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dark chocolate please
@Mountain trapper French horn looks like this and is the hardest brass instrument to learn.

Cello (48") is bigger than a violin (24") and considered one of the most difficult instruments to learn. ha. haha. sorry guys. I didn't know!
French horn. I could finally annoy my neighbors instead of the other way around.

Reminds me of a joke. The other day my neighbor came over and knocked on my door at 3:00 in the morning. 3:00 in the morning. Can you believe that? Good thing I was up playing my bagpipes.
OK...I think I got them all:
  • Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi Zero over Pepsi; Coke Zero over Coke. Both of the zero products are acceptable. My family was always a Pepsi family, though.
  • 9mm or .45? 9mm because more rounds and it is what I've always had from the beginning ... and I like using rounds the military uses, because I figure those are more likely to be around (although when war breaks out, I suppose they disappear).
  • Car or pickup truck? I'll take an SUV.
  • Rum (white) over Jagermeister. But, both only as mixers.
  • Sneakers or boots? Seem like totally different things to me. If I could only have one, then I suppose boots.
  • Manual over automatic...although I drive an automatic.
  • Day over night.
  • Dog over cat...primarily because of allergies, though. Each has their advantages.
  • Canned chicken over tuna...but then I usually go for fresh chicken and canned tuna.
  • Wheat bread over white bread...although as with others, rye and sourdough are often better.
  • Chevy over Dodge...although I suppose I could do a Dodge Ram pickup.
  • Beer or liquor? Definitely wine. Second place is liquor.
  • Smart over good looking. Smart for me. At first I thought the question was what I would want in a wife. Honestly, I think I'd still have to go with smart (common sense). Looks fade.
  • Chocolate or chips? ... assuming you mean potato chips, then the chips.
  • Die quickly or survive in a nuclear attack? Survive. It's my nature.
  • Shark or grizzly? Tough one. I was trying to figure out which one would be easier to scare away, and I wonder if it is a shark...punch to the nose, and all that? But, maybe a grizzly...because at least you aren't drowning as well. I think drowning would be a terrible way to go. Then again, getting pawed open by a bear would be pretty rough as well.
  • Skates over skateboard. Hockey...even street hockey.
  • Gasoline over other vehicle fuels. I just drive basic cars.
  • Miracle Whip over Mayo. More flavor over bland flavor is better.
  • Mountains over beach for long term living.
I got hung up somewhere and just stopped viewing this thread.
Coke or Pepsi? Either, not a big soda drinker.
Car or pickup? I have a car, but my first vehicle was a pickup.
Manual or automatic? I have a manual currently, but have had a few automatics. I would prefer automatic. Someone rode their bike into the street in front of me a few days ago. If I hadn't hit my brakes, I would have hit him. Killed the engine on the spot.
Rum, although I haven't had a drink in decades.
Mountains over beach, but prefer the rolling plains.

Mustard or Catsup (Ketchup)?
Catsup now, but I wouldn't eat it as a kid.
Logical or emotional?
Cash or plastic?
Cash, but I use plastic more.
Visit 10 countries of your choice or get to travel into space?
10 countries

1 Story or more stories in your house, not counting basements, attic and cellar.
2 stories plus basement. Have never been in the atti.
Soap or body wash?
Soap, but have been thinking of trying body wash. I have a dispenser in my shower that has a space for body wash. I should have some in there.
One full day of your life: nude beach or sit quietly on the set of the View as they record their show?
I could sleep through either of these!
Hard mattress or soft mattress?
Soft. I have a friend who sleeps on the floor, but has a mattress in her basement.
That red stuff you put on your spaghetti… Sauce or gravy?
Chicken: white meat or dark meat?
White meat, preferably wings. When the plate was passed around the table when I was a kid, it came to me last and there were always wings left. I prefer the turkey wing over any other part.
Would you rather fly or take a train?
Pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds. We used to buy these in the candy section in store in small packages, made by Fischer when I was a kid. People who moved away would have others send them some. There are other companies who sold them, but never the same. My grandfather called them Russian peanuts.
elkhound is still not sure what or how this thread operates and believes all of you are off your meds....!!

only thing i understood for sure was mtn trapper said big ass fiddle !
magpie had both , so no nasty nasty ground up grain, Down pillow, big ass fiddle, Chocolate dark chocolate
The whole chocolate vs. vanilla thing is weird for me.

As a kid, I was 100% chocolate, and I didn't get why people would get vanilla anything, unless they were putting chocolate syrup on it.

Now, as an aging adult, I dislike most chocolate things. I'd order a vanilla shake or a strawberry shake before chocolate. (Side note: Chick-fil-A's seasonal peach shakes and banana shakes are amazing.) I can't really eat Hershey's chocolate bars anymore; only dark chocolate. My family thinks I've gone insane, but I don't even like chocolate chip cookies. :eek:
No splitter here, so I use an axe. Back or side, not stomach. So...this left/right thing...I use a fork with my left hand, write with my right hand, play tennis left-handed but I bat right handed. I shoot long gun left, but handgun right.

Snakes, preferably non-venomous. Bagel, but I like both. Cello. Soft pillow. Vanilla ice cream with warm chocolate cake.

For those of you who work, would you rather have a long weekend by taking Friday off or Monday off?
Hard pillow or soft pillow? Medium is not a choice!
Gaaaaaah, you're messin' now.
I like a soft pillow, but it must have substance so I'm not having to re-fluff it all the time.

No splitter here, so I use an axe. Back or side, not stomach. So...this left/right thing...I use a fork with my left hand, write with my right hand, play tennis left-handed but I bat right handed. I shoot long gun left, but handgun right.

Snakes, preferably non-venomous. Bagel, but I like both. Cello. Soft pillow. Vanilla ice cream with warm chocolate cake.

For those of you who work, would you rather have a long weekend by taking Friday off or Monday off?
Monday.. because who like's mondays?

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