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Front Porch Chat or Political Discussion/News...?!?

@Frodo, Click on the Reactions to Your post and see the Times the Reactions were given so You can Ask "Why You Mad"...!!!
Ah fear not!
Your mail-in ballot has already been filled out and signed! 🤣
Two or three times, at least!

That's not meant as a lighthearted joke, either. My son did some digging and found his name appeared as having voted many times in about half a dozen states.
Write me in! I promise a chicken in every pot, flying cars in your garage! Six figure UBI for everyone, free medical care for all, and NO taxes for anyone. I will abolish the IRS, TSA and ATF on day one! I will open all BLM land and National Parks to homesteading - ever wanted to live in Yosemite, here's your chance! And I'll encourage Elon to personally lead his Mars expedition.

All those other guys are offering is more of, whatever. I'm giving you a chance to make indifference count. We will build it up and tear it down, we not only won't go back, we'll go in circles, because circles are symetrical and fair to all. But this revolution can't happen without you, the Voter! Also, PS, please send donations to my Patreon, Rome wasn't built on good intentions you know.

OK, I gotta go now, mommy says it's time for my meds. ;) :D
Vote, please, if you have never voted before for what ever reason. You are forgiven. Vote !!!!
Just vote your conscience Vote what you believe is right for you, your kids and our country
I am not going to tell you who to vote for, just get your ass to the poll and vote!!!!!!

I am voting for President Trump
He has an articulable policy that I agree with
If you want to vote for Camel toe and her policy. Just what is her policy? She has not said. If she has please inform this person, all I hear Is I hate Trump and a phony giggle.


Vote, please, if you have never voted before for what ever reason. You are forgiven. Vote !!!!
Just vote your conscience Vote what you believe is right for you, your kids and our country
I am not going to tell you who to vote for, just get your ass to the poll and vote!!!!!!

I am voting for President Trump
He has an articulable policy that I agree with
If you want to vote for Camel toe and her policy. Just what is her policy? She has not said. If she has please inform this person, all I hear Is I hate Trump and a phony giggle.


Youtube had comercial that had Kamala listing how prices have gone up. The Harris Walz logo in the top right corner. At the end Trump said.

"I am Donald Trump and I approve this message"

It was funny
