The FBI is a criminal organization

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From Gary’s post. In case some don’t click the link. This is too important to miss!

“POLICE STATE: FBI Quietly Created New Category of Extremism Ahead of 2024 Election to Include Trump-MAGA Supporters​


Shut It Down – The FBI is beyond repair.

As the 2024 election season heats up the FBI has created a new terrorism category to include Trump supporters.

This is taking place at the same time the Biden regime is targeting President Trump with over 91 indictments on bogus criminal acts in several states.

And it occurs as the demented President screams about MAGA during his public speeches...”

Also…from Newsweek


Another attempt to SCARE MAGA folks into sitting down and allowing the evil globalists to take over. DON’T LET THEM WIN!!!
We are the last generation who are ready to fight for freedom, the rest only fight for football games, video games, soccer games, parking spaces, road rage, spilt beer and scratches on their new japanese cars.....
Anybody born after 2000, has been spoiled by their liberal, woke, leftist, anti-good, anti-God, anti-USA also spoiled teachers or woke parents raised in flower power times and succumbed to the anti-everything BS back then.
That generation wore their shirts, hats and pants backwards just to piss off the establishment and would have worn their SHOES backwards if they could have figgered a way to do it...

FBI Had 40 Informants Keeping Tabs on Biden Family​
"Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family,” Grassley wrote. “Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

NOTHING DONE. Tell me there isn't a deep state

FBI Had 40 Informants Keeping Tabs on Biden Family​
"Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family,” Grassley wrote. “Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

NOTHING DONE. Tell me there isn't a deep state
He's just the puppet for the cabal.

"Agreed. But, the FBI has done this to themselves. The bureau is seriously contaminated if not engulfed with liars, corruption, and dishonesty to the point that it may be beyond salvage. “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity” are certainly not the first terms that come to mind these days for a once proud agency. They are simply a political pawn as is most of the DOJ and much of the federal government. The US Government is at least five times the size it should be and wields far too much unchecked power in society (much of this by unelected, lifelong members of the swamp)."

Not my words, but I concur.
The money quote in the following document:
No organizations of radicals acting through propaganda over the last six months could have created as much revolutionary sentiment in America as has been created by the acts of the Department of Justice itself.

See if any of this sounds familiar. This was the DOJ in J. Edgar's day.
Report upon the illegal practices of the U.S. Department of Justice



MAY. 1920


For more than six months we, the undersigned lawyers,
whose sworn duty it is to uphold the Constitution and
Laws of the United States, have seen with growing apprehension the continued violation of that Constitution and
breaking of those Laws by the Department of Justice of
the United States government.

Under the guise of a campaign for the suppression of
radical activities, the office of the Attorney General, acting by its local agents throughout the country, and giving
express instructions from Washington, has committed
continual illegal acts. "Wholesale arrests both of aliens
and citizens have been made without warrant or any
process of law ; men and women have been jailed and held
incommunicado without access of friends or counsel ; homes
have been entered without search-warrant and property
seized and removed; other property has been wantonly
destroyed ; workingmen and working'women suspected of
radical views have been shamefully abused and maltreated. Agents of the Department of Justice have been
introduced into radical organizations for the purpose of
informing upon their members or inciting them to activities ; these agents have even been instructed from Washington to arrange meetings upon certain dates for the
express object of facilitating wholesale raids and arrests.
In support of these illegal acts, and to create sentiment in
its favor, the Department of Justice has also constituted
itself a propaganda bureau, and has sent to newspapers
and magazines of this country quantities of material designed to excite public opinion against radicals, all at the
expense of the government and outside the scope of the
Attorney General's duties.

We make no argument in favor of any radical doctrine
as such, whether Socialist, Communist or Anarchist. No
one of us belongs to any of these schools of thought. Nor
do we now raise any question as to the Constitutional
protection of free speech and a free press. We are con-
cerned solely with bringing to the attention of the
American people the utterly illegal acts which have been
committed by those charged with the highest duty of en-
forcing the laws — acts which have caused widespread
suffering and unrest, have struck at the foundation of
American free institutions, and have brought the name
of our country into disrepute.
These acts may be grouped under the following heads :

(1) Cruel and Unusual Punishments :

The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides :

''Excessive bail shall not be required nor
excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

Punishments of the utmost cruelty, and heretofore unthinkable in America, have become usual. Great numbers of persons arrested, both aliens and citizens, have
been threatened, beaten with blackjacks, struck with fists,
jailed under abominable conditions, or actually tortured.
Annexed hereto as Exhibits 1-lc, 2-2f, 5a, 5b, and 9 are
affidavits and evidence of these practices.

(2) Arrests without Warrant:

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution provides :

"The right of the people to be secure in
their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall
issue, but upon probable cause, supported by
Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized. ' '

Many hundreds of citizens and aliens alike have been
arrested in wholesale raids, without warrants or pretense
of warrants. They have then either been released, or

have been detained in police stations or jails for in-
definite lengths of time while warrants were being ap-
plied for. This practice of making mass raids and mass
arrests without warrant has resulted directly from the
instructions, both written and oral, issued by the
Department of Justice at Washington. The cases are far too
numerous to catalog, but typical instances may be
found in Exhibits 1-lb, 2-2f, 5 and 13. The secret instructions of the Department also appear as Exhibits 11
and 12.

(3) Unreasonable Searches and Seizures:

The Fourth Amendment has been quoted above.

In countless cases agents of the Department of Justice
have entered the homes, offices, or gathering places of
persons suspected of radical affiliations, and, without pretense of any search warrant, have seized and removed
property belonging to them for use by the Department of
Justice. In many of these raids property which could
not be removed or was not useful to the Department, was
intentionally smashed and destroyed. Exhibit 2a is a
photograph of the interior of a house raided by the Department of Justice. Exhibit 14 gives a recent opinion
of the IT. S. Supreme Court in a non-radical case, condemning seizure without warrant by the Department of
Justice, and Exhibit 15 the opinion of the U. S. District
Court in Montana in a more flagrant radical case. Other
Exhibits bearing on this point are 2, 2a, 3 and 13.

(4) Provocative Agents:

We do not question the right of the Department of
Justice to use its agents in the Bureau of Investigation
to ascertain when the law is being violated. But the
American people has never tolerated the use of under-
cover provocative agents or "agents provocateurs," such
as have been familiar in old Russia or Spain. Such
agents have been introduced by the Department of Justice into the radical movements, have reached positions of influence therein, have occupied themselves with informing upon or instigating acts which might be declared criminal, and at the express direction of Washington have
brought about meetings of radicals in order to make
possible wholesale arrests at such meetings. Attention is
specially called to Exhibits 10 and 11, which are the secret
instructions issued from Washington, Exhibit 13
containing an abstract of the testimony in the Colyer case in this
regard, and to Exhibits 6, 7 and 8.

(5) Compelling Persons to he Witnesses against Them-

The Fifth Amendment provides as follows :

' ' No person * * * shall be compelled
in any criminal case to be a witness against
himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law.

It has been the practice of the Department of Justice
and its agents, after making illegal arrests without war-
rant, to question the accused person and to force
admissions from him by terrorism, which admissions were
subsequently to be used against him in deportation
proceedings. Instances of this sort appear in various Exhibits
numbers 1, lb, and 2b-2f. Attention is also called to
the Cannone case. Exhibit 9, in which Department agents
committed assault, forgery and perjury.

(6) Propaganda by the Department of Justice:

The legal functions of the Attorney General are: to
advise the Government on questions of law, and to prose-
cute persons who have violated federal statutes. For the
Attorney General to go into the field of propaganda
against radicals is a deliberate misuse of his office and a
deliberate squandering of funds entrusted to him by Congress. Annexed as Exhibit 17 is a copy of a form letter
sent out by the Attorney General under date of January
27, 1920, to many magazines and editors throughout the country, deliberately intended to prejudice them in favor
of his actions. Exhibit 18 is a description of an
illustrated page offered free to country newspapers at the
expense of the Department of Justice, patently designed
to affect public opinion in advance of court decision and
prepared in the manner of an advertising campaign in
favor of repression. These documents speak for them-

The Exhibits attached are only a small part of the
evidence which may be presented of the continued violation
of law by the Attorney General's Department. These
Exhibits are, to the best of our knowledge and belief
(based upon careful investigation) truthful both in sub-
stance and detail. Drawn mainly from the four centers
of New York City, Boston, Mass., Detroit, Mich., and
Hartford, Conn., we know them to be typical of
conditions which have prevailed in many parts of the country.

Since these illegal acts have been committed by the
highest legal powers in the United States, there is no
final appeal from them except to the conscience and
condemnation of the American people. American
institutions have not in fact been protected by the Attorney
General's ruthless suppression. On the contrary those
institutions have been seriously undermined, and revolutionary unrest has been vastly intensified. No organizations of radicals acting through propaganda over the last six months could have created as much revolutionary sentiment in America as has been created by the acts of the Department of Justice itself.

Even were one to admit that there existed any serious
"Red menace" before the Attorney General started his
"unflinching war" against it, his campaign has been singularly fruitless. Out of the many thousands suspected by the Attorney General (he had already listed 60,000 by name and history on Nov. 14, 1919, aliens and citizens) what do the figures show of net results ? Prior to January 1, 1920, there were actually deported 263 persons.

Since January 1 there have been actually deported 18
persons. Since January 1 there have been ordered deported an additional 529 persons, and. warrants for 1,547
have been cancelled (after full hearings and consideration of the evidence) by Assistant Secretary of Labor
Louis F. Post, to whose courageous reestablishment of
American Constitutional Law in deportation proceedings
(see Exhibit 16) are due the attacks that have been made
upon him. The Attorney General has consequently got
rid of 810 alien suspects, which, on his own showing,
leaves him at least 59,160 persons (aliens and citizens)
still to cope with.

It has always been the proud boast of America that
this is a government of laws and not of men. Our Constitution and laws have been based on the simple elements
of human nature. Free men cannot be driven and re-
pressed; they must be led. Free men respect justice and
follow truth, but arbitrary power they will oppose until
the end of time. There is no danger of revolution so
great as that created by suppression, by ruthlessness, and
by deliberate violation of the simple rules of American
law and American decency.

It is a fallacy to suppose that, any more than in the
past, any servant of the people can safely arrogate to
himself unlimited authority. To proceed upon such a
supposition is to deny the fundamental American theory
of the consent of the governed. Here is no question of a
vague and threatened menace, but a present assault upon
the most sacred principles of our Constitutional liberty.

The foregoing report has been prepared May, 1920,
under the auspices of the National Popular Government

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