This weeks preps check-in

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Found a 51 year old woman living with a 55 year old man in a 30 year old 21 ft camper trailer near the Donau where we were walking with the dog...she has only one tooth left, no running water or toilet or electricity or heating...he has been her boyfriend for 35 years and lost his leg to frostbite last month...she is taking care of him in this situation where they have lived since their house burned down 5 years ago and they had no insurance for it...
My wife and I spoke to her for a bit and asked if we could help. She only asked for a few candles to heat and for light, a few AA batteries for their little radio and a couple of cans of food that they could cook on a little butane stove...We went shopping for TP, batteries, cans of food, fruit, bread, chips, beer, dish soap, kleenex and kitchen towels, candles, soft meat in cans and some fruit...that was the most wonderful feeling to be able to have so much to give without any loss. They have to live on about $75 monthly in this old trailer and will never be able to prep. My God, are we blessed....Gary
70%? more like 90%, and probably 99%, dont forget over here preppers amount to less than 1% of the total population, going by what I read online most people in the UK are more worried about their summer holidays than putting something back for "a rainy day"!!
thats why I gave up on most people long ago.
Found a 51 year old woman living with a 55 year old man in a 30 year old 21 ft camper trailer near the Donau where we were walking with the dog...she has only one tooth left, no running water or toilet or electricity or heating...he has been her boyfriend for 35 years and lost his leg to frostbite last month...she is taking care of him in this situation where they have lived since their house burned down 5 years ago and they had no insurance for it...
My wife and I spoke to her for a bit and asked if we could help. She only asked for a few candles to heat and for light, a few AA batteries for their little radio and a couple of cans of food that they could cook on a little butane stove...We went shopping for TP, batteries, cans of food, fruit, bread, chips, beer, dish soap, kleenex and kitchen towels, candles, soft meat in cans and some fruit...that was the most wonderful feeling to be able to have so much to give without any loss. They have to live on about $75 monthly in this old trailer and will never be able to prep. My God, are we blessed....Gary
You Mr. Gary are an example of a servant. May God bless this deat couple and May God bless you and your beloved. ~Lindy
Found a 51 year old woman living with a 55 year old man in a 30 year old 21 ft camper trailer near the Donau where we were walking with the dog...she has only one tooth left, no running water or toilet or electricity or heating...he has been her boyfriend for 35 years and lost his leg to frostbite last month...she is taking care of him in this situation where they have lived since their house burned down 5 years ago and they had no insurance for it...
My wife and I spoke to her for a bit and asked if we could help. She only asked for a few candles to heat and for light, a few AA batteries for their little radio and a couple of cans of food that they could cook on a little butane stove...We went shopping for TP, batteries, cans of food, fruit, bread, chips, beer, dish soap, kleenex and kitchen towels, candles, soft meat in cans and some fruit...that was the most wonderful feeling to be able to have so much to give without any loss. They have to live on about $75 monthly in this old trailer and will never be able to prep. My God, are we blessed....Gary

"the Donau" is another name for the Danube which is what most people call it here. So I am going to assume you are in Southern Germany or Austria. This means that couple is pretty damn cold right now. Here "homeless people" mean drug bums living under tarps but I see in this instance these people really do need help and did not deserve the hand dealt them. You and your wife did good work helping them.
Talking about the homeless but not the decent kind, its estimated that over 30,000 Roma beggars, muggers and pick pockets , plus a good number of Albanian drug gangbangers, and other eastern Europeans arrived here in recent years and are a crime tsunami in the UK. EU membership, NATO and anything other than trade with Europe has been very bad for the UK.

Just ordered 2000 .22 calibre hunting pellets for my air rifles, 15.89 and 18 grain JSB and AA
Trying to find a UK source for the CRKT CEO Flipper 7097 knife, i want two for my formal attire.
I bought a bunch of new outfits for the girls, and a pallet of bleach. I also bought a pallet of cheap whiskey and some pint water bottles to fill and sell.

cheap booze gets you cheap azz deadbeats with nothing worthwhile to barter/trade - and - likely to find most unethical & willing to kill your azz rather than pay ...

get top shelf booze that the country club alkies will be wanting - that crowd will have crap worthwhile having and they'll be looking for a reliable drug dealer ....
My aunt's a country club alkie. She hides bottles of cheap vodka in the hamper.

The thing about chemical dependency is, when SHTF, they're not gonna care whether it's top shelf or bottom. They'll drink paint thinner if they have to. It's about feeding the craving, not enjoying yourself.
LOVE the whisky idea so i think im gonna buy me a STILL!!!!
I make wine regularly here and have dabbled with beer a couole times. Keep in mind though that to even make one drop of distilled alcohol is a major crime. We’re talking more punishable than rape and murder in some cases..... luckily I don’t like the taste of liquor.
My aunt's a country club alkie. She hides bottles of cheap vodka in the hamper.

The thing about chemical dependency is, when SHTF, they're not gonna care whether it's top shelf or bottom. They'll drink paint thinner if they have to. It's about feeding the craving, not enjoying yourself.

the Richie Richs will always fly 1st Class when there's seat open and they look at wealth as something replaceable >> if you want to go the profit $$$ making route in a SHTF - dealing with that crowd is the eaziest path - if you keep track of dealings good chance they'll buy their bartered good back ....
It isn't worth arguing about.

Rich people generally don't get rich by being stupid. Yeah, they'll fly 1st class...out of the country. They have planes, boats, passports, and goods to grease the wheels. Doesn't matter whether it's 1910s Russia or 1950's Cuba or 2010's Venezuela- if you have the means to leave socioeconomic strife, you do.

You're going to be dealing with the leftovers. If they have the means to pay for your high-end liquor, they have the means to pay thugs to take your high-end liquor. I'd rather deal with one drunk yokel then four sober henchmen.
It isn't worth arguing about.

Rich people generally don't get rich by being stupid. Yeah, they'll fly 1st class...out of the country. They have planes, boats, passports, and goods to grease the wheels. Doesn't matter whether it's 1910s Russia or 1950's Cuba or 2010's Venezuela- if you have the means to leave socioeconomic strife, you do.

You're going to be dealing with the leftovers. If they have the means to pay for your high-end liquor, they have the means to pay thugs to take your high-end liquor. I'd rather deal with one drunk yokel then four sober henchmen.

then argues it anyway......

run along
my googles should arrive this week, something to keep in my edc,just to protect my eyes, added a sturdier blade too,some pain meds to my IFAK, gave every compartment and extra pouch a letter, so if need comes, I can just say ; open B,C or D and give the stuff to me,
Gave away the green flashlight I showed on another thread with rechargeable batteries which were plugged into the wall socket, to the neighbors son who works in the local prison and only had a joke of a flashlight with the old bulbs and alkalines...found a replacement of the same type, with a USB recharger plug which I can do in the car, solar or with my Mobile Telephone recharger battery which is also USB charged and solar charged. It had a 4400mAh Li-ion battery in it which is like 3 AAA batteries with each 1600mAh (non-existant) and I got two spares with a whopping 8800 mAh for only $4.00 extra!! All into the EDC and all together for only $22.00 (€ 20).
I like the idea of the A/B/C on the pouches Jon!!
PS: I have single letters on the small cigar tubes in my EDC, with a "S" for- Smoke-bomb, "R" for Rocket-flares, and "F" for Firework.
I can shoot flares 150 feet high for nighttime rescue, make orange smoke for daytime rescue and set off fireworks for an echo in the mountains to make myself at least heard.
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I make wine regularly here and have dabbled with beer a couole times. Keep in mind though that to even make one drop of distilled alcohol is a major crime. We’re talking more punishable than rape and murder in some cases..... luckily I don’t like the taste of liquor.
Where do you get your grapes from? Just curious
Where do you get your grapes from? Just curious
I have about 70 grape vines on the front of the property. Several different types of muscadines and some Concordes. The muscadines are amazingly hearty vines with almost no maintenance. My kind of plants. The wines flavors have become my favorite now. I get so many grapes each fall that I freeze a lot of them to make wine later on as I get too many. I can’t tell any difference in the wines from the fresh grapes vs the frozen ones at all
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I've been tea total for the last 20 years, the last thing I'll be buying is some booze to trade with (wont be trading full stop).
I'd like to trade with those I do now, my adjacent neighbors, but the reality is as soon as they get the sense that I have more than they do, trouble will set in. Trading if you desperately need something sure, but otherwise forget it! The crap they depict in movies is just that.

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