This weeks preps check-in

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Since we were at Tractor Supply for feed I noticed they started carrying some new stuff that I need periodically so no longer have to have it ordered from Jeffers like Selenium & Cooper boluses. And today I saw 1 bottle of fish Mox Amoxicillin so that is another 100 capsules of antibiotics that I have on hand. Finally they have started carrying more and more goat products in my area which is nice.

Thanks! I need to make a trip to Tractor Supply anyhow to refill my propane tank that I depleted running the genny during Hurricane Michael.
We are still in the fixing up the place before move in phase. This week: window fixing. Two were already broken, two broke in the house move. After that, flooring and plumbing.

Also moving the rest of my camping gear out there. A few years back I lived out of my van, kept all the gear. Had everything I needed to live in the van without utilities, which works with us not having electricity out there yet. On hubby's off days we spend most of the day out there, doing what we can. Now will have cooking equipment, camp lights, small folding solar panel, Mr. Buddy heater, etc. Now to convince the hubby to move one of the extra beds out there we'd be set, haha.
Luckily I have all my firewood for the season. I had a fire in the wood stove this morning for the first time this year. It was in the 40’s outside, but warmed up the house really quickly. Honestly I can afford to run the electric heat but I get a sense of satisfaction from heating all winter with wood. There’s not much better than on a chilly morning to get the stove cranking and enjoy a cup of coffee relaxing beside it.
I tested my packable solar panels in using the USB universal chargers and charged the 14500, rcr123a and the 18650 batteries, also used it to charge the Lens Lenser p5r. I knew it worked with Eneloop but wanted to test it with the exotic batteries and it appears it will do fine sun willing. I can tell the winter months are going to be a problem with these exotic batteries and slightly with the AA/AAA.
I finished splitting all of our firewood today. The new wood splitter really makes it easy. The electrician started wiring the house today and the HVAC guy is coming out tomorrow.
We found 2 dead elk on the property this morning. Some POS hunter killed two cows and just left them to rot. I'd like to have 5 minutes alone with the bastard that did this.
I finished splitting all of our firewood today. The new wood splitter really makes it easy. The electrician started wiring the house today and the HVAC guy is coming out tomorrow.
We found 2 dead elk on the property this morning. Some POS hunter killed two cows and just left them to rot. I'd like to have 5 minutes alone with the bastard that did this.
I think the DNR would investigate that, at least you might consider reporting it. That is a disgrace and they don't like that kind of behavior either.
Luckily I have all my firewood for the season. I had a fire in the wood stove this morning for the first time this year. It was in the 40’s outside, but warmed up the house really quickly. Honestly I can afford to run the electric heat but I get a sense of satisfaction from heating all winter with wood. There’s not much better than on a chilly morning to get the stove cranking and enjoy a cup of coffee relaxing beside it.
Sounds wonderful. I am using some kind of infrared heater for just a few hours a day, it heats the whole house good at night with temps below freezing as long as it warms to the 50's in the day. I turn it off during the day, just postponing running the furnace which uses propane.
If I open up the back door early in the morning I can smell the neighbors outdoor wood heat, it makes me a little jealous. I love country living.
I would love to live out in the country. I am so tired of city living.
As far as the title of this thread, "This weeks preps check-in" is concerned...... I am über behind! I haven't done a thing in sometime. Any one else delinquent in their prepping work?
I would love to live out in the country. I am so tired of city living.
As far as the title of this thread, "This weeks preps check-in" is concerned...... I am über behind! I haven't done a thing in sometime. Any one else delinquent in their prepping work?
Good to know your still around Clyde. We all have more to do than can ever be done and have periods of lapses and motivation in our prepping. This thread, I believe, was the most popular ever on this site and is a good motivator for remembering why we are here.
I too wish I was already out of the city. As an urban prepper, there is a limit as to what can be accomplished during normal times. I just keep working on future plans and prepping, as space and money allow. Small steps will lead to the ultimate destination. You can only eat the whale one bite at a time.
Good to know your still around Clyde.
Yes, I am still around. Been über busy.
We all have more to do than can ever be done and have periods of lapses and motivation in our prepping. This thread, I believe, was the most popular ever on this site and is a good motivator for remembering why we are here.
Very well said.
One's far more healthier staying young and working than growing old and retiring. I see my doctor more often now than I ever had in my life. Doc tells me I'm healthier than a horse and I ask him why am I here then, doc says because you got old with a chuckle, a few seconds later he says no, you're here to pay my mortgage.

The way I see it, just be happy your busy enough with work to complain, I rather see people complain about being too busy than see them broken and hungry ;)
I would love to live out in the country. I am so tired of city living.
Me too. I just haven't gotten my wife on board yet. I may just have to spend more time at the BOL, which is waaaaaaaaaaaaay out in the sticks. She'll never move there unless things really get bad. But maybe somewhere a little closer to civilization (which she defines as a place with a big medical center and an international airport)
Me too. I just haven't gotten my wife on board yet. I may just have to spend more time at the BOL, which is waaaaaaaaaaaaay out in the sticks. She'll never move there unless things really get bad. But maybe somewhere a little closer to civilization (which she defines as a place with a big medical center and an international airport)

Your wife must be the twin of my wife. Your wife quoted my wife exactly. That is the main reason I am an Urban Prepper.
I'm lucky to have a wife that is a true partner and one who wants the same things out of life as I do. She travels for work every 3 weeks. So what if the airport is 4 hours away, in good weather. She doesn't see that as a problem, but more as a plus as that means the large population center is also 4 hours away. She wouldn't trade where we're living for anything; clean air, clean water, no neighbors, no crime, small town 20 miles away, abundant wildlife and beautiful views.
I'm lucky to have a wife that is a true partner and one who wants the same things out of life as I do. She travels for work every 3 weeks. So what if the airport is 4 hours away, in good weather. She doesn't see that as a problem, but more as a plus as that means the large population center is also 4 hours away. She wouldn't trade where we're living for anything; clean air, clean water, no neighbors, no crime, small town 20 miles away, abundant wildlife and beautiful views.
Just hope that if the SHTF she isn’t traveling.....

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Good to know your still around Clyde. We all have more to do than can ever be done and have periods of lapses and motivation in our prepping. This thread, I believe, was the most popular ever on this site and is a good motivator for remembering why we are here.
I like it too. Today I brought several of my cans in to town to refill, kerosene, gas and diesel and to fill up the truck, this will tap the budget but it is needed. It will probably cost me over 100.00 dollars, the main contributor to my prepping difficulties is the limited budget. Blast it! I'm pretty proud of what I have accomplished though. Now, to get the propane filled is really going to hurt. I usually have to pay them a little each paycheck, when I finally have it all paid, then in a month or so , heck , here they are again! Not complaining, I am really fortunate. Just gets a bit tiresome.
I'm lucky to have a wife that is a true partner and one who wants the same things out of life as I do. She travels for work every 3 weeks. So what if the airport is 4 hours away, in good weather. She doesn't see that as a problem, but more as a plus as that means the large population center is also 4 hours away. She wouldn't trade where we're living for anything; clean air, clean water, no neighbors, no crime, small town 20 miles away, abundant wildlife and beautiful views.
WOW! Happy for you, wish it were me.:)
Me too. I just haven't gotten my wife on board yet. I may just have to spend more time at the BOL, which is waaaaaaaaaaaaay out in the sticks. She'll never move there unless things really get bad. But maybe somewhere a little closer to civilization (which she defines as a place with a big medical center and an international airport)
There is a bit of land for sale just down the road, 6.3 acres, already has electric and I think a septic system too.Came on the market a couple of days ago. I think they had some campers on it. 54K. A lot of government land around. Won't you be my neighbor?
Been wishing that i was back in the country,since just before i moved.

I've done very little in the way of prepping since i best prep since my move,is a 1st aid kit,that i won in a's idea kit for each situation.home/car/b.o.b./'s just a matter of adding 1 or 2 items.and without removing anything. .
Me too. I just haven't gotten my wife on board yet. I may just have to spend more time at the BOL, which is waaaaaaaaaaaaay out in the sticks. She'll never move there unless things really get bad. But maybe somewhere a little closer to civilization (which she defines as a place with a big medical center and an international airport)
Sounds like your wife and mine are cut from the same cloth. Mine also wants there to be a Whole Foods grocery store near by...... sigh..... mind you she shops at Costco more than any place else....
We picked up the windows, doors, bathtubs and toilets for the new house yesterday. When we unloaded the trailer we discovered that they loaded some windows that belonged to someone else and shorted us on two of our windows. We'll make the 8 hour round trip tomorrow to get our other two windows. The electrician started wiring the house yesterday too.
Got the last of the garden cleaned up and fed all the dead plants to the pigs.
We had our first snow yesterday. It melted off just about as fast as it fell.
My new snow plow has been shipped and should be here in about a week.
One's far more healthier staying young and working than growing old and retiring. I see my doctor more often now than I ever had in my life. Doc tells me I'm healthier than a horse and I ask him why am I here then, doc says because you got old with a chuckle, a few seconds later he says no, you're here to pay my mortgage.

The way I see it, just be happy your busy enough with work to complain, I rather see people complain about being too busy than see them broken and hungry ;)
I don’t know your age, but my aunt is 71 years old, maybe 5’2 and almost 100 lbs. She lives out in the hill country. I called her the other day. She told me she was cutting down a fig tree with a chainsaw, moving the cut up limbs across the property to be burned,and then she was going to go wash her St. Bernard ( dog weighs more than she does).

My MIL(68 years old) sits on the couch and watches TV game shows.
How ever old I get to be, I just want to be able to still kick butt and take names.

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