Well, without "commies" aka various forms of socialism or "social cooperation," we wouldn't have roads, retirement, medicare, public schools, etc.. My town has non-profit elect/water co-ops, without which we'd pay far more. I looked extensively at "intentional communities" a few years ago, thinking of building a cooperative prep community. What I found was very few last more than a few years, due to reasons mentioned by others. The ONLY one I found that wasn't a cult is "The Farm," in TN. It was started in the 70's by 300 hippies, and some are still there. It is part commune / co-op, part corporation, part (apparent) private ownership on over 6000 acres. It's run by a Board of Directors. They operate a nationally recognized midwife college, and numerous other businesses. It's a multi-million dollar operation. It is not a prepper group per say. I think if someone wants a prepper community, build a ranch / farm. Your workers/cowboys become the community, and you can fire them if need be.
A place we actually visited a few years back is the "Avalon Gardens Eco Village" south of Tucson, in AZ. On the surface it's pretty cool, they had festivals you could attend free. There's about 100 people, and a well run facility, again a multi-million dollar operation. But then you'll discover it's the "Cult of Urantia," with a silk robe wearing "guru," Gabriel. Then a tiny bit of google digging you'll find numerous stories of typical cult abuse. They get suckers to give all their money/property, and in return they get to... WORK. For free.
Another infamous cult community in the news is right in my county, the "Warren Jeff's," FLDS church, in Colorado City, AZ. That's the one where old mormon dudes had 14 year old "wives." It has largely been dismantled, but the folks still there are still loyal to their imprisoned leader. I used to teach ccw classes in the area. It was the only place in America I think that still had town marshalls for security, not police or sheriff. The marshalls were church enforcers. In fact our county sheriff sub-station office was not even allowed in town and had to be built several miles out on county land. That was a weird place to drive through, kinda like rolling through a WV Hollar full of moonshiners. "Papa, them people in that thar pick-em-up truck ain't from around these here parts..."
Thing is, they have the perfect shtf "redoubt." The escarpments of Zion defend the north, the Grand Canyon to the south. Now that it's been "opened" to outsiders, land went through the roof, so it's not affordable any longer. It's about a 45-60 min drive to St George. Truly, "god's country."