Heck of a post SHTF business you'd have there Brent!
It's something a lot of people don't consider. If you can provide a useful service or product (that requires you to stay ALIVE so it keeps coming), it's a good counter to roving bands of marauders, etc. Deals can be struck, and one could likely even prosper.
People have this fantasy of staving off a roving gang with a gunfight, etc. The reality is that such a confrontation is likely to end in some of your family getting killed. Granted, there may be no choice, but if you have something to bargain with, it's a better footing than a bloodbath. (Not to mention, such gangs could provide you with protection from OTHER such gangs, and/or trade with you for things they get in their travels.)
May not be the moral high road, and hopefully, I'd be trading with just other survivors, but one has to recognize the very real possibility of this situation.
Imagine if you will, post SHTF, a small military unit. Well-armed, even a couple of war vehicles from a nearby National Guard Armory, trained in tactics, etc. You could either fight them (and likely lose), or make a deal. If they raid you, it's a one time thing. If they trade, it's a resupply location and more of a guarantee. A smart leader would make a better decision (for everyone involved).