Got a little more Tuesday... Over the last 10 days I've gotten 1.84 inches and it all soaked in... I'll take it.
We done that before in OctoberBurn ban was lifted today.
Now we can roast hot dogs and marshmallows.
38 deg tonight.
That's good to know.Just in time for the weekend!! Crap!!
You stand a good shot at getting rain from it.That storm in the gulf bears watchin. I'm hopin it turns north and makes it's way to east Tennessee.
Yeah, there's this one too: Did anyone else notice that a bunch of posts vanished? All my posts in this thread disappeared between Aug 29th and Oct 19th. Is this a thread that has a duplicate?
Aw man! Email me some of those 89's!
Been thereDon't really matter , cuz we are a fixing to need an ark.
3"-6" rain predicted.