This is what I fear will reach the US and UK from SA.

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Awesome Friend
Nov 14, 2019
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Plus a Sitrep from a South African prepper
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I think it was Napoleon who said "an army marches on its stomach", cut off the supply lines and it all grinds to a halt.

Tzun tsu also said something like an evil enemy would rather govern a city reduced to ash, than leave it in someone elses hands.

Looking at huge parts of SA so badly damaged by the looning, rioting, arson and shootings that many Afrikaans believe that many areas will run out of food and power and water soon, then they will turn on the whites.
The thing with the blacks in south africa is they have not just looted the shops, they have destroyed the building entirely AND the Warehouses, and the Trucks, and the Logistics systems, and the roads etc like they are trying to totally collapse their society totally. Its not just theft and looting its basically a scorched earth scenario.
a lot of the unrest and near-war situations are in part happening because the "steady hand" is gone - the US and some of the other countries have been responsible for keeping the peace, quelling the unrest, and just plain bullying back the aggressor ....

wouldn't be complacent in believing everything in SA is plainly domestic - that's the accepted excuse >> but a destroyed SA would be perfect for a China - they have already made military inroads for a naval base >>> a strategic move to be able to pinch off global transport around The Cape ...
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