Or, and hear me out, you just do what you want and let everyone else do what they want and not care. Not giving a **** about how others chose to live, prep, or whatever.
I want to clarify my feelings about this. I agree with your post, however there is an implied assumption, that I have trouble with.
I am a commercial pilot, If I tell someone that I am flying to LAX tomorrow, and that person says, Me also. Do we both mean the same thing.....??? Maybe, it is possible. See, I think they are likely
"riding" to LAX tomorrow. But hell, I could be wrong.
I truly don't give a **** about how others chose to live, prep, or whatever. What I care deeply about is that as far as prepping is concerned, they fully understand what that entails. If they really-really do, or even if they say to me, piss-off I know what I am doing. and they don't fully understand, I have no obligation to help them. They have dismissed me, and that is fine.
But I and others see that prepping several decades ago became corrupted. And preppers are being misinformed at best, and realistically are being deceived. They can't see it. But they have been so perfectly snookered that they reject the truths about prepping. So, for some of us all that remains is lay-in more body bags.
The truth is everyone is different, the truth is everyone's situation is different, the truth is everyone has different physical abilities, different skill sets, the truth is some preppers have much more money than other preppers. "BUT", Prepping and Survival don't care. That is not their problem. Telling people who desire to learn, that they can do whatever they want, because their situation is different/unique. Is simply a deception.
That is the only point we are attempting to make. You can do it your way; you can just not do anything. But you really should be fully aware that much of the information is bad information. It is bad for many reasons, some is intentional, some is just the blind leading the blind. It is your life.