TX Gov. Greg Abbott Deploys National Guard on Border

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well - this is how Civil War II fires up >>> the TX National Guard, State Police and civilian militia get noooooooooo hassle from Trump's ICE and Border Patrol buddies - soooo Biden sends in the US Army and they won't pull any triggers either - Biden sends in a hand picked troops which are 88% black and commanded by Obammy's left over lackies - Biden gets his fire fight and the entire country splits wide open into factions .....
Here in Texas we are fighting every unconstitutional executive order Biden has put in place. I see no wrong doing in that and do not see it as a Civil War II.

some US Army armored brigade fires on the TX National Guard and you don't think there'll be repercussions thru ALLLL the states? - you'll have NG troops from all over the country emptying out the armories and taking on Biden's Pretorian Army >>> with or without their governor's orders to deploy

not to mention what happens within the US military >>>

not to mention how the civilian militia responds >>>

not to mention how our enemies respond to the cavernous rift >>>>

not to mention how Biden responds to losing any military backing he had - can you say Blue Helmet? >>>
not to mention how Biden responds to losing any military backing he had - can you say Blue Helmet? >>>
I remember America sending troops all over the world with blue helmets...
I remember America sending Ships to earthquake areas to help...
I remember America sending everything to help Volcano victims...
I remember America paying to rebuild Europe after WWII...
BUT I CANNOT EVER REMEMBER ANYONE EVER SENDING HELP AFTER OUR HURRICANES, TORNADOS, EARTHQUAKES AND FOREST FIRES....except Australia and Canada with the forest fires...or Germany with water pumps to New Orleans...can anybody correct me please?
WHO is gonna send Blue Helmets to the US?? Almost all the world holds out its hands to the US for food, clothes, money and help...most people would gladly help us, but not many governments.
I remember America sending troops all over the world with blue helmets...
I remember America sending Ships to earthquake areas to help...
I remember America sending everything to help Volcano victims...
I remember America paying to rebuild Europe after WWII...
BUT I CANNOT EVER REMEMBER ANYONE EVER SENDING HELP AFTER OUR HURRICANES, TORNADOS, EARTHQUAKES AND FOREST FIRES....except Australia and Canada with the forest fires...or Germany with water pumps to New Orleans...can anybody correct me please?
WHO is gonna send Blue Helmets to the US?? Almost all the world holds out its hands to the US for food, clothes, money and help...most people would gladly help us, but not many governments.

you must not have ever read much PAW lit - including Jimmy Rawles 3rd novel Expatriots >> one of the most common themes with lit & Hollyweird - the US takes a hit and our "allies" all come to our aid by "neutralizing" and "recovering" our natural resource & technology areas of the country - invited in and making themselves at home - slight charge $$$$ paid with the Ft Knox bullion ....
Here in Texas we are fighting every unconstitutional executive order Biden has put in place. I see no wrong doing in that and do not see it as a Civil War II.
Is there not a law in your constitution that the peoples have the right to enable and defend against tyrannical governments from abroad and at home ? The reality is your dealing with progressives they have no interest in your way of life. Only to change and discard your constitution : The freedom and protection that gives cannot be tolerated in their brave new world. So here we are with a career criminally minded politician that has done nothing but feather his nest all those decades and who is now your illegitimate president. We have seen in some 3 mths . Actually with his first wk in office we saw him destroy the livelihood of 11000 American workers at the stroke of a pen with no thought or forewarning or preparation given to their suffering. We also saw the reversal of the Paris agreement. More tax payers money wasted. And now we look upon the shambles he has brought on true America in defiance of American law. You cannot come to America illegally. You cannot just cross anyone’s boarder illegally and be made a citizen. And the question has to be asked is there really only 11 million illegals in your country or more like 20-40 million than the 11 million count. Which are stats from almost 2 decades ago. Is this illegal immigration being done to bolster democratic votes or maybe to finally flip Texas blue . If so. You are not dealing with people loyal to your country. You are dealing with traitors. Their intentions are high and that is to destroy your way of life. Three months into a 4 year term and so much tragedy already.. Your taxation and slavery does beckon from those of the global elite. And when they shear the sheep. They take the skin and the scalp as well. What to do ?
We did in the Declaration on Independence but that hasnt been followed for what, over a hundred years. We now have laws against trying to overthrow the government. They take care of themselves. . .

First, they have taken pains to discredit the Declaration and to restrict the way it is taught in government approved curricula and government sponsored schools (including universities). Second, they have enacted statutes to strongly discourage any “throwing off” of the government, to wit:
  • Rebellion or insurrection. Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both…. 18 U.S.C. §2383.
  • Seditious conspiracy. If two or more persons … in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, … they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §2384.
  • Advocating overthrow of Government. Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State … by force or violence, * * * Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both…. 18 U.S.C. §2385.
That's exactly what I was thinking...Rawles book.
Maybe we don't want "help" coming in. They'll take a piece of something everytime they do

the EU is already pushing a Union army force - the Germans came into France for the Yellow Vest Rebellion in vehicles marked as such >>> no stretch what-so-ever that Biden would allow a EU force into the country to confront US military not accepting his orders - if they got a foothold in TX and the Gulf with the oil production getting them back out would leave out a simple request ....
Even in Korea and Vietnam, they would ALL avoid attacking the areas manned and controlled by the Texas soldiers....we are just different and known as such...bring on the fight and go down with the rest. Remember the Alamo...183 against 5000??? Now you are gonna Mess with 20 million Texans???? Make sure you got your papers in together and you inheritance arranged before you come visit Texas with anything stupid in mind....live free, Gary
We did in the Declaration on Independence but that hasnt been followed for what, over a hundred years. We now have laws against trying to overthrow the government. They take care of themselves. . .

First, they have taken pains to discredit the Declaration and to restrict the way it is taught in government approved curricula and government sponsored schools (including universities). Second, they have enacted statutes to strongly discourage any “throwing off” of the government, to wit:
  • Rebellion or insurrection. Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both…. 18 U.S.C. §2383.
  • Seditious conspiracy. If two or more persons … in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, … they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §2384.
  • Advocating overthrow of Government. Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State … by force or violence, * * * Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both…. 18 U.S.C. §2385.
1 Advocating overthrow of the American people by government . 2 Rebellion or insurrection against the American people by government 3 Seditious conspiracy against the American people.by tyrannical government I think a much better document . Hot off the press from the freedom people thinkers of the world. What would have George Washington said and done. I think as much as he do with the king George.
The only thing holding Texas back right now is the lack of a charismatic leader. If we get another General Sam to lead us, the fat lady will start singing. I can see us shutting down ALL borders - 360 degrees - the entire perimeter. People here are getting more and more P.O.ed with the D.C. democraps. I am looking for the leader and the spark!

Abbott screwed the pooch on COVID. Nobody holds him responsible for the Big Freeze. They hold ERCOT responsible for that. His political base is on a hair line because of him bending the knee over the Wuhan Flu. His removal of the state mask edict is to try to regain ground. De Santos is making him look bad.

time to resurrect an old quote: ...................Dios y Tejas!

P.S..... kudos to our cousins on the other side of the Red. THEY will decide what edicts from D.C. they will abide by and which ones they will ignore... damn Okie cowboys always trying to upstage us! ;)
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It’s all good, when Matthew Mconahay becomes governor of Texas he will straighten everything out! Seriously, why would anyone ever elect an actor?

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