BowieMachete OR Bowie
BowieMachete OR Bowie
I used to love to fly, but ...............if I can get there on the ground, I'm driving. So I'd have to say TRAIN.Would you rather fly or take a train?
Dang it! I love them both... but probably beets!Liver or Beets
Cashier, I don't work for the store, nor do I wanna take someone's job....Cashier or self checkout?
Sadly, ostrichesis most of society an : ostrich or an eagle .
Iron SightsPreference: Iron Sights or Optics?
PumpkinPumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds?
Jewelry? Silver.Gold or Silver
OverUnder or.......................................................................Over?
View attachment 161459
Little dogBig dog or little dog?
Oh heck what a choiceOne full day of your life: nude beach or sit quietly on the set of the View as they record their show?
Chicken-dark low and slow in smoker bourbon smoky bbq sauce.Chicken: white meat or dark meat?
SauceThat red stuff you put on your spaghetti… Sauce or gravy?
MediumHard mattress or soft mattress?
flip the switchTrump assassin #2: Life with Large Larry the Lover or flip the switch and let him fry?
Bowie or stiletto knifeMachete OR Bowie
TrainMetal, performance, ribeye, animal fat, two storeys (plus basement and huge attic), soap, hotel, beer, lemonade, hardwood floors, hot climate, $100k right flippin' now!, 30-30, nude beach, firm mattress, sauce, dark meat (has more flavor) but I'll eat either, give him to Larry, Bowie.
I do believe I'm caught up now.
Would you rather fly or take a train?
Harvard BeetsLiver or Beets
Cashier or self checkout?
OstrichBothPreference: Iron Sights or Optics?
is most of society an : ostrich or an eagle .
PumpkinPumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds?