Tropical Storm Helene forms, forecast to hit Florida as major hurricane

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All I will say is that the government has been working on that technology since 1947, and there are documented cases of them monkeying with hurricanes that did strange things afterwards. I will make no other claims than that.

Hurricane King, 1947. The hurricane was headed out into the open Atlantic after crossing Florida, so they decided it was a good hurricane to test seeding on. After seeding the planes went back to base. The next day when they flew out to observe the hurricane they couldn't find it. When when they finally found it, it had taken a hard left and was headed towards Savannah Georgia.
Seeding has been around a long time! Now they have advanced technology to go with it!!
Ok, what exactly are you saying here? I read some of your comments and not quite understanding. Do you really believe the bureaucratic government pinheads have somehow managed to control the weather and sent a hurricane intentionally to NC to cause these problems?!
I don't think they have that sort of technology. And if they did , they would have wiped out Florida and not NC. But even if they did have the technology, I am pretty sure there are easier ways to cheat in the election, like let all the illegals vote, print extra mail in ballots, count wrong, remove ballots of conservative areas etc.

Me personally I think there are too few people living in the mountains and they don't want people living in rural areas they can't control anyway. So they get no help. No good crisis goes to waste. In this case , they will force people to not live where they can't be controlled. There are no cameras in those areas watching everything like in cities, there is no EPA controlling everything you do, people are using wood and gas stoves and some are off grid etc. That's what they don't like. But to give them credit to be able to manipulate the weather is a bit much. If that's the case, why not put out all those wildfires on the left coast ?
My comments are because I have natural empathy for others and I sometimes wonder why others don't. I'm beginning to think I'm from a dying breed. As in "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I can't help but feel for those in NC who lost everything. I watched a video of a group of cops abusing an elderly woman in a health crisis and for the life of me I couldn't understand that level of cruelty. I think that it was engineered that way. I saw another video of a cop tackling an elderly woman to the floor of a bank - all because she wasn't wearing a mask. Not one person in the bank spoke up in the woman's defense. Why? I watched another young woman in France being dragged away by a migrant and two French men sat there and said not one word or lifted one finger to assist the young lady who you knew was going to be raped. Why??? Have we lost our humanity???

What's wrong with everybody? Something is deeply wrong folks and maybe the change needs to start with us. I've seen this country when it was better, and something is deeply wrong that's happening. WTH is wrong with those two men that they wouldn't lift a finger to help that young woman? Why would grown men - cops - get a kick out of abusing an older woman? Is it the filth in the movies over generations that have made people ugly? That's my guess. Social engineering is a term someone else used on here.

As far as the weather: I thought that everyone knew that they can control the weather with HAARP. I find it shocking that in 2024 people still don't know it. I didn't know it until I met people from Australia years back who seem to know more than Americans do. But the information is there if you hunt for it. But you do have to hunt for it.

I don't know why they wiped out NC - some say it's to get to the lithium while others say that Asheville is a designated smart city.
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All I will say is that the government has been working on that technology since 1947, and there are documented cases of them monkeying with hurricanes that did strange things afterwards. I will make no other claims than that.

Hurricane King, 1947. The hurricane was headed out into the open Atlantic after crossing Florida, so they decided it was a good hurricane to test seeding on. After seeding the planes went back to base. The next day when they flew out to observe the hurricane they couldn't find it. When when they finally found it, it had taken a hard left and was headed towards Savannah Georgia.
I saw a video of a HAARP experiment on water in the 50's I believe. The water 'dances" into multiple points. Someone took a video of the water DOING THE EXACT "DANCE" with points in NC.

As far as the weather: I thought that everyone knew that they can control the weather with HAARP. I find it shocking that in 2024 people still don't know it. I didn't know it until I met people from Australia years back who seem to know more than Americans do. But the information is there if you hunt for it. But you do have to hunt for it.

I don't know why they wiped out NC - some say it's to get to the lithium while others say that Asheville is a designated smart city.

doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the weather

don't you think if anyone could control the weather they would do so to benefit them in some way? Like I said, make it rain on the west coast when it is too dry

But I agree with you on people being horrible, but they probably always have been like that, only now there is more people and it's on the net for everyone to see

doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the weather

don't you think if anyone could control the weather they would do so to benefit them in some way? Like I said, make it rain on the west coast when it is too dry

But I agree with you on people being horrible, but they probably always have been like that, only now there is more people and it's on the net for everyone to see
If you go to BitChute and type in "HAARP" and "weather weapons" you'll learn a lot. I think a lot is connected to the aluminum chemtrails. Even the sunflowers natural heliotropism which causes them to turn to the sun is broken:

They are controlling the weather to benefit themselves. Allegedly Blackrock came into NC with offers to buy their land. People were extremely upset as they hadn't even located missing family members.

Yes you're right - if you go back in history there were some ugly things but it just seems to have worsened. I mean - would you just sit there as a migrant attempted to drag a 17 year old woman away? I can't help but think "what if that was me?" What would I want others to do? Men have been de-testosteroned. I couldn't do a lot as I have severe physical limitations and even on my best day I'm not match for a man - but I would not have sat there and watched as she got dragged away.
If you go to BitChute and type in "HAARP" and "weather weapons" you'll learn a lot. I think a lot is connected to the aluminum chemtrails. Even the sunflowers natural heliotropism which causes them to turn to the sun is broken:
Um not trying to offend you but I generally don't believe in scientifically highly impossible conspiracy theories....think about it, do you really think the weather pinheads that can't forecast the weather correctly for a few days can manage to create a hurricane and make it go where they want? Do you know how much energy is in a hurricane? It has more energy in it than a nuke . There is just no science behind this. It can't be done. At least not with currently available technology. They have tried cloud seeding with not great results , that's about it. It would be cheaper to build a pipeline and convey water to dry areas than try to put rain clouds in the sky for rain somewhere it is too dry, even if they could do it successfully. Do you realize weather scientists have no idea what controls things like El Nino and El Nina? Or trade winds or anything else? That's what controls the weather. It's connected to sun output and how the earth spins through the solar system.
They have no control over it whatsoever. That's why the global warming myth is just that also. There is no CO2 created global warming. It's fake.
You give humans way too much credit to control their environment

all they can do is describe what is happening. Oh, we have cooling in the pacific, so it's el nino ( or other way around), but they don't know why it does it. Look it up. And, they can't control it. The gulf stream controls much of the weather in Europe. If it moves slightly , the weather in Europe changes. But they don't know why it moves.
People are always indoctrinated into believing something is or is not possible based on what the powers that be want you to know or believe. The same way we had stealth military aircraft for several decades before it became general knowledge. People pointed at the sky and declared these invisible planes, labeled as UFO's, were impossible because the technology simply didn't exist. Of course it actually did. Whatever you know to be scientifically possible is already 30-40+ years behind the technology that actually exists.

I don't know if the weather can controlled or not, but I know the more CNN and others are screaming at anyone who claims it can be, and ridiculing them at every turn, tells me more is going on than they want the ignorant masses to know. I haven't forgotten how they did the same thing during Covid and the 237 other "conspiracy theories" that have turned out to be true.
Um not trying to offend you but I generally don't believe in scientifically highly impossible conspiracy theories....think about it, do you really think the weather pinheads that can't forecast the weather correctly for a few days can manage to create a hurricane and make it go where they want? Do you know how much energy is in a hurricane? It has more energy in it than a nuke . There is just no science behind this. It can't be done. At least not with currently available technology. They have tried cloud seeding with not great results , that's about it. It would be cheaper to build a pipeline and convey water to dry areas than try to put rain clouds in the sky for rain somewhere it is too dry, even if they could do it successfully. Do you realize weather scientists have no idea what controls things like El Nino and El Nina? Or trade winds or anything else? That's what controls the weather. It's connected to sun output and how the earth spins through the solar system.
They have no control over it whatsoever. That's why the global warming myth is just that also. There is no CO2 created global warming. It's fake.
You give humans way too much credit to control their environment

all they can do is describe what is happening. Oh, we have cooling in the pacific, so it's el nino ( or other way around), but they don't know why it does it. Look it up. And, they can't control it. The gulf stream controls much of the weather in Europe. If it moves slightly , the weather in Europe changes. But they don't know why it moves.
Everyone is free to believe what they want. Over the years I've been researching I do believe that the equipment exists to control the weather. In fact, it's commonplace in Russia, I believe, to know that it can be controlled. Mr. Marsh said it best: it's indoctrination. In fact, the CIA invented the term: conspiracy theorist to discredit anyone who got too close to the truth. In fact, I read that the definition of a conspiracy theorist is "someone who questions the statements of known liars."

William Casey, former CIA agent said something to the effect of "We'll know our indoctrination is complete when everything the American public believes is a lie."

For those who are satisfied with the "truths" or rather 'lies" fed to them like pabulum from the media then it is certainly their right to believe it.
People are always indoctrinated into believing something is or is not possible based on what the powers that be want you to know or believe. The same way we had stealth military aircraft for several decades before it became general knowledge. People pointed at the sky and declared these invisible planes, labeled as UFO's, were impossible because the technology simply didn't exist. Of course it actually did. Whatever you know to be scientifically possible is already 30-40+ years behind the technology that actually exists.

I don't know if the weather can controlled or not, but I know the more CNN and others are screaming at anyone who claims it can be, and ridiculing them at every turn, tells me more is going on than they want the ignorant masses to know. I haven't forgotten how they did the same thing during Covid and the 237 other "conspiracy theories" that have turned out to be true.
It's good to see someone who is awake to it. I also read that the technology that they have is far beyond what we're even aware of.
Um not trying to offend you but I generally don't believe in scientifically highly impossible conspiracy theories....think about it, do you really think the weather pinheads that can't forecast the weather correctly for a few days can manage to create a hurricane and make it go where they want? Do you know how much energy is in a hurricane? It has more energy in it than a nuke . There is just no science behind this. It can't be done. At least not with currently available technology. They have tried cloud seeding with not great results , that's about it. It would be cheaper to build a pipeline and convey water to dry areas than try to put rain clouds in the sky for rain somewhere it is too dry, even if they could do it successfully. Do you realize weather scientists have no idea what controls things like El Nino and El Nina? Or trade winds or anything else? That's what controls the weather. It's connected to sun output and how the earth spins through the solar system.
They have no control over it whatsoever. That's why the global warming myth is just that also. There is no CO2 created global warming. It's fake.
You give humans way too much credit to control their environment

all they can do is describe what is happening. Oh, we have cooling in the pacific, so it's el nino ( or other way around), but they don't know why it does it. Look it up. And, they can't control it. The gulf stream controls much of the weather in Europe. If it moves slightly , the weather in Europe changes. But they don't know why it moves.
I don't believe that it's worth arguing about because it doesn't yield us any benefit it it's true and doesn't yield us any benefit if it's untrue. All we can do is read as much as we can and try to ascertain the truth insofar as we are able.
I don't believe that it's worth arguing about because it doesn't yield us any benefit it it's true and doesn't yield us any benefit if it's untrue. All we can do is read as much as we can and try to ascertain the truth insofar as we are able.
I believe in science and logic, and unless I have some definite proof that makes logical sense, I am not going to believe some conspiracy theory. Hurricanes have been here forever, just look at the coast line. It looks like it for a reason. They form when warm ocean water evaporates and atmospheric conditions are right to form a hurricane out of a depression. It's science. Hurricanes form off the coast of Africa many times because of warm water, or in the gulf. You can't tell me you really believe the US government ( it would have to be both sides, since there is no way one side could hide something THIS huge from the other) has some giant machine of some sorts in the gulf of Mexico, near Mexico that can make a hurricane on demand and then move it along through the hundreds of miles of ocean and direct it to drop 20 inches of water on NC?!?? Don't you think someone would notice all that equipment? The whole idea is pretty ridiculous when you think about it. Just because there is a youtube video of someone saying something is true, doesn't make it true.....
but LOL, I did see a big FEMA sign pointing at the fairgrounds on the way to the store. Nobody standing in line there. I wonder what they are doing there. Maybe they got chased out of NC and ended up in Virginia? There was some damage on flooding here too and some houses floated away but only a few compared to NC
Harrp has many US patents attached to it. Many books have been written how it is being used, going back into the 90's. Weather modification is possible. It was used at time in the 60's and 70 during the war with Vietnam to create rain to slow down the Viet Cong troops coming down the Ho Chi Mien trail and disrupt their supply chain. it was very effective then. I can only imagine what improvements have been made since then
Harrp has many US patents attached to it. Many books have been written how it is being used, going back into the 90's. Weather modification is possible. It was used at time in the 60's and 70 during the war with Vietnam to create rain to slow down the Viet Cong troops coming down the Ho Chi Mien trail and disrupt their supply chain. it was very effective then. I can only imagine what improvements have been made since then
so why no rain in California when it's so dry half the state burns up? Makes no sense...sorry
Plus making rain is not quite the same as making a hurricane large enough to cover half the east coast

Viet Cong: it rains all the time in Vietnam, it's a tropical climate. I think maybe you are thinking of them dropping Roundup on woods, so the Vietcong couldn't hide there very well. ( and in the end the US lost anyways)
Not sure that is a good argument to bring to this discussion ...hmnmmm....
so why no rain in California when it's so dry half the state burns up? Makes no sense...sorry
Plus making rain is not quite the same as making a hurricane large enough to cover half the east coast

Viet Cong: it rains all the time in Vietnam, it's a tropical climate. I think maybe you are thinking of them dropping Roundup on woods, so the Vietcong couldn't hide there very well. ( and in the end the US lost anyways)
Not sure that is a good argument to bring to this discussion ...hmnmmm....
Thank you.
Agent Orange was a defoliant used there to strip the leaves off of trees so bombers could clearly see their targets.
It did not affect/control the weather. :rolleyes:
...And if they actually had something to control weather, wouldn't they be using it a lot in the desert southwest? :dunno:
so why no rain in California when it's so dry half the state burns up? Makes no sense...sorry
So you think the govt' has YOUR best interests at heart? Awwwww........that's cute.

Once you realize that they (the ones that use this technology) HATE us, it'll become more clear. They can't push the CliMaTe ChAnGe agenda if they can't make the weather miserable. It's gotta be painful with droughts, wildfires, severe storms, tornadoes, etc. or they'll get nowhere with their fake money laundering climate hoax.
I believe in science and logic, and unless I have some definite proof that makes logical sense, I am not going to believe some conspiracy theory. Hurricanes have been here forever, just look at the coast line. It looks like it for a reason. They form when warm ocean water evaporates and atmospheric conditions are right to form a hurricane out of a depression. It's science. Hurricanes form off the coast of Africa many times because of warm water, or in the gulf. You can't tell me you really believe the US government ( it would have to be both sides, since there is no way one side could hide something THIS huge from the other) has some giant machine of some sorts in the gulf of Mexico, nea Mexico that can make a hurricane on demand and then moleve it along through the hundreds of miles of ocean and direct it to drop 20 inches of water on NC?!?? Don't you think someone would notice all that equipment? The whole idea is pretty ridiculous when you think about it. Just because there is a youtube video of someone saying something is true, doesn't make it true.....

There have been hurricanes for many years - that is true.

If someone truly wants to find the truth, then it's there. I personally also believe that God is a part of the equation.
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so why no rain in California when it's so dry half the state burns up? Makes no sense...sorry
Plus making rain is not quite the same as making a hurricane large enough to cover half the east coast

Viet Cong: it rains all the time in Vietnam, it's a tropical climate. I think maybe you are thinking of them dropping Roundup on woods, so the Vietcong couldn't hide there very well. ( and in the end the US lost anyways)
Not sure that is a good argument to bring to this discussion ...hmnmmm....
Yeah AO was used all over Nam for pretty much the entire war. My dads unit was sprayed regularly in their area around CuChi, just outside Siagon. To a man, the survivors all have multiple problems, as do many of their offspring. The men in large part have major lung problems (lung getting so hard they wouldn't function) and many have died from it, so as early as 50s. Their kids have all kinds of genetic trouble, cancers, retardation, etc. Our government did that to our own troops.

What makes you think they would use weather technology for good? California gets rains at times, major flooding at times. Same with other areas out west that are typically dry. In Nam, Yes they have a lot of rain, during monsoon season. Other months it's bone dry. They did modify weather during the dry seasons. There is documentationof this as well as about Harrp.
So you think the govt' has YOUR best interests at heart? Awwwww........that's cute.
no, I do not. I believe many of our politicians are corrupt and get paid off by large coorporations and the trillionaires to make laws that benefit those groups

But I do not give them credit for inventing and using some incredible technology that doesn't exist. That's all.
Did they make the current hurricane out there that is probably going to hit central America? Why?
I feel like I am arguing with people that don't understand anything about science.

All they have accomplished is injecting silver iodide into clouds by dropping them from planes with mixed results. They did sort of make it rain, but they have no way of proofing that what they did made it rain more since it might have rained anyway. THis is a very very far step from making a huge hurricane and directing it at NC. I have to keep repeating this, for you to see just how ridiculous this is. If you think you know they did this, prove it! How did they do it? Give me some details on the technology how it's done. If you don't have it, you are just believing something because you wish to believe it, or you heard some random youtube person say it....
There have been hurricanes for many years - that is true.

If someone truly wants to find the truth, then it's there. I personally also believe that God is a part of the equation.
I guess this thread now should go into the religion section....since what you all believe is strictly based on faith
So you think the govt' has YOUR best interests at heart? Awwwww........that's cute.

Once you realize that they (the ones that use this technology) HATE us, it'll become more clear. They can't push the CliMaTe ChAnGe agenda if they can't make the weather miserable. It's gotta be painful with droughts, wildfires, severe storms, tornadoes, etc. or they'll get nowhere with their fake money laundering climate hoax.
You hit the nail on the head.
Yeah AO was used all over Nam for pretty much the entire war. My dads unit was sprayed regularly in their area around CuChi, just outside Siagon. To a man, the survivors all have multiple problems, as do many of their offspring. The men in large part have major lung problems (lung getting so hard they wouldn't function) and many have died from it, so as early as 50s. Their kids have all kinds of genetic trouble, cancers, retardation, etc. Our government did that to our own troops.

What makes you think they would use weather technology for good? California gets rains at times, major flooding at times. Same with other areas out west that are typically dry. In Nam, Yes they have a lot of rain, during monsoon season. Other months it's bone dry. They did modify weather during the dry seasons. There is documentationof this as well as about Harrp.
Of course - they wouldn't use it for our good but for theirs.

What angers me is how vets have been ignored for the most part. My husband worked in a place one time and it had many damaged veterans and he told me that it was very sad. My pain group was fighting for access to pain relief; many may not realize that vets were being denied pain relief and a some killed themselves in the parking lot of the VA. That's an atrocity.
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I guess this thread now should go into the religion section....since what you all believe is strictly based on faith
No one else said it - I did. It's my personal belief since God deals in truth and Satan in lies. You seem to want to argue but I'm not arguing over the weather modification or faith. It's up to each person to do their due diligence to learn the truth.
No one else said it - I did. It's my personal belief since God deals in truth and Satan in lies. You seem to want to argue but I'm not arguing over the weather modification or faith. It's up to each person to do their due diligence to learn the truth.
Truth to me is facts I can verify. NOT random conspiracy theories on the net....
I believe in science and logic. Some shadowy people ( who are "they" exactly?) using impossible at this time technology to make a hurricane and move it over NC is just not science or fact. You can send me a million youtubes or instagrams or whatever, I bet not a one of them has to actual science to prove that! It's like I already said, the technology has not gotten past cloud seeding and unverifiable results. Do you understand how science works? F= ma for example, you can measure it. You can measure temperature, rainfall amounts, pressure in the atmosphere, you can measure CO2 in the atmosphere, you can see a hurricane forming as a depression on the weather radar ( or do you believe that is fake also?) . There are laws of thermodynamics. You would need more energy than all the electricity combined in the US to create something like a hurricane. It's just not feasible with current technology.
They can't even harness lightening yet, and that has been tried for a long time.
Husband used to actually be a rocket scientist with a fairly high level of security. If there was any such technology he would have known about it . There is top secret technology in defense of course but this is not anything based on reality.
I am just writing this so you think about your believes and maybe base them a little more on reality. It makes conservatives look crazy to believe such nonsense. That's all
( for the record, the global warming myth is based on faith and not science also, I DO without a doubt know that , since I dealt very directly with weather, storms , rainfall amounts and such in my job I had before becoming a farmer)

I wished both sides would think more logical and not believe in all this nonsense. It would probably help people focus on REAL issues and force the politicians to deal with them instead of sidetracking everything by nonsense . I do think both side put stuff on the net to sidetrack people and get them all outraged about stuff that isn't real, so nobody looks at the real issues. Disinformation seems to work really well. If you tell a lie long enough people believe it.
Truth to me is facts I can verify. NOT random conspiracy theories on the net....
I believe in science and logic. Some shadowy people ( who are "they" exactly?) using impossible at this time technology to make a hurricane and move it over NC is just not science or fact. You can send me a million youtubes or instagrams or whatever, I bet not a one of them has to actual science to prove that! It's like I already said, the technology has not gotten past cloud seeding and unverifiable results. Do you understand how science works? F= ma for example, you can measure it. You can measure temperature, rainfall amounts, pressure in the atmosphere, you can measure CO2 in the atmosphere, you can see a hurricane forming as a depression on the weather radar ( or do you believe that is fake also?) . There are laws of thermodynamics. You would need more energy than all the electricity combined in the US to create something like a hurricane. It's just not feasible with current technology.
They can't even harness lightening yet, and that has been tried for a long time.
Husband used to actually be a rocket scientist with a fairly high level of security. If there was any such technology he would have known about it . There is top secret technology in defense of course but this is not anything based on reality.
I am just writing this so you think about your believes and maybe base them a little more on reality. It makes conservatives look crazy to believe such nonsense. That's all
( for the record, the global warming myth is based on faith and not science also, I DO without a doubt know that , since I dealt very directly with weather, storms , rainfall amounts and such in my job I had before becoming a farmer)

I wished both sides would think more logical and not believe in all this nonsense. It would probably help people focus on REAL issues and force the politicians to deal with them instead of sidetracking everything by nonsense . I do think both side put stuff on the net to sidetrack people and get them all outraged about stuff that isn't real, so nobody looks at the real issues. Disinformation seems to work really well. If you tell a lie long enough people believe it.
I had a top secret clearance at one time so your husband having one means nothing to me. There are different levels, different departments.

As I said, you are free to believe as you wish.