Water Scarcity

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Helen Back

Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2014
We have discussed this here and there in many threads, but I think it is important enough to have its own thread. So important, I think it is a major reason for the New World Order/WEF to want to kill us off. We have been talking about how the water scarcity issue is going to impact over 40 million Americans in the SW, and watched as Lake Mead goes dry, Lake Powell's water restricted so people can have electricity, and states fighting over their share, as everyone has to take a hit in their allotment. I haven't seen any discussion about the crisis in China (and therefor much of East Asia). Let's remember that 1 in 5 humans is Chinese, then another 1 is Indian. These folks have just a few years left of drinkable water. This is probably why China is buying so much US farmland.

I just read this about SoCal finally getting serious. They even have water police, and neighbor turning in neighbor.

In California's water crisis, neighbors turn in neighbors and even celebrities aren't spared

In California's water crisis, neighbors turn in neighbors and even celebrities aren't spared​

"Six million Southern California residents are under the toughest water restrictions in the nation.... the agency has begun installing devices that limit flow inside homes and completely cut it off from the outdoors.....The discs have a tiny hole the size of 1/16th of an inch and that's where the water trickles through, meaning low-flow showers and less effective appliances....
Since the new restrictions were announced, McMeel said she's been using a bucket to collect shower water that would otherwise be wasted while warming up and uses it for irrigation. She's also stopped rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher and started combining whites and colors to cut down on laundry cycles, among other adjustments. Since being notified she was over her allotment, she started a water diary to track her usage. It's all getting to be a bit too much. "I would like to have a life besides worrying about my water," she said...

..People reporting on their neighbors have skyrocketed. (The department says there were 544 complaints in May 2021 compared to 1,198 in May 2022, a 120 percent increase.)..... "What were saying is no more lawns," he said. "All lawns will ultimately go dormant or turn brown or not live anymore. That’s the future of where were going with outdoor living spaces."


That hole is what your water passes through
Good topic for further discussion HB! Since humans cannot live without water it is a certain China has their sights on our water...as well as our farm land.

From what I’ve been reading and watching from those in the know on long term weather changes, this is a combination of a 400 years standard cycle caused by the change in the earth’s loop around the sun as well as the “wobble”.

In my opinion the WEFers are using this time in history to ENSLAVE all they don’t manage to kill. They undoubtedly KNEW very well that this was coming. Look at their timing. Lines up precisely to take advantage of the droughts and poor harvests that have been recorded back 400 years ago. And don’t forget that you can see clearly the ending of Chinese dynasties in these 400 year periods too!
I really don't give 2 shits for southern California, but if they were serious about saving water they'd start with deporting every illegal alien in the state. Even though most illegals are stinking bums, they still use up a lot of water.
Actually one of the first stories, I saw on this was in NorCal-Marin Co. One of the richest in the state. That beautiful MT pic behind the Golden Gate Bridge Pic.
I say if it happens in CA or NY, coming to you soon.
The lower half of California can go back to Mexico. That would solve a lot of problems. Now if we could just figure out how to give NY to isreal and Puerto Rico, a lot more of our problems would go away.
I keep hoping for that BIG sanandreas fault earthquake that will make MOST of Calif fall in ocean!!! REALLY hope it takes Gavin Newsome with it!
It's frightening and sad how badly humans have FRIVOLOUSLY and WASTEFULLY exploited and ruined our natural resources. I think the majority (or perhaps it's a large % but not a majority) of humans lack access to safe clean water. And it's going to get worse. Water is just one example of the frivolous waste.

One solution we can all implement is to stop frivolously wasting and consuming goods, travel, and other wasteful behaviors. Try to reuse, repurpose, put off getting "new" stuff, stop wasting things, stop buying single use items, curb all waste, recycle, and so forth.
It's frightening and sad how badly humans have FRIVOLOUSLY and WASTEFULLY exploited and ruined our natural resources. I think the majority (or perhaps it's a large % but not a majority) of humans lack access to safe clean water. And it's going to get worse. Water is just one example of the frivolous waste.

One solution we can all implement is to stop frivolously wasting and consuming goods, travel, and other wasteful behaviors. Try to reuse, repurpose, put off getting "new" stuff, stop wasting things, stop buying single use items, curb all waste, recycle, and so forth.
Why? Prior to Biden we had an abundance of goods to purchase at reasonable costs. Many of us have good wells and springs for our drinking water, and anyone can afford water filters to clean up municipal water. I dont know a single person who frivolously wastes anything. And just who is going to decide on what a persons "needs" are? Sounds like communism to me.
Supply and demand works just fine.
I took a flight to LA last week. Surprised to see so much water, not in depleted reservoirs shown on the news.
I think most of us know how to treat our land and water supply. We are probably better conservationists than the tree huggers.
And who is selling this land to the foreigners? Maybe American farmers?

Our govt should not be allowing foreign entities to buy farm land, or large amounts of land anywhere for that matter. Why do we ship a portion of the Colorado River to Mexico, even though they haven't paid us for it for decades?
Our govt should not be allowing foreign entities to buy farm land, or large amounts of land anywhere for that matter. Why do we ship a portion of the Colorado River to Mexico, even though they haven't paid us for it for decades?
I tend to agree, in principle. Years ago I sold a farm to a group of Germans. They offered cash, and more than the farm was worth. Should I have been blocked from selling to them? Maybe. If we did ban foreigners from buying land in the US, they would just buy or form a dummy US corporation and have the corporation buy the land.
Personally I wouldn't give Mexico any US water. What I understand is for years the Colorado River water never made it to the ocean. I think it was decided that some water usage had to be cut in order for the river to reach the ocean. That I support.

“Jackson, Mississippi, preparing to go without water periodically for up to 10 years as crisis continues​


JACKSON, Miss – Organizations in Jackson, Mississippi, are asking for help from other states as the water crisis dries up resources.

It’s been over five months since the Pearl River crested and Jackson, Mississippi’s water system failed. Now, crews are working to replace the pipe system, but families and businesses are prepared to go without water periodically, for up to 10 years.

Cities across the country are replacing fragile water pipe systems. Besides Jackson, there's Flint, Michigan, Baltimore, Maryland, and Houston, Texas.

The systems are replaced section-by-section after failure. But, these years-long projects can cause water main breaks…”

How many trillions have we spent, or given in the Middle East over the last 20 years? We could have rebuilt the bridges, and water systems in America for that, possibly even the electrical grid.

That's how people like Pelosi have made $200 million as a public servant. Who will drain the swamp?

“Jackson, Mississippi, preparing to go without water periodically for up to 10 years as crisis continues​

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JACKSON, Miss – Organizations in Jackson, Mississippi, are asking for help from other states as the water crisis dries up resources.

It’s been over five months since the Pearl River crested and Jackson, Mississippi’s water system failed. Now, crews are working to replace the pipe system, but families and businesses are prepared to go without water periodically, for up to 10 years.

Cities across the country are replacing fragile water pipe systems. Besides Jackson, there's Flint, Michigan, Baltimore, Maryland, and Houston, Texas.

The systems are replaced section-by-section after failure. But, these years-long projects can cause water main breaks…”

Joy Addison, who wrote that article, is guilty of gross journalistic malpractice. A new low in truthful reporting (and you didn't think they could get any lower) for the Mainstream Media, and especially for Fox News.

The Justice Department has done an intervention and taken over management of the Jackson water system. The intervention was approved by a judge back in NOVEMBER. Why hasn't Joy heard about it?? There was not ONE SINGLE WORD about it that I could find anywhere in her article, which is dated TODAY.
Attorney General Garland actually did something useful for a change. Of course they jumped in because Jackson is 83% black and run by Democrats, but...

The Justice Department, the city of Jackson, and state officials reached an agreement for an interim water manager, and the DOJ filed a proposal Tuesday as all sides work to negotiate a court-enforced consent decree for the long-term outlook of the city's water situation. Now that a judge has approved it, Edward “Ted” Henifin will assume the post.
Even though I have be deluged with water and it’s after effects lately.
I am looking at a place with city water and a well and pond for the my final chapter. Well might need some parts, I don’t mind. I would use it for Horses and backup.
Don’t need the trend I see coming of Govt taxing water out of your well. Don’t think that is possible?
https://www.pressdemocrat.com/artic...er-proposed-well-water-fees-under-pioneering/Want to cover all my basis. Don’t mind throwing in a storage tank into the mix.
The demographics of Jackson says it all. Of course they probably can't spell corruption, but that is the main problem there.
There are two Jacksons. Northeast Jackson, where I grew up and where two of my sisters still live, and the rest of the city. Northeast Jackson is like a big bubble. If you didn't stray outside of Northeast Jackson, you wouldn't know how bad the "other Jackson" was...well, except for the crumbling streets. There are some very affluent neighborhoods like Eastover and Sherwood Forest, and some old money neighborhoods like Woodland Hills, and some artsy fartsy historic neighborhoods like Belhaven. And they are pretty much still the same as when I grew up. (except for the aforementioned crumbling streets). We lived not too far from Eastover, and my father used to joke that we lived in "Leftover."
There are two Jacksons. Northeast Jackson, where I grew up and where two of my sisters still live, and the rest of the city. If you didn't stray outside of Northeast Jackson, you wouldn't know how bad the "other Jackson" was...well, except for the crumbling streets. There are some very affluent neighborhoods like Eastover, and some old money neighborhoods like Woodland Hills, and some artsy fartsy historic neighborhoods like Belhaven. And they are pretty much still the same as when I grew up. We lived not too far from Eastover, and my father used to joke that we lived in "Leftover."
I've been to Mississippi a few times on business, not sure if I ever went through Jackson though. I'm sure it's like most places; good and bad. I was surprised at how nice northern Mississippi was. I bought our last lab from a breeder in Oxford Mississippi, then 10 weeks later I had him flown to Alaska.