The new Seven Wonders of the World

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Dec 20, 2017

Did you know, that of the old Seven Wonders of the World (of the ancient world), only one is still standing? The pyramids of Giza.
  • The Pyramids of Giza. Built: About 2600 B.C. Egypt. ...
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Built: Unknown, in Iraq. ...
  • Temple of Artemis. Built in the sixth century B.C. in Ephesus, Turkey. ...
  • Statue of Zeus. ...
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. ...
  • Colossus of Rhodes. ...
  • Lighthouse of Alexandria.
The "new" seven wonders of the world? And this is by vote:
Giza Pyramids
The Great Wall of China
Petra (Jordan)
Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
Chichen Itza (Mexico)
Machu Picchu (Peru)
Taj Mahal (India)
Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)

Agree? Disagree? I need some time to think on this because there are others I think should be included and then we're not dealing with just seven.
World Heritage Sites, supported by the UN, has lists of places that would be considered, world heritage sites of course, but not necessarily wonders of the world.
My favorites, but I'm still thinking:
Easter Island
Stone Henge
View attachment 156070

Did you know, that of the old Seven Wonders of the World (of the ancient world), only one is still standing? The pyramids of Giza.
  • The Pyramids of Giza. Built: About 2600 B.C. Egypt. ...
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Built: Unknown, in Iraq. ...
  • Temple of Artemis. Built in the sixth century B.C. in Ephesus, Turkey. ...
  • Statue of Zeus. ...
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. ...
  • Colossus of Rhodes. ...
  • Lighthouse of Alexandria.
The "new" seven wonders of the world? And this is by vote:
Giza Pyramids
The Great Wall of China
Petra (Jordan)
Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
Chichen Itza (Mexico)
Machu Picchu (Peru)
Taj Mahal (India)
Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)

Agree? Disagree? I need some time to think on this because there are others I think should be included and then we're not dealing with just seven.
World Heritage Sites, supported by the UN, has lists of places that would be considered, world heritage sites of course, but not necessarily wonders of the world.
My favorites, but I'm still thinking:
Easter Island
Stone Henge
I agree with Chichen Itza, have visited it and it is far more expansive than will fit into one picture.
And while they are calling things 'wonders', how about some that were built, that could not have been built by humans of the time?
I agree with Chichen Itza, have visited it and it is far more expansive than will fit into one picture.
And while they are calling things 'wonders', how about some that were built, that could not have been built by humans of the time?
🕰️⏳If you're talking about alien assistance, list it. If you're talking about natural wonders of the world, list it! (Photos are nice eye catcher).
🕰️⏳If you're talking about alien assistance, list it. If you're talking about natural wonders of the world, list it! (Photos are nice eye catcher).
Stones weighing over 100 tons, cut so perfect you can't slide a piece of paper between them, and put into place at the bottom of a hill.
(no way for humans or animals to pull them up into place)

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Fascinating, @Supervisor42 It is in Peru not terribly far from Machu Picchu, couldn't get an actual time since Machu Picchu is kind of a hike-in place.
I didn't see anything about what kind of stone it was made from.
It just says: "dry stone".
And in these walls there were stones so large and mighty that it tired the judgment to conceive how they could have been conveyed and placed, and who could have had sufficient power to shape them, seeing that among these people there are so few tools. Some of these stones are of a width of twelve feet and more than twenty long, others are thicker than a bullock. All the stones are laid and joined with such delicacy that a rial could not be put in between two of them.
A better pic showing the expanse of one wall:

No cement needed. :thumbs:
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Where is the line drawn between ancient and new? I don't doubt that all of these sites are wonders of the world, but they all seem pretty ancient to me.
Fascinating, @Supervisor42 It is in Peru not terribly far from Machu Picchu, couldn't get an actual time since Machu Picchu is kind of a hike-in place.
I didn't see anything about what kind of stone it was made from.
Machu Picchu below...
Why do these stones look so familiar? :dunno:

...Oh yeah, because they are perfectly fitted and need no mortar or cement. :rolleyes:
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I guess my next question is how do you get on the list? Who decides who gets on the list?

IMHO the cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde National Park would qualify. Probably lots of other places as well.
Elliefonts? It is not out of the realm of possibilities. 🐘
They didn't have drones and weren't riding pterodactyls.
I was always curious about the big outlines of creatures in Peru, at least, and Mexico too I think.


More recently a large "drawing" of a cat was found on a hillside in Peru. It was barely visible due to natural erosion but through examination and cleaning it up it is now in preservation mode. Looks almost comical.
View attachment 156070

Did you know, that of the old Seven Wonders of the World (of the ancient world), only one is still standing? The pyramids of Giza.
  • The Pyramids of Giza. Built: About 2600 B.C. Egypt. ...
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Built: Unknown, in Iraq. ...
  • Temple of Artemis. Built in the sixth century B.C. in Ephesus, Turkey. ...
  • Statue of Zeus. ...
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. ...
  • Colossus of Rhodes. ...
  • Lighthouse of Alexandria.
The "new" seven wonders of the world? And this is by vote:
Giza Pyramids
The Great Wall of China
Petra (Jordan)
Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
Chichen Itza (Mexico)
Machu Picchu (Peru)
Taj Mahal (India)
Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)

This tells me that the makers of the "new" list can't count to seven. So if they're the same people who counted the votes, wellllllll...... :dunno:
This tells me that the makers of the "new" list can't count to seven. So if they're the same people who counted the votes, wellllllll...... :dunno:
I think the pyramids were an honorable mention. I included them because they’re one of the originals. Like a grandfather. My bad. Don’t hurt me. 🙈
I have never been to any of the wonders, neither old or new. The only ones that intrigue me enough to want to visit are Machu Picchu and Petra. Even then, I'd be worried about the crowds and occasional political unrest at Machu Picchu, and about the heat and general area (Middle East) of Petra. Both places look phenomenal in pictures though.
.. If you're talking about natural wonders of the world, list it!..

I mean... if we're going 'Au Naturale', well... While Victoria and Angel certainly get 'Honorable Mentions'.. As much as I H8 NY ;) and all.. It's Pretty hard to Top 'The Horseshoe', yanno?


..Pretty Boss, by Any measure. :cool:

..But, yah.. Some of those Stone "formations" truly defy logical explanation, without Some sort of 'supernatural assistance'.. Which is even More intriguing, since - according to Record - all the 'Nephilim' perished in the Great Flood, so.. 🤔 Interesting, indeed..

I've never cared for man-made monuments and idols. If I was going to select the seven "wonders" of the world I'd select places crafted by God. There are way more than 7 in Yellowstone alone LOL. Start adding the rest of the world and all of the sudden the disparity between billions of men and their history vs. God becomes crystal clear.

As far as man-made structures go though, I'd be more interested in seeing places like derinkuyu or if we're talking about places long gone and destroyed I suppose I'd be more interested in the libraries of Alexandria or Constantinople.
I've never cared for man-made monuments and idols. If I was going to select the seven "wonders" of the world I'd select places crafted by God. There are way more than 7 in Yellowstone alone LOL. Start adding the rest of the world and all of the sudden the disparity between billions of men and their history vs. God becomes crystal clear.

As far as man-made structures go though, I'd be more interested in seeing places like derinkuyu or if we're talking about places long gone and destroyed I suppose I'd be more interested in the libraries of Alexandria or Constantinople.

I completely agree. SoJer cast a vote for Niagara Falls. I would cast my vote for the Grand Canyon with Mt Rainier being a close second. We can create our own thread for the Natural Wonders of the World.
I like natural things like Yellowstone or Niagara falls

but for man made, been to the Taj Mahal, it's just a building ( well buildings) , and it caused me to have a panic attack because there were so many people and some stupid japanese tourist was shoving me from behind I almost fell over
Chichen Iza been to also, and it was miserably hot plus I honestly didn't like the place, too creepy. Tour guide: " and this is where the women and children were sacrificed" " and this is where the prisoners where sacrificed and thrown down the steps" My son asked " is this blood on top of the wall?" ( no , it wasn't LOL just some discolored stone)

my parents went to Petra and the great wall in China, I saw the video and photos, looked interesting, I would have loved to go to China but oh well

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