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@MoBookworm1957 congrats that's amazing!! Keep up the good work.

I've been running since January. Got my mile time down to 10 min 10 sec (that was my PR).
Been switching it up now with a squat machine I got that is awesome for your core and legs, without hurting your knees (old athletic injuries coupled with 12 hour shifts on your feet aren't helpful)
This week I've done a lot of incline training, been going to the gym right after I get off work. I down a protein shake an hour before my shift is over, get about an hour workout in (running and some form of light weights/resistance exercises) - and then shower and collapse at the RV.
Today, I got off work at 5, and had a meeting at work at 6 - so I just went up and down the stairs for 1/2 an hour (10 flights) - that was a much harder work out! Got super winded and HR got up to 170. Now my legs are shaky.
Yesterday I did arms at the gym and some dude in his 30's was there showing off his ab routine and pumping his fist in the air when he was done. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: That's the one thing that annoys me about the
Thanks Doc.
My knees were replaced in left 2017, right knee in 2020.
Left wrist, hand were worked on last year.
Still have elbow and shoulder to be worked on later.
Right elbow, right arm, wrist and hand were worked on in 1998.
Right foot worked on in 2015.
TBI in 2009.
So I know a lot about old injuries.
But I keep on trucking......
Kinda like that Rabbit with drum that keeps going.
Ah life in general.
Oh I don’t have abs! Lol not even when I was an athlete dang genetics. I’ll just be happy with a flatter belly. My kids lucked out and got their dads genes there !! 🤣
I know. I played at least one year of every sport but basketball in high school, and 3 years of football and golf. I was 5 feet, 11 and 3/4 inches tall and 168 pounds during the last week of football my senior year. But I still didn't have any abs. I inherited my mom's stocky body but my dad's long skinny limbs. My muscles don't show anywhere! 🤷‍♂️
Welp the legs didn't like the stairs. I've literally been hobbling around work the last 2 days, can't get anywhere in a hurry!! Haha.
Went to the gym last night and tonight, just did the elliptical and some ab workouts. Couldn't run because my calves couldn't take it. I can't even go up and down the stairs without sore legs, which is terrible as I usually take the stairs anyway between the cafeteria and the ICU (only 4 floors) --> elevator is so slow.
Rode the bike for 1.5 miles today.
Increased resistance every 5 minutes for 15 minutes increments x 5 times today.
Walked 2 miles today.
My running days are pretty much over.
Will start training for 5 k in May(military style).
Did a few arm curls today did 10 to start with 2-3 pound weights.
Did a few T's today as well.
The new position I've moved into a work has destroyed my ability to work out. Between the long hours and the stress of learning a new position, there's almost no way to hit the gym unless I want to do it at 4AM and that's not happening. Getting up at 5AM to get ready for work is bad enough...
I hear you on that one. Work days for me are 5a-5p. I get a bit of a workout in after - and then shower at the gym and collapse into bed in my RV. There’s no way I could get up any earlier to go workout, plus the gym doesn’t open til 5a anyway. When I’m home it’s sometimes a bit easier but not always.
I did an ab workout today and could barely get through it. So out of shape!! Ugh
I hear you on that one. Work days for me are 5a-5p. I get a bit of a workout in after - and then shower at the gym and collapse into bed in my RV. There’s no way I could get up any earlier to go workout, plus the gym doesn’t open til 5a anyway. When I’m home it’s sometimes a bit easier but not always.
I did an ab workout today and could barely get through it. So out of shape!! Ugh
Yuck, abs. When I weighed 175 pounds my abs weren't there, and that was a long time ago. I guess I have to be content with knowing they're in there somewhere.

It's not just long hours thats messing me up, but irregular hours too. I had hoped to continue lifting but even short sessions with only 5 or 6 lifts still take over an hour for me by the time I do warm-ups. And then I just don't have the energy after work. I think I'll have to go back to cardio only for a while, where I can get a ride or a treadmill session done in 40 minutes.

Luckily I haven't gained weight since I took this new position. Most days I busy enough that I barely eat...
Yuck, abs. When I weighed 175 pounds my abs weren't there, and that was a long time ago. I guess I have to be content with knowing they're in there somewhere.

It's not just long hours thats messing me up, but irregular hours too. I had hoped to continue lifting but even short sessions with only 5 or 6 lifts still take over an hour for me by the time I do warm-ups. And then I just don't have the energy after work. I think I'll have to go back to cardio only for a while, where I can get a ride or a treadmill session done in 40 minutes.

Luckily I haven't gained weight since I took this new position. Most days I busy enough that I barely eat...
Well that's not good, you definitely need to eat something! If even just grab a protein bar or protein shake... and also yes, 30 mins of any exercise is better than nothing. Its so difficult to adjust to a new schedule. My previous job, there was no way I could've done anything, by the time signout was done, we were at a 14 hour day some days. After 5 of those in a row, you just recuperate on your days off.
The new position I've moved into a work has destroyed my ability to work out. Between the long hours and the stress of learning a new position, there's almost no way to hit the gym unless I want to do it at 4AM and that's not happening. Getting up at 5AM to get ready for work is bad enough...
Don't be hard on yourself.
Adjusting to new schedule or job takes time to adjust.
I agree with Dr. Jenner, at least eat something, piece of fruit, protein bar something.
Some exercise is better than nothing.
Sit ups, running in place, cardio just something.
Walked 4533 steps yesterday.
Lifted 3 pound weights,rode bike.
I haven’t drank much lately but I’m so much better at work then I am at home
Too many snacks and temptations!
Yes, and I have had a Samuel Adam's "Wicked Easy Lager" in the fridge for a month, just waiting for the right time to drink it. It's so good, and fairly low carb for beer - 7.5 carbs per can. I figured I could splurge just a little bit...😉
Yes, and I have had a Samuel Adam's "Wicked Easy Lager" in the fridge for a month, just waiting for the right time to drink it. It's so good, and fairly low carb for beer - 7.5 carbs per can. I figured I could splurge just a little bit...😉
I felt that vodka soda and hot tamales this morning, ugh. Felt yucky all morning. Managed to get on the treadmill though and do 30 mins of incline training with max incline at 30%. Little bit sore from using muscles I haven't in awhile with the kettlebells.
Well today was another restart of my workout program.
Hit it pretty hard.
At work I will be on my feet all day everyday from Saturday through next friday.
For someone who sits in front of a computer all day that will be a workout all by itself.
One that next week is over I will consider my leg muscles/tendon sufficiently strengthen to run again.

Just came from the Gym most hit upper body since I know I will be all legs for next week ( albeit lightly)

3 sets overhead pulls
3 sets Standing military press
3 sets angled bench press
2 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises
2 sets bent over rows on each arm
2 sets weighted calf raises each side.

It's a beginning.
Physical fitness is more important than even shooting skill.
Hatha Yoga, and then the jacuzzi, or just yoga and a hot bath. Actually, it's yoga postures several times after a good workout like that.
I actually just used regular stretching several times over the next 2 days, and i didn't have much soreness. Lots of calf and hamstring stretches along with some quads and lower back.

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