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Husband is always cold. He'll have me turn up the thermostat to 73 and still use a heated blanket. It gets downright hot in our bedroom, I'll sleep with no blankets.
It is the other way around with me and my husband. The temperature here in the bedroom right now is 68 degrees. I am usually freezing at that temp, but I will be able to sleep in short sleeves with my husband heating up the whole bed.
It is the other way around with me and my husband. The temperature here in the bedroom right now is 68 degrees. I am usually freezing at that temp, but I will be able to sleep in short sleeves with my husband heating up the whole bed.
You just made me miss my bed-warmer. She went to bed before me.... made it nice and cozy. :)

Now house is 66.... warm enough when active around the place. I turn it up to 68 when I go to bed.
Down to 19°F and my waterlines froze. Hopefully it will warm up enough to thaw them out. Really wish my friend had put the pipe insulation on when running the new PEX lines but even that might not have stopped the freezing. Hoping nothing will rupture bc it will suck to repair. At least PEX tends to be more forgiving. Gonna have to see if hardware store has more of the pipe wrap for the 3/4" lines whenever stuff opens back up.
Did I mention how much I love summer?? Oh yes, only 1000 times!!😃🌞
We probably have about five weeks left of hard winter. March can be iffy. Of course we can also get cold and snow in July and August but that is very unusual. I think in the forty+ years I've lived here It only snowed once in August. Got about 6" if I remember correctly. Did not last long.
Overcast but mild. Currently warnings for the whole of the country for Friday because of approaching Storm Eowyn with a guarantee of power loss in places. The Gov have established a orange warning, which means to be careful travelling, falling trees etc, but the forecaster just said it will possibly be the worst storm in living memory so no doubt a red warning will be put in place, meaning only necessarily travel because of wind and flooding, and all schools and small businesses will close.
20°, yuck!
We're at almost the same temp!
Down to 19°F and my waterlines froze. Hopefully it will warm up enough to thaw them out. Really wish my friend had put the pipe insulation on when running the new PEX lines but even that might not have stopped the freezing. Hoping nothing will rupture bc it will suck to repair. At least PEX tends to be more forgiving. Gonna have to see if hardware store has more of the pipe wrap for the 3/4" lines whenever stuff opens back up.
We have family and friends in Houston. One family filled their bathtub with water and then drained the plumbing in the entire house so pipes wouldn't freeze and burst. I thought that was pretty smart.
I feel sorry for the kids, actually heroes, who were stuck in the Battle of the Bulge during WWII. They were constantly wet and freezing cold, had a foot of snow on the ground, slept in foxholes, had no winter clothing, were low on rations and hungry, almost out of ammo, and weren't even allowed to build a fire for warmth. It was the coldest winter on record for Belgium with many subzero days and nights. Not to mention the almost nightly bombardment by the Germans. It lasted from mid-December to almost the end of January. They survived and won!
We got down to 17 freakin' degrees! 🥶
This is not Montana dammit!!!

I keep laughing and laughing and laughing....... I can't help it. :D
Me too.. Having lived my whole life in the north with ..winter.. It seems funny..
However.. Do keep safe..
At 1pm local time, it is 29F.. High thin overcast, calm.. Going to get myself out today and get some errands done..
I know it's not really funny to Southerns and all your precautions but I can't help but laugh. My wife and I are thinking about taking our mid-winter baths because it's so warm today+32. Going to cool off a little to the mid-20's.