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beets,(I will take Amish's share of the liver just to keep the universe in balance) machette, train as long as its behind my tractor, cashier, if the would be assassin is guilty put him and the democraps and the alphabets on a desert island surrounded by piranhas , and any one who bitches can join them.
Cashier if I have coupons. Self checkout for quick trips. just a brief word on self checkout. You’re not “saving” anybody’s job. Their workload increases when ACOs are installed. There are fewer people scheduled but still have to perform the same duties.
I don't like either beets or liver, but I'd go with beets.

At Aldi? Cashier because they're a lot faster than I am. At other stores, I might do self-checkout. Some cashiers are outpaced by glaciers and that makes me nuts.
One full day of your life: nude beach or sit quietly on the set of the View as they record their show?

Nude beach. I wouldn't worry much. NOBODY wants to see this body naked. Not even me.

I would rather have a root canal without novacaine than watch the View. That would be even worse than seeing Nancy Pelosi on the nude beach. 😫
Trump assassin #2: Life with Large Larry the Lover or flip the switch and let him fry?

Can I vote for Hang him from the nearest tree? Punishing him with Large Larry would be appropriate.
Would you rather fly or take a train?

I would fly. mostly because of time. I was personally traumatized by train travel as a child. You have no idea how painful train travel was going from Los Angeles to New York by train back in the early 60's.

I hate flying in today's environment, and train travel has improved, but I still vote for flying.
Cashier or self checkout?

Cashier. I still want to ask the manager at Wal Mart when I am going to get the employee discount for checking myself out?
is most of society an : ostrich or an eagle .

I would say ostrich. Not trying to insult the ostrich, but most people have their head buried in the sand, and don't want to hear the truth even when you tell them the facts.

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