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She actually posted at least once. She is recovering from hand surgery but all was fine from the hurricane for them.

Hand surgery would explain lack of posts... :rolleyes:

After I remembered that old post of hers I was sure she was okay, out of the danger zone. :)

About 1/2 million people are still hurting though... This storm was a monster, very unusual for this late in the season. In about 36 hours it went from cat 1 to insane.
Yesssss, Peanut. You're good.

Incredible, they say it was worse than Katrina but I sort of have a hard time believing that one, I guess because we weren't seeing people sitting on their roofs with their cats and dogs for days, waiting for rescue, with this one.
Most people aren't sitting around glued to their televisions anymore, watching CNN and the weather channel. I know I did a bit of that when it was new to have cable and instant world wide news and breaking weather events.
Now it seems like we are so used to it that we don't pay any attention which is very sad considering the hell that is breaking loose around the world on a weekly if not daily basis.
I watch what is happening during some of these storms. Maybe it is because I live near the coast, but not on and go thru them ourselves. I'm glad Meerkat is ok. I had been wandering about her.
I can see where maybe the actual storm was worse than Katrina. It really wasn't the hurricane itself that caused the damage but when the levy broke that screwed New Orleans and the area near. If only they had kept up with maintenance.
Fall has definitely arrived on the TN Cumberland Plateau. Highs in the 60's, lows pushing just below 40. Frost will be along in the next week or two, I feel pretty sure. Gonna have to cover my fall peas. I have pods that aren't filled out yet and I know they won't fill out if they get stung with frost.

Still have some broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts out in the garden, too, which should probably get a little cover at the same time. Also still have a few tomato plants that are barely hangin' on. Frost will take care of those, too, and that's OK. They don't owe us anything. We have sauce and "broth" (it's not exactly juice, not sure what to call it) in canning jars and it sure is good stuff, plus, we're had lots of 'mater sandwiches. :)

I'm sure we'll see the sun some more in the weeks ahead but today it's cloudy and rainy. Not my favorite weather... but this too shall pass.
This has been the strangest year for weather here in Colorado. We had 90+ degree weather in April, when we usually don't get that until later in June. We broke many records this year. We had had a mild winter last year.

Today, it is currently 23 degrees and snowing. October 14, 2018! That is absolutely crazy! We have been known to get snow somewhere in Colorado all 12 months of the year, but that is usually in the mountains. The Front Range often gets a September or October snow storm, but not with temperatures this low.
Rain and wind has arrived...hubby came out to my craft house, stated storm was on the way...we sat outside for a few minutes, and OH MY....the sights.....hundreds of birds high, high in the sky, apparently moving away from the dark clouds and storm...we watched them with awe...too many to count even...and the black clouds rolled in...wind...and scattered rain drops, and as we were going to the house, we were surrounded by many, many butterflies, trying to escape the storm as well...what an experience....some went into the vacant birdhouses, safe for awhile anyway....temps supposed to drop tonight.....hubby cannot stay off the front porch watching the clouds....the birds looked like Mississippi Kites fleeing the storm...hail is forecast...
Tell me about it Weedy. I clung to my tourist "Colorado" jacket and we drove through that snow today. And snowing in Monument, Raton Pass, Glorietta, Santa Fe.....And came home to a rainy downpour. We had the rainy downpour in Kansas the 3 days we were there. I hope it looks like fall tomorrow when I wake up.
@GrannyG one year we saw thousands of hawks of various kinds migrating through our area, over our house. It was a constant flow way high up, had to get binoculars to be certain it was hawks, it took at least an hour. Occasionally one or two would come down for lunch of small bird or rodent and take a little break.
Poor butterflies!
It's raining here again too. And chilly.
Woke up to 48F this morning. It's 50F now. It's wet out. It's gonna get weter and and stay a lol cold. And to just to make things a lol more interesting. The central heat is out. Should have a new one in by Friday. But I do have 2,maybe 3 electric space heaters. And a gas oven.
Today is sunny and the temps are in the mid 50's but with the wind blowing it feels like its in the mid 40's. The wind is staying at around 15 mph here. Tomorrow is going to be like today and then on friday at some time cold rain will be here and stay all weekend and hopefully be over sometime on sunday
Good thing I got that fleece lined raincoat for half price last month lol
54* right now low tonight will be 49*
wind is 5 mph ese
10 mile visibity
barometric pressure is dropping it's 30.18
no rain tonight
but look out kate for the next 4 days
all the way across the board 60% chance of rain.

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