This weeks preps check-in

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Graf is out of all primers.
Natchez only has small rifle benchrest and milspec small rifle both over 100 bucks per brick
SG is out of all primers.

Ammoseek does show some places with primers but I have never heard of any of them. Only 3 had large rifle primers and those were over 130 bucks per brick.
Looks like our hobbies have gotten a lot more expensive, going to have to pay to play I guess.
I got caught short (sort of) when I really started into reloading. I had a few thousand primers but got carried away with reloading and have used up (not fired) my primer stash and my powder stash. I still have some primers and a very small amount of powder. I also have a bunch of reloaded ammo sitting on the shelf. I could hold off a small army but I get uncomfortable not have all my needed components stock piled.
Going back an forth for my wife’s snake gun for her SXS. Think a .410 lever would be perfect. But what good is it if you can’t find ammo. Thinking more about a 20 For her.
I got caught short (sort of) when I really started into reloading. I had a few thousand primers but got carried away with reloading and have used up (not fired) my primer stash and my powder stash. I still have some primers and a very small amount of powder. I also have a bunch of reloaded ammo sitting on the shelf. I could hold off a small army but I get uncomfortable not have all my needed components stock piled.
What powder you looking for?
What powder you looking for?

H4350, Varget, H335, H110, Alliant Power Pistol, Alliant 15.5. As for primers--- large Rifle Magnum, Small Rifle Magnum, Large Pistol Magnum, and small pistol magnum. Now you can see why I am having problems finding these items. Too popular or too limited production.
H4350, Varget, H335, H110, Alliant Power Pistol, Alliant 15.5. As for primers--- large Rifle Magnum, Small Rifle Magnum, Large Pistol Magnum, and small pistol magnum. Now you can see why I am having problems finding these items. Too popular or too limited production.
Wish you were closer, I could help a little on the powders.
Going back an forth for my wife’s snake gun for her SXS. Think a .410 lever would be perfect. But what good is it if you can’t find ammo. Thinking more about a 20 For her.
I have a Marlin .410 lever action and I love it. Just can't find ammo for it. Its great on rattlesnakes, ground squirrels and chipmunks. I also like a .22 magnum with snake loads, can't find that either. I have my name on a waiting list at several places for when/if they become available.
I may have to start reloading for the .410 and 20 gauge.
I'm beginning to think maybe....just maybe, my husband is coming out of his denial phase. Man, I feel like I've been doing battle with the elites and at home for the last year on this front. He just ordered a much larger Berkey filter than we have and a bunch of replacement cartridges for it with no prompting from me!
I have a 16 and 12s. 20 or .410 is going to be a new caliber, so I am going to have to find some ammo to reload. Remember its for a 5’4 woman with limited experience. SxS gun rack lends to a shorter barrel. That’s why I was thinking a lever 410. May have to go with a 20.
I just want her be safe and not afraid to use it on a rattler.
I have some snake load 22 but they are iffy out of a semi 22. They don’t generate enough oomph to eject all the time.
I have used a pellet gun on rattlers on cement, have had fun with stinkin ground squirrels with it too.
Mossberg 500 Youth model in 20 gauge. She should be able to handle that with ease. 7/8 oz of 7.5 shot will definitely pepper any rattler out there.
I didn’t think about a youth model, thanks.
Even my sons first 870, I bought a second stock and cut an inch off. I don’t have worry about her growing into it like him.
We're finally going to get propane delivered tomorrow. We're down to less than 5%. Later this summer I'm going to trade the 250 gallon tank for a 500 gallon.
I called the solar company where we bought our solar system from. I wanted to get a bid for installing another 5- 415 watt panels and a solar tracker to tie in to our current system. Plus I asked for a second bid for a complete system to power our well pump with.
The wife suggested that I move our current system down to the pump house and then buy another larger system for the house. That's not a bad idea.
We went and bought a lot more non-food items: Rid-X, paper plates, TP, plastic bags for 5-gal bucket toilet, bar soap, laundry powder, dish soap, bleach, white vinegar, toothpaste and the like. Realized we were not so well-stocked on those items. Taking them to our BOL ASAP.
We have tons of large bags for garbage, tons of ZipLoc bags of all sizes and a variety of other plastic bags. But suddenly realized we had not bought the smaller ones for the camping "toilet" if we can't flush the regular toilet anymore. We have some plans & materials to build an outhouse, but won't want to go to the trouble to build that unless things get REALLY bad. My husband isn't really into construction work, but the reality of a big guy like him teetering on a 5-gallon bucket toilet may just change his mind. LOL
We have tons of large bags for garbage, tons of ZipLoc bags of all sizes and a variety of other plastic bags. But suddenly realized we had not bought the smaller ones for the camping "toilet" if we can't flush the regular toilet anymore. We have some plans & materials to build an outhouse, but won't want to go to the trouble to build that unless things get REALLY bad. My husband isn't really into construction work, but the reality of a big guy like him teetering on a 5-gallon bucket toilet may just change his mind. LOL
Anyone has to have a plan for SHTF for garbage And waste.
Wife‘s recycling ideals may come back into play. But cardboard and paper is going in the burn barrel.
Glass, cans and plastics in bags can be stored without much attraction to critters.they may come in handy later.
The 5 gallon buckets, I am not a fan of plastic linings. I was thinking more of scent deterrant around the perimeter For predators. But I could see how deep I could dig with the tractor.
Different thoughts, but everyone need this plan.
I saw an interview where the guy was saying there is rumor of “them” turning off the electric for a period of time in August. Reason? To ruin all our preps in our freezers!

Prepare for this happening folks!

Just another sign that the NWO has and still is preparing the battlefield in their favor!!

We have tons of large bags for garbage, tons of ZipLoc bags of all sizes and a variety of other plastic bags. But suddenly realized we had not bought the smaller ones for the camping "toilet" if we can't flush the regular toilet anymore. We have some plans & materials to build an outhouse, but won't want to go to the trouble to build that unless things get REALLY bad. My husband isn't really into construction work, but the reality of a big guy like him teetering on a 5-gallon bucket toilet may just change his mind. LOL
We have 2 out houses, one behind the fur shed that I built, and an old one up by the original barn site. I was planning on burning the old one down, but it has come in handy more than a few times.
Anyone has to have a plan for SHTF for garbage And waste.
Wife‘s recycling ideals may come back into play. But cardboard and paper is going in the burn barrel.
Glass, cans and plastics in bags can be stored without much attraction to critters.they may come in handy later.
The 5 gallon buckets, I am not a fan of plastic linings. I was thinking more of scent deterrant around the perimeter For predators. But I could see how deep I could dig with the tractor.
Different thoughts, but everyone need this plan.
Anything that will burn goes in to the burn barrel. Until summer anyway, then everything goes to the landfill about 30 miles south.
After SHTF we'll burn anything that will burn then dig a hole with the tractor and bury the rest. If there's no fuel for the tractor, we'll just dump the non burnables over a steep bank.
Mossberg 500 Youth model in 20 gauge. She should be able to handle that with ease. 7/8 oz of 7.5 shot will definitely pepper any rattler out there.
I'm 5'2" with short arms and this is what I have. I'm not really a gun person but like to be competent in case I need to shoot something. I don't have any problems handling youth size, whereas a full size shotgun feels bulky and gets heavy on my arms very quickly.
Standard operating procedure at the BOL already. We have buried two doublewide house trailers.

Trash holes are common in the boonies. No telling how many tons of crap are buried in rural areas across the country.
Had one in Junction and rather than bury it over we had a guy come out with a track hoe and a dump truck and empty it.
We did that for two reasons. One it was full and two we wanted to see what was in the bottom layers.
It was like an archaeological dig,the deeper you went the cooler the stuff we found.
Trash holes are common in the boonies. No telling how many tons of crap are buried in rural areas across the country.
Had one in Junction and rather than bury it over we had a guy come out with a track hoe and a dump truck and empty it.
We did that for two reasons. One it was full and two we wanted to see what was in the bottom layers.
It was like an archaeological dig,the deeper you went the cooler the stuff we found.
We have an old stage stop and mining camp on the north end of our property. Most of the buildings are just rotted logs, but we found the old dump and the hand dug well. We bring home some nice old junk whenever we go digging up there. Eventually we'll take our metal detectors up and see what we can find. There are hundreds of old mines, camps and stage stops every so many miles between the camps, mines and ghost towns in this area. Down in the river canyon there's several old steam ship wrecks too.
We have an old stage stop and mining camp on the north end of our property. Most of the buildings are just rotted logs, but we found the old dump and the hand dug well. We bring home some nice old junk whenever we go digging up there. Eventually we'll take our metal detectors up and see what we can find. There are hundreds of old mines, camps and stage stops every so many miles between the camps, mines and ghost towns in this area. Down in the river canyon there's several old steam ship wrecks too.

Junction Tx was an old stop for desperados either heading to Mexico or holing up in case they had to make a run for Mexico.
The border was right at around 100 miles away so close enough to make the run to the Rio Grande. They'd have watchers up on the cliffs outside of town over the main roads. If they saw any strangers heading to town they'd take the rough route to warn the desperados it might be time to get out of town.
I believe I mentioned the carvings in the rocks above the main road left there by the look outs. You'd never see them unless you happened to take a leak on em.

I love the Old West and its history.

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