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Come on, it's the middle of June already


And the cottonwood is going to seed

Last 3 days I've recorded .28, .49, and this morning 3.73". We got all that between 6:45 and 9:30 last night. It's been so dry that the area I normally have a puddle after heavy rain had no water standing. Garden looks fantastic tonight. Blueberries really plumped up too.
We had 3" of rain Tuesday and Wednesday.

I hate this heat and humidity.
I can't go outside , except to let the mutt go for a swim and run a bit.

90 today, high humidity.

20 minutes he headed back to his house...

That was funny.

You should be down here! Down South!
I'm luvin' it.
The sane people hate me.
The hotter it is, the less my joints hurt. How hot do I want it?
Mostly 95-97 degrees everyday lately, 85 by 9:AM and still 85 at 9 PM.😁
Like I said, if you're bad and go to hell, I'll be the guy walking around saying: "Ain't it nice!":woo hoo:

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