'We are not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now':

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I'm confused. Where does it say that Afrikaans want to leave RSA for another country?
I don't really want people coming here who don't have a strong desire to be American. People that are being forced to flee their country of origin usually don't assimilate well. Why don't they want to go to Europe?

Afrikaans would asassimilate well in the US . I doubt many would want to leave . This has been coming for a ling time . South Africa and Rhodesia have been economic and Military super powers at one time . They are in a fight for their way of life and possibly for their very exsistance.
I'm confused. Where does it say that Afrikaans want to leave RSA for another country?
The first article is just talking about a petition to let them come here. It doesn’t say that they want to come here ( or somewhere else) I am saying I would not want them ( or anyone who doesn’t want to be American). It really more about the people who think it’s a good idea to petition Trump.
it's going to get bloody over there,,,,I would sell and leave,,,anytime the ruling class is black they will kill to be rid of the white people living there,,,,,,and it is our own fault for going there in the first place
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look at what Obama did to this country in just 8 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.SA has a black majority

just imagine where we would be if that was the case in the USA,,,,,,,,,we would be living in a war zone
it's going to get bloody over there,,,,I would sell and leave,,,anytime the ruling class is black they will kill to be rid of the white people living there,,,,,,and it is our own fault for going there in the first place
Sell to who? The blacks will just take their land. The majority of blacks have no money. You know the US won't do anything to help the Whites over there. That would be "racist". And the US won't import them here because they are White. That wouldn't fit the Leftists goal of multi cultureism (browning) of America.
Sell to who? The blacks will just take their land. The majority of blacks have no money. You know the US won't do anything to help the Whites over there. That would be "racist". And the US won't import them here because they are White. That wouldn't fit the Leftists goal of multi cultureism (browning) of America.
anyone foolish enough to want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm genuinely intrigued.
I have a question. Would those of you who advocate the White South Africans leave South Africa, their homeland leave the USA under similar circumstances and if so why and where would you go?
What would be your exit strategy and how would you choose to take things or leave them behind.
it is an unfair question the USA is not Africa but if I was in Africa I would leave ,,,,
the whites are facing over whelming odds,,,,,,,,,,,,,,possessions can be replaced,,,,your life can not be
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I'm genuinely intrigued.
I have a question. Would those of you who advocate the White South Africans leave South Africa, their homeland leave the USA under similar circumstances and if so why and where would you go?
What would be your exit strategy and how would you choose to take things or leave them behind.
I am likely to stand and fight for what I’ve worked hard for my whole life against most things, but not all. There are some things that you just can’t fight against, the government being one of them. I look at how the Jews that didn’t leave Germany in time were treated. Don’t ever think that your own government isn’t capable of horrible things. All governments are ran by people, and people are capable of really bad things. Germany didn’t just become the horrible place it was overnight. It was little steps at a time, adding up to the end result. I see this happening over there now. I really see two options right now. Either band together and overthrow the existing govt there, or leave with whatever they can. Right now they are wanting to steal everything from them, then when the economy tanks they will be angry and blame the horrible whites. There will be horrible mob attacks on them with no real investigations or punishment. It has already started taking the little steps and I don’t see any but the two options mentioned above.
To specifically answer your questions, yes I would leave. At my age I don’t have the will or stanima to fight a civil war, even if I believed it was justified. As far as to where, get out of the immediate danger and then you can deal with it then. Anywhere is better than being beaten or hacked to death by an angry mob of low intelligence animals. I personally would like to see them band together and wipe out every member of the government that condoned this,
I think it's skirting a point to say it's unfair to ask about that sort of thing happening in the USA, it can happen anywhere if the right (or wrong) government take power, you only need to look at South Africa.
Personally, if it were to happen here, the first opportunity I would like to think would be taken would be a political one, take the case to the UN and try and get an annexation of part of the country such as happened with India after the partition of Pakistan.
If that were to fail, then I would hope the British people would stand and fight. I would be among them if that failed, only then would I consider leaving my home country, but I would have no idea where to go.
skirting the issue,,,no,,,,look at the numbers ,,what is going on in Africa will never happen here

I can see a split coming in the USA but it won't be black vs white

White alone, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016)(a) 76.9%

Black or African American alone, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016)(a) 13.3%

American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016)(a) 1.3%

Asian alone, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016)(a) 5.7%

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016)(a) 0.2%

Two or More Races, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016) 2.6%

Hispanic or Latino, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016)(b) 17.8%

White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, July 1, 2016, (V2016) 61.3%
Population Characteristics
I'm genuinely intrigued.
I have a question. Would those of you who advocate the White South Africans leave South Africa, their homeland leave the USA under similar circumstances and if so why and where would you go?
What would be your exit strategy and how would you choose to take things or leave them behind.
I would stay and fight as long as possible. This may be a difficult concept for some people to understand that have no ties to the land.
In the US if someone (corporation, PUC, etc) wants your land bad enough they can go to court to take it. If they can convince the courts that taking your land would serve the "public interest" better than it's current use, they can use Imminent Domain to take your land. If you refuse to leave they can get an army of police to forcibly remove you. In the US there are so many ways that government can take a person's land too; they can do it through regulations, zoning, permitting, high taxes, etc. The government here tends to pick away at individuals rather than a whole group all at once.
I don't know about the Whites in SA, but in the US Whites won't band together and fight for any cause, unless maybe their TV, beer, cigs and sports were threatened.
what is going on in Africa is a RACE WAR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,take a look at the history of Africa and how brutal the native African can be,,,TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE,,,,do you really think that the whites living there have any chance of surviving a shooting war with them,,,and someone else said it no one is going to step in and help
Perhaps that is the difference AD. Having ties to the land. We also have similar laws over here, they are called something different but the end result is the same. You can lose your home, land etc if someone somewhere thinks it's in the national interest.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,what is going on there has nothing to do with Imminent Domain ,,,this is about color
I was merly pointing out that there are many ways here in the US that a person's land can be taken from them too. Imminent Domain is just one way. I'm far from an expert about the SA government and their laws, but whoever is in power can make the rules. Obviously the blacks in charge of the SA government will use that power to force the Whites out eventually.