The Ladies

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Now that wasn;t so bad was it?

It wasn't really fun either. The less pleasant part felt like a conversation that should have happened in someone's living room without the two men there. I am really hoping not to spend Thanksgiving with these people.

Glad I don't have in laws to deal with. My parents were both deceased by the time I was 35 and wife's parents died within last 10 years. Have siblings but rarely see them.

My whole aware life it's been me and pops, and he was either at work or out chasing tail most of the time. The more I get pulled into these family meet and greets, the more I miss those days.
I was in mid-post somewhere here when the lady told me to get off the forum and get into the bedroom. Not sure it was just my pure animal magnetism, pretty sure my blood alcohol volume was going to get me a forum timeout as I was ranting on about something or another and she saved me by the flashing of pink silk undies and the promise of unfettered access. I guess her designated driver duties did not end when the Audi was in the parking garage.

And remember kids: over the limit - off the forum. 🍸

I am actually pretty impressed with my post about breakfast up above. It's mostly intelligible with few grammar or spelling errors. Thanks to the voice to text and Grammarly apps of course. Now I have to go see what else I posted and if it made sense.
Whatever all went down yesterday made the lady happy. She has been bubbly and bright ever since getting up after her nearly 10 hours of beauty sleep. Plus she just told me she is going to make some deserts to go with dinner. I have heard her claim that she can bake and produce sweets, but I haven't really seen it first hand. Not sure if it was setting her sister straight on relationship things, having a day of adventure or if it was me infiltrating some lax security to take her on top of a building to watch the sunset last night. Either way she has been very amorous for the last 24+ hours and neither of us ended up in a detention center. Win-Win.
So she made lemon bars with powdered sugar on top and chocolate brownies. Turns out the daughter loves lemony desserts. There were no pre-made mixes or boxes; just flour, sugar, butter, eggs, lemons, chocolate, etc. Plus she made me dig out this massive KitchenAid mixer for her so it sure seems like they were both made from scratch. They look really good and the 1"x1" sample I was provided of the lemon bars was delicious. Then I was told no more until after dinner.
Both the lemon bars and brownies were fantastic and definitely homemade. I was also happy to find out she was making a big platter of them to take to her office so I would not be tempted to eat them all and become fat. Although as often as she wants to do horizontal calisthenics I should have kept some back for quick energy purposes. I don't understand how petite sized people have so much energy and can recharge so quickly.
Do you suppose that your Lady figured out that she is in a far better situation in having found you. And some day may come to the conclusion that you are right about having to be ready for the world to come to it's senses and realize the the current manufactured mess that reward the putting people on a pedestal for getting payed to play a children's game, and later selling Crap associated with said game is almost over.
Do you suppose that your Lady figured out that she is in a far better situation in having found you. And some day may come to the conclusion that you are right about having to be ready for the world to come to it's senses and realize the the current manufactured mess that reward the putting people on a pedestal for getting payed to play a children's game, and later selling Crap associated with said game is almost over.

I would say that somewhere between date #5 or #6 and today, the lady's world view has opened up considerably and the veil provided by misinformation and disinformation is in large part lifted. She is now pointing out obvious lies and deceptions in the news and world of celebrity and her former centrist views are leaning more and more to the right. I don't believe she will ever be a full on homesteader or prepper, but I also believe she will follow my lead in establishing a future with reasonable contingencies and protective measures. The lady is pretty traditional in that way, seeing me in the role of protector and yielding to whatever I believe is the right course of action to that end.

I don't think she has ever really given a crap about sports-ball or sports-ball memorabilia, that's her sisters world. And one that has been shockingly profitable for something that I view as a waste of time and money. She did comment that they live a pretty opulent life based on an industry that could nose-dive or disappear in an instant.
Very, very few people realize that the current world (the whole damn thing) of bread and circuses is designed to make people easier to control and the less practical education (as opposed to being schooled in the ways of society) that a person has the less self sufficient they have the potential to be.
I would say that somewhere between date #5 or #6 and today, the lady's world view has opened up considerably and the veil provided by misinformation and disinformation is in large part lifted. She is now pointing out obvious lies and deceptions in the news and world of celebrity and her former centrist views are leaning more and more to the right. I don't believe she will ever be a full on homesteader or prepper, but I also believe she will follow my lead in establishing a future with reasonable contingencies and protective measures. The lady is pretty traditional in that way, seeing me in the role of protector and yielding to whatever I believe is the right course of action to that end.

I don't think she has ever really given a crap about sports-ball or sports-ball memorabilia, that's her sisters world. And one that has been shockingly profitable for something that I view as a waste of time and money. She did comment that they live a pretty opulent life based on an industry that could nose-dive or disappear in an instant.
The lady just texted me this with "It was like they made this just for us!".
