Straight scotch, the way it was meant to be drank.This forum poll worked out well, as I decided to buy both for my candy bucket! Plus I got Kit Kats too.
Drinkers question: Mixed drink or beer/wine?
SnickersHalloween Candy: snickers or reeses peanut butter cups?
It was a brand of cigarettes. Don't know what happened to them.Chesterfield, will anyone know what that is?
It was a brand of cigarettes. Don't know what happened to them.
Reeses (for the extra protein) but hate peeling off those little paper cups.
Mixed drink.
New Q: Jazz or Blues?
it was also what Canucks called the couch/ sofa time evaporator deviceIt was a brand of cigarettes. Don't know what happened to them.
I heard a story back in the late 70 early 80s about some guys from Alberta who decided to go across the line for a beer or 20, on the way back when they were crossing, the border guard Asked them for I d, one didn't have any, so the guard pulled him aside and asked what a chesterfield is. he is reported to have said "you know couch, sofa, maybe loveseat", the boys got was also what Canucks called the couch/ sofa time evaporator device
New Q: Jazz or Blues?