conservatives. I WANT TO BUILD WALLS AROUND THESE DEM CITIES.