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Too hot for me. We usually get maybe 6 days a year above 92 degs.
I wear one of these when the temp dips to 80 degrees and lower...
Not going to get above 0F for a high temp here in montana for most of the week....

They say we don't have colder weather than maine or northern wisconson etc.. It's just that it lasts longer. You mean other people don't have snow in june?

We do have good ice skating on our outdoor community skating rink tho.
Winter is here now. It snowed here non-stop all day yesterday and overnight the temperatures dropped well below freezing. I went outside this morning to clear all the snow off my car and the snow on it was frozen solid to the whole car. All the doors, the hatchback, the hood frozen shut, none of them could be opened for me to get into it to start it up to warm it up a bit.

And to top it off, there is bitterly cold wind coming from the north.


So I said to heck with that nonsense, I don't need to go anywhere and I left the car alone. It will have to fend for itself.

The streets and sidewalks are all covered with deadly black ice and frozen packed snow on top of the black ice, and that in spite of salt trucks prepping the roads and sidewalks for two days ahead of time, and snow plows working overnight non-stop last night and more salt going down. The roads were chaos everywhere today, vehicles slip, sliding around and going off the roads.

All the school kids got a snow day off from school today. Lots of kids bundled up like roly-poly teddy-bears were tobogganing on the hills today and having a blast enjoying a day off from school.


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