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Awesome Friend
Apr 12, 2018
I wouldn't call this latest occurrence a serious issue but it certainly demonstrates the core being of neighbors you don't want to have anything to do with in end times.
My parents who are elderly have a neighbor who they see as being new, which is they have been there 25 years instead of 60 years.
There is a small fallow field next to their large front lawn that belongs to the neighbors who have only mowed it 3 times in 25 years. It becomes a big mess over there and my poor old Dad started taking his little tractor over there along the property line and mowing a little to keep the trees down. He says he was doing the guy a favor and keeping the neighborhood nice. He even would pick up trash along the road and mow down the highway to their first drive. Needless to say butthole neighbor posts a no trespassing sign on the post Dad put up on the property line. So, my neighborly Dad goes over to talk to them and see if they have been having any problems. Yep, they said, YOU, they think Dad will try to steal the property and claim that he has been taking care of it and they don't want him over there any more. Dad said he was just trying to be neighborly and help the guy out , apparently this is not appreciated and "bad neighbor" was very insulting to Mom and Dad and disrespectful. They were really upset because they felt it was a insult to insinuate that they were trying to steal from them. The guys folks are as old as mine and he has done things over the years that have been the acts of a bad neighbor before. Now my folks are done with them and have told them they can no longer be on their property either. They always gave permission for them come over and hunt or shoot guns, etc. Shows what kind of people they really are and demonstrates to me the kind of neighbor that you don't want anything to do with. I would never share anything with them. If they hope to purchase the property after the folks pass, no way in H*** is that ever going to happen.
Anybody got neighbor stories?
One of my neighbors threw all his trash on my property for years. Then I found out he had buried a pipe to drain his washing machine onto my property. It took me a week with a backhoe to clean up all his crap. I now have a privacy fence and don’t have to see him anymore.... it sucks, as I’ve always felt if things get bad we will all need to group together for security and to share the workload.
Bummer your folks have D-bags for neighbors. I can't really say much about the folks around me now as I'm just renting anyways....I do know that where I'm going to, the folks are pretty cool.

BTW...if you do plan to move in your future, take the time to introduce yourself to some folks in the neighborhood before you take on that mortgage. A lessor property with better people around it seems more sound than the perfect one surrounded by losers.
I can sort of see their point, I wouldn't want anyone else on my property either, they could contest the ownership saying they had taken care of it for years because the owner only mowed it 3 times in 25 years, you say the parents wouldn't but how is he (dirtbag) to know that? just my 4p worth.
The dirtbag should of gone over,and talked with them 1st.just to see why he was doing all of that.that way they could of come to a mutual understanding. But no.he goes with a no trespassing sign instead.and to top it off.he disrespected them .id of done the same as them.
I have a crappy neighbor too so can understand your parents frustrations. For one, the unmoved area will attract mice and snakes so yes, if I were the owner or neighbor even, I would want to keep that problem to a minimum or at least you would think.
One of my neighbors threw all his trash on my property for years. Then I found out he had buried a pipe to drain his washing machine onto my property. It took me a week with a backhoe to clean up all his crap. I now have a privacy fence and don’t have to see him anymore.... it sucks, as I’ve always felt if things get bad we will all need to group together for security and to share the workload.

My neighbor used to throw his tree and shrub limbs on my property.

I took the kids down the road, in front of his house while he was out, and started carrying it off. After that, he was a really good neighbor.
I am not much on neighbors,I have one across the road who is rarely there and the rest are 1/4 mile or more away,,,,,close neighbors are a pain in the butt,,,,if I ever move again I will look until I find a spot with them further away than they are now,,,,,
I can't see any neighbor because of trees, but they would be there if we needed them. I mostly look after them now because they are all in their late 70s and 80s.
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I don't have anything to do with my neighbours, i'm not really a "people person", I say "good morning" and "hello" when I meet them, maybe make a comment about the weather and that's it. wife has just said she is getting a bit claustrophobic where other people are concerned, we do tend to think alike.
One of my neighbors threw all his trash on my property for years. Then I found out he had buried a pipe to drain his washing machine onto my property. It took me a week with a backhoe to clean up all his crap. I now have a privacy fence and don’t have to see him anymore.... it sucks, as I’ve always felt if things get bad we will all need to group together for security and to share the workload.
I wonder what percentage of the population would be in the classification of A-H_ _ _ s? I am guessing 30% and rising. It doesn't take much to be a good neighbor, doing nothing at all is a great start and would suffice for me.
People like that drive me crazy. There lives are bitter and they take it out on everyone.

I would hate to live like that.
Doesn't it just irritate the devil out of ya? I mean it takes practically nothing to be kind what is the deal? When I lived in town(what a nightmare) for a time I had a neighbor that would block the alley repeatedly, I asked nicely several times for them not to and got a good cussing, once I came home for lunch from work and couldn't get out anyway I tried, thanks to idiots blocking me in.
I have a crappy neighbor too so can understand your parents frustrations. For one, the unmoved area will attract mice and snakes so yes, if I were the owner or neighbor even, I would want to keep that problem to a minimum or at least you would think.
If you had a field that you didn't take care of and your neighbor mowed it occasionally and picked up your roadside trash would you be appreciative? I sure would.
I can sort of see their point, I wouldn't want anyone else on my property either, they could contest the ownership saying they had taken care of it for years because the owner only mowed it 3 times in 25 years, you say the parents wouldn't but how is he (dirtbag) to know that? just my 4p worth.
Yes, only a dirtbag would think an 80 year old man was trying to steal his property. He could have paid him one dollar a year and that would have taken care of it.
The dirtbag should of gone over,and talked with them 1st.just to see why he was doing all of that.that way they could of come to a mutual understanding. But no.he goes with a no trespassing sign instead.and to top it off.he disrespected them .id of done the same as them.
There are ways of doing things. It is HOW they did it. He could have come over and said, Mr. so and so, I would like to talk to you about your mowing over there. Then just explain that you ask that they respect your wishes to stay off the property and convey appreciation for their past efforts, then reiterate again. Offer help if they need anything, offer to refund for gas or whatever. Not just post a sign and leave people to wonder, then poor ole Dad goes to see if they have been having problems over there and gets smacked down. I just hate it, Dad is such a sweet and kind old man. He is always trying to help someone. ( I think it really hurt his feelings)
Doesn't it just irritate the devil out of ya? I mean it takes practically nothing to be kind what is the deal? When I lived in town(what a nightmare) for a time I had a neighbor that would block the alley repeatedly, I asked nicely several times for them not to and got a good cussing, once I came home for lunch from work and couldn't get out anyway I tried, thanks to idiots blocking me in.
If anyone blocks my driveway or access after being told will have tgere vehicle towed away or pushed away.
Doesn't it just irritate the devil out of ya? I mean it takes practically nothing to be kind what is the deal? When I lived in town(what a nightmare) for a time I had a neighbor that would block the alley repeatedly, I asked nicely several times for them not to and got a good cussing, once I came home for lunch from work and couldn't get out anyway I tried, thanks to idiots blocking me in.

On a local news site, someone said that it was a lie that opioids were being smuggled over the border. Someone else disagreed and this guy resorted to name calling.

I just jumped in and said that there was no reason to be rude just because you disagree. Then I sent him a link where they are actually using catapults to throw the drugs across. That is a pretty smart idea though.
Lucky for me, no one can build North, East and South, it's all Forest Service land, if they build West of me 2 miles is the closes they can get. We have a very small town East of me 18.5 miles and West of me 20 miles away.
Sounds like paradise.
if someone is trespassing on your land and that's what it is, i'm surprised the police weren't called, although in this country trespassing is a civil not a criminal case, of course he could have got an injunction issued which is what I would have done-have done it before when someone was were they shouldn't have been. some people wont be told no matter how many times we tell them.
Unfortunately we can not pick and choose our neighbors. I thought we were going to have good ones when we moved considering he was sheriff and my hunny was city policeman. . . Sort of a brotherhood type thing, but I was so wrong. He thinks he is above the law. . .

Honestly I feel bad for your dad. He thought he was "helping" his neighbor out along with himself by mowing down the neighbors property. Are they in the city? They could call and file a complaint on the grass height of there is a city ordainance, but by the sounds of your description, maybe not. My mom calls on her neighbors all the time about their grass.
you don't want our next door neighbour, she has a history of mental illness-she can be talking to you as nice as anything one minute, the next minute she is flying into a rage, the best thing is she isn't even the tenant-that's her daughter and she's never there! we just ignore her, don't make eye contact-she dosent exist.
Lucky for me, no one can build North, East and South, it's all Forest Service land, if they build West of me 2 miles is the closes they can get. We have a very small town East of me 18.5 miles and West of me 20 miles away.
That sounds heavenly. My neighbors are not really close but they do make more noise than I like. Seems like there is always a bulldozer or something going on over there. When I hear it , I think what do they have left to bulldoze? They cut trees, run the chainsaws, and a dump truck. Rumor is they have a bunker according to my son.
It takes a lot of money to pull that off, I am just above poverty is out of the question for me. I sure wish I could build fencing or something. I decided to let some grassland grow up more along the front of the property. Maybe some trees will start up in there. I already have an old tree line there, but it is not enough coverage for me.
The same neighbors on the East have purchased 5 acres on my West. They had someone lumber out the trees. They go over and cut stuff from time to time and I heard from a relative of theirs they plan to build. I let it be known I like my privacy in a nice way and that I wasn't happy about it. Of course being ever so nice and kind. I only wish I had the money to buy it when it came up for sale. It sucks being poor. You have to put up with so much crap.

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