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Looks like you've got hold of some bad data there, Supe. Pretty sure it doesn't work like that, quite.

The virus particles don't vaporize, the moisture they are embedded in evaporates. That's what turns the particle into an aerosol, so it can float indefinitely. The UV in direct sunlight will destroy it eventually, but not in seconds. It gets to float along for several minutes first.

That's the story I get.
Yeah, 'vaporized' is the wrong word to use for that. That's how they get airborne.
"Toasted" or "burnt to a crisp" would have been better.
And the high air temp destroys them quickly.
This is why flu-season is not in the summer but the winter.
Every surgical instrument is sterilized in an autoclave first, that exposes it to high air temperatures...
like summer down here
A friend who lives back east is telling me that there is severe weather going on right now north of Dallas and into Oklahoma with heavy rain, hail and possibly tornadoes.
Is anyone else seeing this? cuz I can't find much on it at all anywhere on the web.

Communication skills on my part sucky today! Tonight, tonight, it will be a mess in the north central region of Tejas from Abilene to Wichita Falls to Dallas and beyond. Woohoo. I can hardly wait (said in my gloomiest Eeyore voice I can muster).
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Humid and hot today. Tomorrow I am back slathering primer on the house garage and shop.
As soon as I can I will paint the trim and then tape it off with a stripe of trim white to seal the edge and then I get out the airless sprayer.
Then it will all be the color she chose and she will have to love it for years!
Humid and hot today. Tomorrow I am back slathering primer on the house garage and shop.
As soon as I can I will paint the trim and then tape it off with a stripe of trim white to seal the edge and then I get out the airless sprayer.
Then it will all be the color she chose and she will have to love it for years!
:green man::thumbs:
I haven't seen those reports @Patchouli Been too busy today.

Tuesday through yesterday I got 1.57 inches of rain, a blessing. Yesterday it was just drizzling off and on, over cast today until late afternoon.

If I got more rain coming the peas and okra are going to be late. Wet weather kept me from planting them so far.
Hot, humid and sticky here today.
We have an app for that!

Temperature dropped from 95°F to 75°F in one hour today.
The sky cut loose and dropped 2.66" of rain in 2 hours.
Here's a glimpse at our first 'practice' hurricane they are working on for us this year:

Texas took our last good practice storm, "Tropical Storm Harvey" a little too seriously in 2017 :rolleyes: :
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70's and little humidity early in the week. Yesterday mid 80s and 60% humidity. Today 88 and 65%. Tomorrow 89/65%. Chance of thunderstorms next few days.
I hate summer.
It's not summer yet.
That's 22 June 2020 this year.
It's a hotter than heck Spring.
Humidity will make you feel like a puddle.
And if my hair was still natural curly it would look like I stuck my finger in electrical outlet.
93 degrees today. I don't know how people who live in warmer areas do it. If I try to work in the heat, it just zaps all of my energy. I'm boarding a dog for a couple weeks and she wants to go out in the yard and enjoy nature. I do, too, so we have been in and out all day. It is days like this that I really appreciate having an evaporative cooler.
Here's a glimpse at our first 'practice' hurricane they are working on for us this year:
Beautiful day today.
I broke out the generator this morning and replaced the entire fuel system (tank to engine).
Load tested it with a 1500 watt load. 118vac loaded, 122vac no-load. Pass.
The Mrs topped off the TP supply yesterday so we're good for a month.
Went shopping for essentials today (beer, smokes and gasoline).
Plenty of everything in stores and the normal number of shoppers out.
All red plastic gas jugs are full, enough bottled water for weeks, and enough no-cook, no-fridge, food for weeks.
We're not preppers, that's just what all people do down here when we're looking at one of these:

Looks like we're going to have some weather sunday-monday. [yawn]
@Peanut needs to be on high-ground.
Glad you've got everything together and ready to go. Is this suppose to be a big rain maker, or serious hurricane? I've heard it's there, but haven't been tracking it.

Today was 88, humidity around 60% and had some rain this morning.
Glad you've got everything together and ready to go. Is this suppose to be a big rain maker, or serious hurricane? I've heard it's there, but haven't been tracking it.

Today was 88, humidity around 60% and had some rain this morning.
It depends on if it stalls in the gulf and for how long. Too early in the year to get much above a cat-2.
Not so much high winds but big rains, (flooding likely on the right hand side of it). It has spent the last few days drowning Mexicans in the Yucatan peninsula however, (not on the news:rolleyes:).
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