USD Going digital-Not a conspiracy theory

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2022
Not that long ago if you mentioned that the USD was going to be replaced by a digital dollar, and your cash would be no good, people called you paranoid. Mainstream media still is touting it in the realm of "fringe conspiracies".

Any attempt to then take things to the next logical step, such as the fact that the government could, restrict what you buy, how often and how much you can purchase, seize your bank accounts and track every penny you spend, and you are really a nut.

The steps being taken to take us to a digital dollar are largely unreported. Odd isn't it that something so radical as doing away with physical currency isn't getting any real press? They are moving full steam ahead from an idea to practice, and have moved into a "testing" phase.
the Dollar will go digital directly in the elections of 2024, but Trump will kick it in the ass in 2028 as president and bring the paper dollar and see. The dems want and will go digital for the total control of us all. This will not go well, just as in Nigeria where they attempted the same crap....
I suspect at first, people will think it is wonderful. By the time they realize their own earnings are being weaponized against them it will be too little too late. I fully expect that anyone who complains will be ostracized, isolated and told they are bad people who want the world to be destroyed. 90% will probably sit down and shut up or go along to get along. Meanwhile governments and bankers will be in hog heaven.
At this point, who are the Tyrants? Is it the bankers? Is it the CEO's and boad of directors? State and Federal Politicians? The heads of the Unions? How about the Union members themselves? The FBI, the CIA? How about the Karen of your local HOA that votes blue? How about the Lunch Nazi?

In theory it sounds like a good idea, but the reality is that you vanquish one, another takes their place. The enemy is the ideology.
At this point, who are the Tyrants? Is it the bankers? Is it the CEO's and boad of directors? State and Federal Politicians? The heads of the Unions? How about the Union members themselves? The FBI, the CIA? How about the Karen of your local HOA that votes blue? How about the Lunch Nazi?

In theory it sounds like a good idea, but the reality is that you vanquish one, another takes their place. The enemy is the ideology.

All of the above who abuse there power. Start at the top. Before you get anywhere near the bottom, the abuse of power is gone. As soon as it appears again, repeat.
It does not work. Stalin did exactly what you are suggesting when he imprisoned and then killed the Royal family and all heirs as well as any supporters. Wiped out millions who were not playing along with his game. The Romanovs were far from innocent (excepted the children who didn't know better); the entire system was corrupt. Stalin’s violent revolution accomplished nothing, it simply changed who was the tyrant and who benefitted from the corruption. Same story in Germany, Italy and, even France.

I understand and are sympathetic to your frustration. I think we are all feeling it but, you have to change the perception of an ideology to stop the cycle.
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It does not work. Stalin did exactly what you are suggesting when he imprisoned and then killed the Royal family and all heirs as well as any supporters. Wiped out millions who were not playing along with his game. The Romanovs were far from innocent; the entire system was corrupt. Stalin’s violent revolution accomplished nothing, it simply changed who was the tyrant and who benefitted from the corruption. Same story in Germany, Italy and, even France.

Not the same at all. Here the people have the individual rights and power, not what is allowed by there government. In Russia, one Tyrrant was replaced by a worst Tyrrant by the power that was temporarily given to the people, then that power was taken away from the people.
Not the same at all. Here the people have the individual rights and power, not what is allowed by there government. In Russia, one Tyrrant was replaced by a worst Tyrrant by the power that was temporarily given to the people, then that power was taken away from the people.

Do we really? It seems to me we have traded it all away for government goodies. Hell, you cannot even peaceably gather and petition the government for a redress of grievances without a goon poking around in your business, financial and personal life. They can shut your business down because they have declared an emergency. They can forbid you from going into a government house unless you can prove you are vaccinated.

How much power and rights do we actually have? Functionally, not in theory.
In Europe they are by forcing cashless currencies and payments like hell too.
During this civid crap they forced even more, at some places it wasn't possible to pay cash anymore - to reduce the covid risk they said. Of course, and Santa drives an Ferrari....

Well, now we're having discussions about. The sheeples think it's great and safe, helping to prevent crimes. The other ones see the problems and the extremly power the gov recieves and buy only with cash.

In my opinion if there's at the end just digital money around there will be an incrediable black- and barter market, tax free indeed.

In their phantasies they may believe it's possible to control everyone by 100%.
I think it will not work, at least not for long. Most of those who tried gone executed sooner or later.
Do we really? It seems to me we have traded it all away for government goodies. Hell, you cannot even peaceably gather and petition the government for a redress of grievances without a goon poking around in your business, financial and personal life. They can shut your business down because they have declared an emergency. They can forbid you from going into a government house unless you can prove you are vaccinated.

How much power and rights do we actually have? Functionally, not in theory.

We still have our armaments and the legal authority of our Constitution to use them. We have the means, just not the will to do what we need to do. How much will we allow until we act? I guess we will see eventually.
We could put an end to this Globalist dream of making us all surfs or Chinese slaves by ending those who are part of WEF/DAVOS groups. Those are the ones pulling the strings and buying off MOST of our politicians.
I would like to see an end to all of them, but they have so much money and time under their belts at this point that they could have trained up a million protégés and we would never know them until they stepped out of line.

It's like they have an army of sleeper cells.
3 generations. #1 lives through it, #2 hears about it and #3 embraces it again. The ideology must be discredited for the cycle to stop. I don't think our great-grand children will be safe.
We still have our armaments and the legal authority of our Constitution to use them. We have the means, just not the will to do what we need to do. How much will we allow until we act? I guess we will see eventually.
We each have our line in the sand. Mine is when the alphabet agencies start going door to door.
If we cross that line on our own accord or too soon, we become the victims.
Larry went to pick up flea/tick/heartworm monthly med for my mothers australian shepherd this past week..6 mos. office said nope, we dont take cash! Debit/credit card only.. Even the local vet office..really? Larry paid with debit card, then went n put the cash back in checking account. Lol

On another note regarding the rest of the bull **** going on...seemingly endlessly....what's the appropriate plan of action? I guess it's different for everyone.. if there is far more of "us" do we rally the troops? Where do we go from here? If escape is in order, I think if I can any more jars of beans we'll have enough ammo to blast off to the moon! All aboard!
Where do we go from here? If escape is in order, I think if I can any more jars of beans we'll have enough ammo to blast off to the moon! All aboard!

Beans, beans, theyre good for your heart. The more you eat the more haw!
what's the appropriate plan of action? I guess it's different for everyone.. if there is far more of "us" do we rally the troops? Where do we go from here?
That's what I am wondering. I don't even know what to do other than just standing my ground on my own principles.

As far as cash, my business will always accept cash as long as I am able. It's stupid for any business to refuse it as we pay out the nose for debit/credit transactions.
I think one thing that can be done is to start in your own State regarding ESG scores. About the only good thing that is happening right now is a resurgence of State's Rights. By contacting your state representatives and getting behind any legislation that restricts an entity's ability to impose ESG, you are at the very least sending a message to these banks that you are watching what they are doing.

Perhaps there is a way for the States to get involved in the digital currency fight? I know the issuance of currency is a federal matter but, maybe there is something that can be done at the State level as well?

I remember about 20 years ago when we got the mortgage for bol1, in the closing papers it allowed for the mortgage to be paid off in gold. When I asked about it, the closer said it was an old clause that they hadn't maybe there is something in that avenue?

"The US Constitution prohibits states from coining money, but it allows them to make "gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts." By prohibiting everything except "gold and silver Coin" the Constitution clearly considers gold and silver coinage to be legitimate, no matter who issues it.",,to be legitimate, no matter who issues it.
Perhaps the way around the digital currency is to make sure that at least in your State, you can use Gold or Silver in the payment of debts...
So maybe then, you have a bunch of States who accept it, use it to trade between themselves, and those who don't. It would be a kind of secession of sorts don't you think? At the very least it would send a clear message to those who need to hear it.
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I think one thing that can be done is to start in your own State regarding ESG scores. About the only good thing that is happening right now is a resurgence of State's Rights. By contacting your state representatives and getting behind any legislation that restricts an entity's ability to impose ESG, you are at the very least sending a message to these banks that you are watching what they are doing.

Perhaps there is a way for the States to get involved in the digital currency fight? I know the issuance of currency is a federal matter but, maybe there is something that can be done at the State level as well?

I remember about 20 years ago when we got the mortgage for bol1, in the closing papers it allowed for the mortgage to be paid off in gold. When I asked about it, the closer said it was an old clause that they hadn't maybe there is something in that avenue?

"The US Constitution prohibits states from coining money, but it allows them to make "gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts." By prohibiting everything except "gold and silver Coin" the Constitution clearly considers gold and silver coinage to be legitimate, no matter who issues it.",,to be legitimate, no matter who issues it.
Perhaps the way around the digital currency is to make sure that at least in your State, you can use Gold or Silver in the payment of debts...
So maybe then, you have a bunch of States who accept it, use it to trade between themselves, and those who don't. It would be a kind secession of sorts don't you think? At the very least it would send a clear message to those who need to hear it.
That is interesting. I think I'll start talking to people about this idea. At the very least, I can spread the idea among like minded people.
Eventually the concern over a digital currency and how it can be issued, pulled back in, frozen the danger it poses to an economy (see FTX) etc, needs to be brought to the attention of those who make the laws in your state. Give them a call. My guess is they may not take to kindly to the Federal government tracking their every purchase either, but, you may want to steer clear of that rabbit hole given the current environment.

"One expert in the field of Constitutional tender, William Greene, asserts that if the law(Tx SB 2097 introduced in 2017 it did not pass) is passed, it would have the effect of displacing Fed notes with gold and silver coins because their value–unlike the notes–cannot be manipulated.

If such predictions prove accurate, states would regain much of the financial power they lost to the Fed. At the same time, such strength would limit the options of the Fed to use monetary policies and fiat currency to support deficit spending and unsustainable government debt."

At the bottom of the page you can click and see what the laws are for your State.
In States that have an income tax, they may be less warm to the idea as, they will be eager to get their hands on incomes that are paid in cash, such as tips, gigs etc. for the tax revenues that they are currently missing out on.

When you wake up one morning to find they are implementing it, that will be too late. Now is the time to get that freight train moving.

Like minded people is a good place to start though.
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No way the midterms were legit. 75% of Americans think we are heading in the wrong direction and voted to keep going?!?!?!? These are CERTAINLY the last days of this country.

12 more countries want to join BRICS – Investment Watch

The DEMOCRATS have sold us out and are pilfering as much as they can before they jump ship. How many tens of billions to Ukraine?
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