One full day of your life: nude beach or sit quietly on the set of the View as they record their show?
Just kill me now.One full day of your life: nude beach or sit quietly on the set of the View as they record their show?
Nude beach ..all day long.One full day of your life: nude beach or sit quietly on the set of the View as they record their show?
Soft! let me sink into that thing...Hard mattress or soft mattress?
sauceThat red stuff you put on your spaghetti… Sauce or gravy?
The View is something you don't want to view!hard wood, cold, dark foul with the skin on damn it ,soft top mattress, sauce, nude beach, what is the view??? $100, 000 357,
now you got me curious....will look it upThe View is something you don't want to view!