Waukesha, Wisconsin Christmas parade

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
I have thought about this kind of situation multiply times walking to and from my truck during my work days. A lot of vehicles just park right out in our walkway waiting to pick of drop some off at work. I at least walk behind them. Gateway Pundit has had multiply article about this "mow over"
I'll be totally amazed if there's no copy cat attacks and/or some kind of retribution for the obvious racial attack >>> the point of allllll out tit-for-tat warfare has been reached - even the common man has had enough ...

I saw that his bond this time is $500,000 for his killing 5 people and injuring about 40 others. Less then Kyle's killing of 2 and injuring another, all "victims" had prior criminal records with a $2 MILLION bond. NONE of these these completely innocent people did. And yet ALL they WANT TO PUSH IS WHITE PRIVILEGE!! That little **** only had to pay $500 of the $1000 bond!!!! The "it's not political" argument is out the freaking window.
We are now up to 6 deaths. . . 1 of the little kids has passed away now.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...waukesha-christmas-parade-child-died-tuesday/Witnesses said on Tuesday that as the vehicle barrelled through the parade it picked up speed.

** 18 Children were injured and sent to hospitals in the demonic attack.
** 62 individuals were injured in total
** 6 have died including a child on Tuesday

8-year-old Jackson Sparks died in the hospital on Tuesday after the BLM driver’s assault on the Waukesha Parade.

Jackson Sparks, 8, passed away Tuesday, according to a post from Life Point Church on Facebook as well as an update shared on a GoFundMe fundraiser.
“This afternoon, our dear Jackson has sadly succumbed to his injuries and passed away,” the update reads.
Jackson’s brother, Tucker Sparks, 12, continues to heal.
Brooks appeared in court on Tuesday following Sunday’s deadly attack.
** There is a GoFundMe set up for the boy and his brother.

The little **** man who did it. . .

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