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Rain is in our forecast here in NY state. Hot and humid, so likely have thunderstorms, though they don't scare me since I moved here. We have been in a flood watch all week. My current temp here at my home is 73 degrees, not bad.
Not exactly weather, but I was on the desk top last night around 9 or so and my monitor started shaking. I didn't feel anything but the dogs were upset and when I went out and checked the goats they were upset too. No earthquake reported so I don't know what it was.:dunno:
That's weird stuff! You can report it at USGS even if there is no other event reported.
Fracking in your area? Report it anyway.
Not exactly weather, but I was on the desk top last night around 9 or so and my monitor started shaking. I didn't feel anything but the dogs were upset and when I went out and checked the goats they were upset too. No earthquake reported so I don't know what it was.:dunno:

Looked online and aparently it was felt by others all the way to AZ.
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Pouring here in NY right now. Temp is 66, where I am. It is bright out so I keep hoping it will quit. We are on a flood watch in our area. Lots of flooding already.
Swimming, swimming, and more swimming. A small tornado touched down near my house last night. I’m now hoping a dam doesn’t break and flood my best friend out of his house. I have another friend who is trying to navigate Norman after the road collapse. Oh, Oklahoma is so full of jokes. Lol
FINALLY, a little rain. The dog actually seemed happy to see it this time. She mostly refuses to go out in the rain. She's held herself for HOURS just so she wouldn't get wet in the rain. In fact, I can push her out into it and even though she may have to relieve herself, she would rather stand there and stare at me, getting wet, on a point of refusal. Dummy.
Strawberry does that too.
it's raining here now.
100 percent rain today 73*
80 percent Monday 74*
nothing Tuesday 82*
10 percent Wednesday 79*
40 percent Thursday 82*
60 percent Friday 87*
40 percent Saturday 89*
Nice gentle rain right now.
Crazy weather here this evening... they predicted hit of miss showers, got them all right. Looking at the weather radar. There are 3 groups of pop-up storms drifting across the state in 3 different direction, opposing each other. A 4th big group popped up over Mississippi and set off my weather radio. It's not drifting in any direction... just sitting there, strange.
It's 90, with scattered darkness.
Earlier lots of thick thunderous looking clouds.
Hoping for rain over the next few days and a little cooler.
Hard for me to believe I have not abandoned ship (TX), considering it hits over 110 sometimes.
Enjoy that termination dust, @Caribou
We've had lil bit of rain here n there since yesterday morning. 20% chance right now.but it'll be @ 60% this afternoon. Just had a look at interactive radar. Looks like a pretty good size storm cloud is heading this way Beaumont and houston.good thing my flashlights and laterns are up to date, if the power should go out.
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