We all prep for different reasons.

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Mar 17, 2018
That is a common thread title. You also hear it offered as a defensive response, when someone hates an idea that was rendered.

But it always instantly strikes me as an excuse or a weaseling out of something unpleasant. You know something that involves "work", or minor inconvenience.

It also seems to imply that anyway will work as far as prepping is concerned. The assumption being that they desire to believe that the concept of prepping is totally new, that there is no known history of what will work. Therefore, do whatever you want and call it Serious Prepping. Because "we are all different".
Yes - the concept is also a gateway drug to:
  1. Scenario prepping
  2. Delusion
  3. Copping out
The chart I have posted several times before isn't specific to anyone or anywhere.
Prepping matrix.jpg

It really does apply to everyone......and the less of it you have covered.......the less prepared you are.

In the same way that people who decide to get well prepared, have made an important decision.......those that decide they will limit their actions to get prepared have also made a decision. But many don't want to recognize that they have made an important decision .....they would rather just say their "situation is different" because that sounds better.

It is that simple.
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Particularly our women folk notice the personality difference in a babies even before they take their first step . Some just think further into the future than others even if it is only measured in seconds at that early stage in life . This i contribute to genetics . This has an effect on whether they are destined to be a prepper . -- Life experiences mold people's thought process . Most people think they have seen horrific or challenging times , but in truth most of these haven't really been pushed into the realm of hunger. real war or other horrific situations . These are the things that form a prepper / survivalist . --- The end results , some folks take prepping / surviving more serious than others .
Or, and hear me out, you just do what you want and let everyone else do what they want and not care. Not giving a **** about how others chose to live, prep, or whatever is a magical wonderland of personal fulfillment and stress-free living. I can't recommend it enough. Also if you don't have 12 oxen, a plow and an M249 SAW you're not a really prepper. Or so I have been told.
I prep because I have seen first hand the evil of what man can do, and from the Good Book, I understand what evil’s intent is.

I kind of look at things as:


To this I add a good measure of Ol Remus Rule one of Survival and striving to live out the verse in my sig line.
As I have noted before, my wife and I were raised by parents that came of age during the Great Depression, got married and then started family life during WW2.
The life we live today is one we have always lived, from childhood on. So called "prepping" is not new at all. It may be new to people who grew up in modern affluent times, but for earlier generations it was just life as normal.

We left suburbia 30 years ago to get away from all the spoiled, entitled, childish people we had to live among.
Now we are back to our roots, out in the country, interacting with other Southern country folks. The same kind of country folks I imagine can be found in small farming towns across our great country.
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I watch a show called Mountain Men sometimes, it shows a few different people who are considered to be "roughing it" by todays standards they are, but I wonder if they could survive as the nomads that roamed their lands 225 to 175 years ago did?

Could the Aborigines in the outback of central Australia still survive as they did before the English came to their lands?

Can the tribes of the Amazon River Rain Forest live as they once did?

Is there any group of people today that can take up a lifestyle of the ancient civilizations of 200 years ago and survive and flourish?

I think not many if any at all.

The thing I see as the biggest wonder in the world is why those who are the very weakest of us all are in such positions of power, it is laughable if it were not so true.

Maybe I am just lost in space HEHEHEHE!
My point was/is that there are a few basic rules for the "foundation" of a sound prepping plan/program.

If we truly care about those new to prepping, we must keep reminding ourselves that they (when new) are on a frantic search for advice. And will be easily drawn to: "We are all different, and we all have different needs" (which is TRUE). So, my point is we need to instill the need of a foundation first on which to build.
  1. deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources:
Eclectic is how I would describe the prepping movement current. This is STRONGLY advocated by forums that are sponsored by commercial product marketing.
Somehow, hopefully not too late there will be an awakening to the facts that it is real and should not be ignored in the everyday life of everyone to learn the ways that will help them survive whatever they face.

I hope that those everywhere who know the truth can wake the dead minds of those who will not be turned from the ideas that everything is just going to get better forever.
My thoughts are most all humans have some basic needs so we are in the same life boat...
If you already have your life boat provisioned and floating what kind of person would you invite to climb aboard. Which also brings up the point of how many people can your boat hold.
It is time right now to make sure your life boat is ready and get those you care about up to speed to join you or build their own life boat,
Yes - the concept is also a gateway drug to:
  1. Scenario prepping
  2. Delusion
  3. Copping out
The chart I have posted several times before isn't specific to anyone or anywhere.
View attachment 160511

It really does apply to everyone......and the less of it you have covered.......the less prepared you are.

In the same way that people who decide to get well prepared, have made an important decision.......those that decide they will limit their actions to get prepared have also made a decision. But many don't want to recognize that they have made an important decision .....they would rather just say their "situation is different" because that sounds better.

It is that simple.
Your energy is over the top, we lived on running water, lights, wood stove for heat, no AC. But maybe Gen X needs all that to live.
Candles can replace electric lights if needed.
Still it is a complete chart.
I was speaking of all the groups, it seems to cover most of the needs.
Clean water & medical are the biggest thing we have over Danial Boone & he lived to 85.
Or, and hear me out, you just do what you want and let everyone else do what they want and not care. Not giving a **** about how others chose to live, prep, or whatever is a magical wonderland of personal fulfillment and stress-free living. I can't recommend it enough.
So, you suggest I stop caring about people, and only care about myself.
The is just so perfectly classic 2022 social reality.

OK......I just found a fairly good deal on body bags, on AMAZON.COM
No. I suggest you stop worrying about what other people do and how they do it.

I am curious about this post. What have I ever posted that caused you to think that I "WORRY" about other preppers.......??? You confuse caring with worrying.

No big deal, I'll double the Body Bag order.
I don't WORRY.........I CARE. There is a huge difference.

This whole thread is worrying about how others prep and post about prepping.

Criticizing how others prep or choose to survive is not an act of caring. Giving them good advice from your perspective is, allowing others to give advice from their perspective is. Even if you don't agree.

I am sure you care, a lot more than I do. And I am sure you are a huge treasure trove of knowledge, more knowledge than I have. But there is more than one way to skin a cat, and none of them are wrong.
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.......... But there is more than one way to skin a cat, and none of them are wrong.
I am glad someone posted this colloquialism.......with the addition that "none of them are wrong"...........because that last bit is the problem.

So I want to skin a cat.......so I can do that with a pocket knife....or a surgical scalpel......or with smallish kitchen knife......none of them are wrong....fair enough.

What if I intend to skin the cat with a shovel......or a sledgehammer......or with a pair of tweezers.......nope.....all wrong.

What if I want to have the skin into the future.....but I have decided to keep the skin on the dead cat......and just ignore the rotting flesh.......that is quite wrong too.

Wanting people to pat you on the back for being a prepper....or allowing you to argue against basic principles of prepping just (or even) because you are one of the "leave the skin on the cat and you will be fine" people......is just wrong.

All it does is encourage others to cop out........to keep the whole cat......to opt for the easy solution that isn't a solution.

These forums are meant to help people achieve things.......but nothing is achieved by copping out....that is fundamental to that path.
I am glad someone posted this colloquialism.......with the addition that "none of them are wrong"...........because that last bit is the problem.

So I want to skin a cat.......so I can do that with a pocket knife....or a surgical scalpel......or with smallish kitchen knife......none of them are wrong....fair enough.

What if I intend to skin the cat with a shovel......or a sledgehammer......or with a pair of tweezers.......nope.....all wrong.

What if I want to have the skin into the future.....but I have decided to keep the skin on the dead cat......and just ignore the rotting flesh.......that is quite wrong too.

Wanting people to pat you on the back for being a prepper....or allowing you to argue against basic principles of prepping just (or even) because you are one of the "leave the skin on the cat and you will be fine" people......is just wrong.

All it does is encourage others to cop out........to keep the whole cat......to opt for the easy solution that isn't a solution.

These forums are meant to help people achieve things.......but nothing is achieved by copping out....that is fundamental to that path.

Pretending one is the ultimate authority for the lives and choices of someone else is best left to socialists and dictators. If someone wants to eat a suppository instead of shoving it up their Obama, then more power to them. Crapping on their posts doesn't benefit anyone.

These forums are meant to be a place to have a conversation about differing ideas and beliefs. Not dropping in lock step with one person's opinion.




  1. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.
  2. A public meeting place for open discussion.
  3. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary
I am sure you care, a lot more than I do. And I am sure you are a huge treasure trove of knowledge, more knowledge than I have. But there is more than one way to skin a cat, and none of them are wrong.

That is what myself and others who CARE are all about. What you posted is exactly the way that most all of those who think of themselves as preppers, truly believe. They believe that none of the ways are wrong. There are a few reasons for why they believe that. I'll just skip the ones that might hurt someone's feelings, who thinks that whatever they are doing will make a difference.

Preppers are all about not being responsible. They are not responsible for their loved-one's, not responsible for themselves. Infact pretty much everything is someone else's responsibility.

Here is the good news, this reality was done intentionally. It really is not their fault. Pretty much everything that we consider the domain of civilian preppers was hijacked several decades ago.

People are being snookered in most of current prepping.
Pretending one is the ultimate authority for the lives and choices of someone else is best left to socialists and dictators. If someone wants to eat a suppository instead of shoving it up their Obama, then more power to them. Crapping on their posts doesn't benefit anyone.

When dumb stuff is posted on a forum.....and it gets a lot of "Likes"........and no one argues against it.......how is a newby meant to know that the stuff is dumb?

There are other survivalism forums where the group understanding/view has changed over time.

That happened because long term members didn't challenge those changed concepts when they were first proposed.

Those with more knowledge first shrugged....then roll their eyes...... and finally just stopped logging on there.

The members of that forum now report back when they have an ice storm or a blackout and tell everyone how rough things got.......and how they need a bigger generator.

People post about running their generators by siphoning gas out of their vehicles.

People post about how they have "the best plan ever" to scavenge fuel from the houses of people around their area.

Notice the cop outs......it really is a thing.
That is what myself and others who CARE are all about. What you posted is exactly the way that most all of those who think of themselves as preppers, truly believe. They believe that none of the ways are wrong. There are a few reasons for why they believe that. I'll just skip the ones that might hurt someone's feelings, who thinks that whatever they are doing will make a difference.

Preppers are all about not being responsible. They are not responsible for their loved-one's, not responsible for themselves. Infact pretty much everything is someone else's responsibility.

Here is the good news, this reality was done intentionally. It really is not their fault. Pretty much everything that we consider the domain of civilian preppers was hijacked several decades ago.

People are being snookered in most of current prepping.

You guys are hilarious. Reminds me of a joke my pops used to tell.

A protestant died and went to heaven. He was met at the pearly gates by his tour guide who advised "First and foremost, whenever was pass by a group of people praying on their knees, please be as absolutely silent as possible". The guide started in a beautiful garden, then thru the most delicious buffet ever, then they came a group of people praying on their knees. The guide said "Shhhh" and they quietly walked by. Once past the group they guide started talking again explaining the beauty and wonders they were seeing. Then they came to another group on their knees praying. Again the guide asked for absolute silence as they walked by. And again once past the group he started talking loudly again. The protestant stopped him and asked "Why do we have to be so quiet when we walk by those groups?" and the guide replied "Oh, those are Catholics, they convinced themselves that they were the only one's up here".

I am as arrogant as they come and even I can't muster the haughtiness needed to serve as judge and jury over how someone else chooses to prepare for the dangers they perceive are forthcoming.
Not dropping in lock step with one person's opinion.
There is a chunk of the problem.

In your opinion........is there some standard for prepping. Are there any standards for prepping.....??? Here is the "Zinger" do you think there ever was standards for prepping. Do you truly believe that for all time it has always been. "Do your own thing" or There is no right or wrong way to prep", or "we are all different, and we all have different needs", therefore whatever you do will count as prepping.

I ask you seriously, do you think or even suspect there might actually be standards for prepping..??
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There is a chunk of the problem. In your opinion........is there some standard for prepping. Are there any standards for prepping.....??? Here is the "Zinger" do you think there ever was standards for prepping. Do you truly believe that for all time it has always been. "Do your own thing" or There is no right or wrong way to prep", or "we are all different, and we all have different needs", therefore whatever you do will count as prepping.

I ask you seriously, do you think or even suspect there might actually be standards for prepping..??

Sure. I have my standard, you have your standard, a Taliban fighter has his, an Eskimo has another, a wealthy debutant has yet a different standard and a Canadian wilderness guide has his own too.

A guy with a POS Taurus .380 could win a gun fight against a man with a Colt 1911. I don't care for Taurus at all, that doesn't make the guy wrong if he decides that POS is right for him. Nor does it make you right if you feel the Colt 1911 was inspired by the Lord to save lives and kill commies. They are all just opinions, even if they are well informed opinions based in solid experience and first hand knowledge.

Preaching prepper sanctification through the works of the prepper's bible will probably disillusion more people than it will help.
When dumb stuff is posted on a forum.....and it gets a lot of "Likes"........and no one argues against it.......how is a newby meant to know that the stuff is dumb?

There are other survivalism forums where the group understanding/view has changed over time.

That happened because long term members didn't challenge those changed concepts when they were first proposed.

Those with more knowledge first shrugged....then roll their eyes...... and finally just stopped logging on there.

The members of that forum now report back when they have an ice storm or a blackout and tell everyone how rough things got.......and how they need a bigger generator.

People post about running their generators by siphoning gas out of their vehicles.

People post about how they have "the best plan ever" to scavenge fuel from the houses of people around their area.

Notice the cop outs......it really is a thing.
The quoted post was deleted. Not appropiate.
Pearl.....for the record......I don't think I am the ultimate authority.

That suggestion is what they call a strawman fallacy.....invented by others so they can argue against something that hasn't been posted.....because that is easier than rebuttal of what actually was posted..

I actually think the generation of survivalists that came before me were the ultimate authorities (guys like Jerry D Young).

......but they are either all gone or have given up trying to talk people into getting actually prepared (in like..... reality).

I learned a lot from guys like that a decade or so ago.....and I don't see that stuff discussed on these forums anymore.

Sourdough and I are trying to make a point about why that is.

We are trying to get people to discuss that sort of knowledge.
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Preaching prepper sanctification through the works of the prepper's bible will probably disillusion more people than it will help.
Sorry, I am not aware of this "Preppers Bible" about which you speak. They started training my brother and myself in 1951........I was a total failure. But in 1952 it started to work. All that ended roughly 54' or 55'.

We were told then there would be no more help. From that point we were told we should find the answers. So, I started studying the written words on the subject. In August 1949 on the 29th. day the stark seriousness of prepping was born for my generation.

The good luck for me are others was that the event on August 29, 1949, triggered the frightened cry for more prepping information. And the public's thirst was met with authors doing research, and personally living the information they wrote about. Throughout the 50's there was a frenzy of publications with each author, digesting all the other authors books on the subject, and collectively leapfrogging new and better information.

This pretty much came to an end roughly in the late 70's early1980's. Something was born, a totally new prepping theory. I still have nearly all the books I bought in the 50's through 80's on the subject of prepping & prepping for survival.

See, I have no personal opinions that "I created" on the right way to prepare. My opinions are other people's opinions from 1952 through early 80's. That said, I trust what I was taught starting over 72 years ago. And I assert that current prepping is corrupt, it serves a master, sadly that master is not the current prepping community.
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