Voter fraud and the 2020 election

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Barr also said:
"A bipartisan commission chaired by Jimmy Carter and James Baker said back in 2009 that mail-in voting is fraught with the risk of fraud and coercion."
"Since that time, there have been in newspapers, in networks, academic studies saying it is open to fraud and coercion. The only time that narrative changed was after this administration came in"
"But elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion. For example, we indicted someone in Texas, 1,700 ballots collected, from people who could vote. He made them out and voted for the person he wanted to. That kind of thing happens with mail-in ballots, and everyone knows that"

The court cases is for the benefit of the people to learn and digest the vast amount of information. The military Tribunals are occurring and is where justice will be served. I don't agree with this method.

There have been many arrests, Joe Biden for one is under house arrest with an ankle monitor.

Hillery Clinton has been imprisoned and maybe executed, you won't see the real Hillery anymore.

Obama has been arrested and before a tribunal.
Tin foil hat time?
These people involved in the fraud have no idea how bad it is. They have never seen anyone tried for their crimes except for Ames but that was years ago. They need to find out what happens when you plot against the U.S. Gitmo haa been expanded, so let's fill her up and execute a few too.

I have to disagree. "Execute a few too"??? Nope. Execute a LOT of them. Won't happen, but it should. The other things seem a bit far-fetched. Time will tell, be patient...
Dominion Voting Systems has issued a statement responding to lawsuits we filed in Michigan and Georgia

Look at this ****!

Dominion Voting Systems has issued a statement responding to lawsuits we filed in Michigan and Georgia. Dominion is lying. This is a massive fraud that has infected the voting system across this country. Evidence continues to pour in on behalf of all the Plaintiffs. Legal votes cast nationwide created a historic landslide for Donald Trump.

Dominion contends that it is impossible for any tampering of the votes on its machines to have occurred. Our evidence proves otherwise. Prior analysis of server logs on Dominion’s machines in Georgia primary elections has shown remote access into those servers in the middle of the night when no election workers were around, possibly by Dominion employees overseas or on behalf of adverse nation-states such as Iran and China. Witnesses have observed what appeared to be Dominion technical support staff connecting remotely to election servers during tabulation of the primary and runoff elections in Georgia to resolve “technical problems” with uploading memory cards. That action violated Georgia and federal law that required certification of the machines and no manipulations.

Dominion also contends that any such tampering would have been revealed by the hand count audit conducted in Georgia. This is not true. The ballots marked by the Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) do not record the vote in a software-independent way. Instead, Dominion’s software is responsible for taking the voter’s machine input and printing it on the paper ballot in a QR code that contains the vote that is read by the scanner, but cannot be read by humans, and a text summary that can be read by humans.

Robust and repeatedly confirmed behavioral research shows that only around 6.5% of voters actually bother to scrutinize the human readable text summary. Thus, more than 93% of these allegedly “voter verifiable ballots” are not in fact “voter-verified” at all. See Exhibit 7 to

the Georgia complaint, Appel, DeMillo & Stark, Ballot Marking Devices (“BMDs) Cannot Assure the Will of the Voters (February 14 2020), p. 11. The authors of this study are highly distinguished professors of computer


science, including Richard A. DeMillo of Georgia Tech. Simply put, the BMD ballots are not “voter-verified” because 93.5% of the time voters do not actually “verify” them.

Further, it has been repeatedly established that Dominion’s BMDs are vulnerable to hacking. Substantial evidence of this vulnerability was discussed in Judge Amy Totenberg’s October 11, 2020 Order in the USDC N.D. Ga. case of Curling, et al. v. Kemp, et. al, Case No. 1:17-cv-02989 Doc. No. 964. See, p. 22-23 (“This array of experts and subject matter specialists provided a huge volume of significant evidence regarding the security risks and deficits in the system as implemented in both witness declarations and live testimony at the preliminary injunction hearing.”); p. 25 (“In particular, Dr. Halderman’s testing indicated the practical feasibility of a cyber-attack that could cause votes to be swapped or deleted and the compromise of the system through different cyber-attack strategies, including through access to and alteration or manipulation of the QR barcode.”) The full order refutes many of Dominion’s erroneous claims and talking points. As Judge Totenberg held
We just need to get rid of soo MANY people in high places.
Sometimes we need to pull out the weeds in the that the flowers can grow...
Brent: please stop talking and wait for the answers YOU need to believe. Read more than you write.#
Remember the wise saying of Will Rogers: "it is better the world only THINKS you are stupid, than you open your mouth and remove all doubt"
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#Election2020results From a DOJ spokesperson: “Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the Department has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election. That is not what the Associated Press reported nor

Whistleblowers Dispute Over 1 Million Ballots, Cite Dominion Tampering, Shipping Filled Ballots Across State Lines

The Amistad Project has gathered whistleblowers and sworn declarations revealing over one million potentially fraudulent swing-state ballots, including completed ballots getting shipped across state lines, postal service workers being told to prioritize Biden mail, and officials tampering with Dominion systems to prevent an audit.

In total, over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.

“The declarations state that unlawful actions by state and local election officials in swing states, and possibly U.S. Postal Service officials,” the Amistad Project noted.

The evidence details “the failure of election officials in blue jurisdictions to maintain ballot chain of custody,” and include “photographs of individuals improperly accessing voting machines and a detailed eyewitness account of the breaking of sealed boxes of ballot jump drives and commingling of those jump drives with others.”

In addition to voting machine tampering, the Amistad Project’s findings reveal efforts by Postal Service officials in at least three of six swing states. “Details include potentially hundreds of thousands of completed absentee ballots being transported across three state lines, and a trailer filled with ballots disappearing in Pennsylvania,” the group notes.

The Amistad Project feels that one whistleblower, a USPS truck driver Jess Morgan, had “fraudulent ballots were mistakenly placed” in his Pennsylvania-bound truck:

“On October 21, he arrived at Bethpage where he saw 24 gaylords (large cardboard containers used by USPS) and was told they contained mail-in ballots. He saw 24 gaylords containing bulk mail bins filled with identically-sized ballot envelopes stacked crosswise, which likely contained 144,000-288,000 ballots or more. He could see contained handwritten return addresses and one was even marked Certified Mail, prompting the expediter to remark that the person must have really wanted the ballot to get to its destination. Both of these observations revealed the ballots had already been completed and were being returned to be counted.

Mr. Morgan got to Harrisburg at 9:15 a.m., ballots in tow, but was forced to sit in the USPS yard until 3:00 p.m. When he went inside to speak with someone because his hours were about to expire, a self- identified “transportation supervisor” made himself known and instructed Jesse to drive the whole load to Lancaster without unloading the portion intended for Harrisburg. The “transportation supervisor” would not provide him with a written slip, saying he would need to unload in Harrisburg in order to receive a slip.

Morgan drove to Lancaster under orders from the Harrisburg postal supervisor, unhooked the trailer in the normal place, parked his tractor in the normal place, and went home. The next day, his trailer, the only trailer he ever used on his Bethpage route, was gone.”

WATCH: Whistleblowers Dispute Over 1 Million Ballots, Cite Dominion Tampering, Shipping Filled Ballots Across State Lines
Does the Chinese government own Dominion?


>>>/qresearch/11540532 :

Dominion Voting Systems is owned by Staple Street. Staple Street is controlled by Cerberus Capital. Cerberus is owned by billionaire Steve Feinberg. Trump appointed Feinberg the Chairman of the Presidents Intelligence Advisory Board, which advises POTUS on all matters counterintelligence. Is this whole election a setup? Feinberg teeing up the Dems using the system they used in 2018, but that he now owns?


- Lin Wood: Did the CCP purchase Dominion on Oct 8 for $400mil?

Lin Wood Retweeted yamato @meshiya12

5h - Replying to @LLinWood

Dominion connection map

Dominion Connection

Lin Wood:

Swiss bank UBS owns 25% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese investment bank. The rest is owned by the Chinese gov't. CAP.

[looks like USB actually owns 51% since 12-01-2018; see below]

Lin Wood:

Sidney Powell @SidneyPowell1 & many others, including myself, have seen overwhelming evidence of the systemic fraud in the voting machine software.

Dominion is controlled by Communist China.

This make NO sense to Patriots. What is going on in D.C.? Same problem as exists in GA?

"Communist China Purchased Dominion Voting for $400M. Efforts underway to verify" (see description)

(vid clip)

Vid exploring the idea that CCP bought Dominion for $400m.

= = = = = = = =

DIG on Staple Street offering to UBS Securities LLC:

a. There's
UBS Securities LLC is described as the banking division of UBS AG, which is Switzerland's largest bank: "UBS Securities LLC operates as the investment banking division of UBS."

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Sylvia Brasil Coutinho: CEO

Two of their board members are Chinese:

Luo Qiang/Zhang Tsinghua U (Engr BS); Stanford (MS Engr)

Ye Xiang (Visiongain Capital LTD): Pepl Bank PhD, Zhejiang U., finanial services

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

b. Until 12-1-2018, UBS AG owned 25% of UBS Securities LLC; after that, it owned 51% (while Chinese gov owns 49%).

UBS secures majority stake in a China securities joint venture

c. An MBA friend pointed out that having a 51% share of a Chinese company actually gives China MORE leverage not less.

Swiss bank has more to lose.

d. The agreement for Staple Street to issue stock to UBS Securities LLC in the amt of $50mil is not a done deal - not yet. Looks like it's still in the works.

= = = = = =

Looks like the plan is to do a deal with the Chinese company UBS Securities LLC whereby they acquire $400mil in securities in Staple Street - which owns Dominion
Ben Fulford December 1, 2020

We are also hearing from CIA and Pentagon sources that CIA Director Gina Haspell is…“on ice, literally after being caught in the recent firefight in Germany over the election servers with the Special Ops going up against Agency hired guns.

The entire agency is being vetted globally top to bottom. A massive change is occurring. There are many disappearances taking place.

”We can confirm from our own direct sources that many disappearances are taking place in Japan. Last we the White Dragon Society issued an ultimatum to the Pentagon to do something in this country and that has started.

The trigger was a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club by Ryuichi Morishita, a Japanese slave government operative. At this conference, attended by your correspondent, Morishita said the Japanese government had bought 120 million vaccines each from Pfizer and AstraZeneca as well as another 50 million from Moderna. He said they would be administered to the Japanese people and the Japanese government, not the pharmaceutical companies, would pay compensation for negative side effects. Morishita also admitted he has never seen the “Covid” virus under a microscope or a genuine Covid patient.

Also last week Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko said, “We have a target of 1,000 positive COVID test results.” She corrected herself but this is an obvious Freudian slip. She was trying to tell the world that she was ordered to concoct at least that many fake positives per day for the capital.

Now, cabal agents in Japan such as David Atkinson (of Goldman Sachs), Heizo Takenaka, and many others are being rounded up. This has resulted in this writer getting many personal death threats and having the cord to his Christmas lights decorations cut as a warning.

Our answer will be to continue to decapitate the Cabal network in Japan The people being removed in Japan all report to either the Rockefeller or Rothschild crime families.

If you look at who so-called President-elect Joe Biden selected for his cabinet, you can see they are almost all members of the Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations. is now taking them all out of action.


CNN's Jamie Gangel Details How Network Should Cover Up Trump’s Contested Election Claims

CNN’s Zucker ‘Encouraged’ Invoking 9/11 Terror to Urge Trump to Allow a Biden Transition

Project Veritas has released the first of its recordings from inside CNN’s editorial calls, beginning with what appears to be network President alongside reporters discussing how another 9/11 attack could happen if Trump didn’t pre-emptively concede to Joe Biden.

The call begins with reporter Jamie Gangel, who describes what left-wing politicians are demanding she report about the matter of Trump leaving office. She appears to be all too happy to take her line from Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans.

But the most shocking part of the call sees field producer Stephanie Becker demanding the network discuss how another 9/11 terror attack could occur if Trump doesn’t aid the Biden transition.

Becker claims: “On the issue of why it’s important to get the transition going right, the 9/11 [Commission] Report talks about one of the problems was that the trouble that was brewing that lost during the transition.

“So if you want a good concrete example of what happens when you don’t have a good transition, well, look at the Twin Towers.”

Presidential transitions are actually a relatively recent thing in American political history. Transitions of the type the country has witnessed in recent years are a product of the last decade, with more basic versions occurring only as far back as the 1960s.

The company’s President, Jeff Zucker, says back to Becker on the call: “I would encourage folks to think about that 9/11 Commission Report and the lack of a transition.”

BREAKING: CNN's Zucker 'Encouraged' Invoking 9/11 Terror to Urge Trump to Allow a Biden Transition - The National Pulse
Wait until round 2, when corrupt republicans are taken down and removed. Its not just most democrats. We will need patriots to step up and run for offices. There will be a massive amount of vacancies.

Anyone here willing to throw in there hat to rebuild our country? I will, even though I do not want to.

17 pages

I was an electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experiencegathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence. I have extensive experience as a whitehat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world. The methodologies Ihave employed represent industry standard cyber operation toolkits for digital forensics andOSINT, which are commonly used to certify connections between servers, network nodesand other digital properties and probe to network system vulnerabilities

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