• Two New features staring today. - The first will security lock account if user didn't login for two years - The second will warn and security lock account if password found in data breach ( even if user is recently active) .. it will also warn users about weak passwords during registration. The compromised is from a data base list, and not from anything on this forum. If you are logged in all the time, this will not effect you. It only works when logging in.

Thought for the day

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You should be a monster, an absolute monster, and then you should learn how to control it.⁣" Jordan Peterson​

"Everyone says, 'Well, you should be harmless, virtuous, you shouldn’t do anyone any harm, you should sheath your competitive instinct. You shouldn’t try to win. You don’t want to be too aggressive. You don’t want to be too assertive.'

No. Wrong. You should be a monster, an absolute monster, and then you should learn how to control it.⁣

“It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”⁣"
Jordan Peterson
My new mottos:
1. Do it while you're thinking about it. Everything you forgot to do, you thought about doing before.
2. Don't fart and cough at the same time. It never ends well :(.

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