Make pot legal
Make guns legal
Watch crime plummet.
Or not, and continue to see more deaths. Your call London. Your call.....
I don't understand.
Were you bragging that there were ONLY 3 (now 6) stabbings in one night. Or were you thinking that was a high number for one night?
I suppose what would you expect? A country allows rampant immigration from radical muslim nations, they overwhelm a major city to the point where a muslim gets voted mayor, so what was expected? Was there an expectation of massive numbers of men helping little old ladies across the street? I'm not saying US cities are any better, they are doing the same thing. Heck, Washington DC voted a convicted felon / drug addict (cocaine) / prostitute-associated guy in as mayor.
Cities everywhere are lost.
Maybe it's time for the "law abiding" to stop being such pastys over there and start putting up a fight for the Right to self defense.No not bragging just reporting, most intelligent folk over here knew full well the end result of gun and knife bans is only the law abiding citizens will obey leaving them MORE vulnerable. Ever since the original gun bans came about gun crime has gradually risen year on year, last year it rose nearly 20%. What was catching me out last night that the news said 2 then 3 had been stabbed so I reported it, but within minutes of posting it had gone up again, then again. They banned military knives, Zombie Knifes and Lock knives all that happened was the gangsters started carrying butchery knives, chisels, screw drivers, machettes etc. They ( The political classes) STILL do not get it that only the law abiding obey the law, they seriously think banning guns, knives, gangs, drugs will make it go away.
Maybe it's time for the "law abiding" to stop being such pastys over there and start putting up a fight for the Right to self defense.
Yeah. It's a long slow process. What's sad is that most people (sheeple) don't care unless it affects them personally, or their beer, cigs, welfare check or sports are threatened. The Left is extremely effective with their agenda. Even on this site there are some people who are advocating for more gun control. Even though they know that no amount of additional gun control will make any difference. Very sad indeed.We actually have fair sized lobbying groups but they rarely get any media time thanks to the left wing CNN type media. However 60 years of brainwashing of the sheeple by the gun ban lobby has had its effect.
Oddly enough we DO have the RIGHT TO SELF DEFENCE if we use PROPORIONATE FORCE, So we are allowed to react within reason to being attacked BUT that " right" is made worthless because its illegal to actually own ANYTHING that is purposely designed for fighting.
EG its similar to the US democrats attacks on your right to bare arms, They KNOW they cannot take your guns so they brainwash your kids, then they make gun and ammo makers and gunshops and ranges lives as hard as possible. drive up taxes on guns, ammo, accessories, reloading gear. Expensive licences for gun dealers. its drip drip drip slow but sure long term scheming to disarm us.
its up to SEVEN attacks as of 11.30am today.
almost anything can be used as a weapon,a sharp pencil will do some serious damage,some pepper thrown into the eyes will slow a person down,a good stout cane ,a simple hat pin, a cheap claw hammer ,one pop to the head will stop damned near anyone
you are never without a weapon of some sort
Maybe it's time for the "law abiding" to stop being such pastys over there and start putting up a fight for the Right to self defense.
A female friend who lives in Germany said some perfect stranger (Turkish) yelled and called her a f%%cking American infidel. She chased him with a fork and he ran away like a baby.
She said that you learn fast which neighborhoods to avoid. I'm sure it's like that in Londonstan and most of Europe.
almost anything can be used as a weapon,a sharp pencil will do some serious damage,some pepper thrown into the eyes will slow a person down,a good stout cane ,a simple hat pin, a cheap claw hammer ,one pop to the head will stop damned near anyone
you are never without a weapon of some sort
I know someone who was knocked unconscious by his little sister who hit him with a frying pan!!
I see your David Lammy and raise you a Hank Johnson: (And I still have a Cynthia McKinney and a Maxine Waters up my sleeve)May I offer you Americans an insight into the mental capability of your average British politician? I think this defines our labour / socialists perfectly.
I see your David Lammy and raise you a Hank Johnson: (And I still have a Cynthia McKinney and a Maxine Waters up my sleeve)
NopeThis was like, an April Fool's Day stunt or something, right? Please tell me that....