We talk of post crash and off grid, but what of refrigeration?

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And now for my rant. I started this thread to point out that a person in a colder climate could build an ice house type of device in side their dwelling, with simple materials. and not have to haul chunks of ice etc. Of course if I could have found picture the concept might have stuck.
Your situation is not just geographic it is more population density and mind set. Many many people in the usa and other developed countries are in the same boat you are.
I personally feel very lucky for my place of birth and the influential people in my life that have set me on the course to where I am now.

The worse the situation the less it takes to make it better.....bread and water can just as easily be tea and toast.....time to put the kettle on.
the population where I live now is very low and rural.
post collapse the population will be even lower.
you are right about the sheeple mindset but then sheeple wont survive.
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I am wondering about the people who need to refrigerate their medications. How many days worth of meds can you get at a time from the pharmacy? And, how long is the expiration date on the meds?
And now for my rant. I started this thread to point out that a person in a colder climate could build an ice house type of device in side their dwelling, with simple materials. and not have to haul chunks of ice etc. Of course if I could have found picture the concept might have stuck.

There was a guy built an modern twist version of a ice house on youtube once.It was fantastic ! Sadly he took video down or made it private long ago.He showed he could keep ice throughout summer.On side of it he took a broken side by side refrigerator and installed it to have a way of easy and fast access to items without opening the big main doors where ice was.It had holes drilled in fridge so cold air could enter fridge.

We have a oak ice box in the family that my father used to deliver ice to as a young man. Craftily made so the ice was on top and the cold flowed down and it had a tray for the ice with a drain so the water drained off.
It is going to be cold again this weekend and I have a bunch of salvaged hot tub covers which are thick styrofoam.....I am going to try a simple super insulated ice chest or two frozen solid in a pit then covered and wrapped with a couple feet of styrofoam.
Who knows, some home made ice cream on the fourth of july would be tasty..